Chapter 14

Chapter 14

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle

Chapter 14


            I woke up to a crash! What was that?! It (whatever it was) messed with my aluminum trashcans making a lot of noise. I heard grunts and banging. It got louder. Good lord, is that thing trying to clime my house?! Its head popped up while clutching onto to the rails of the crossover. It… she? …Whatever, IT flipped its fiery red hair, and I finally got a glimpse of it, her.. Oh you know what I mean!

“HI!” She said with her smile beaming and her bright blue eyes shinning.

“WHO ARE YOU?!” My eyes were wild with fear.

“My name’s Rhi!” She jumped onto the deck with her fists on her hips and a bright white smile. She wore a short red strapless shirt with a pair of jeans that were slightly torn. She wore a black jacket with a red cross over where her heart would be. Her sky blues eyes stared me down. “I heard you were new so I decided to check out your place. Nice choice of… Well, stuff by the way, ha-ha!” How the heck did she even get into my house?! 

“Um ok then. Uh, why couldn’t you wait until I woke up? I would have invited to in and we could have really talked!”

“Well I woke up at like seven, and I was planning on visiting as soon as I woke up. Plus I was bored just sitting outside your house. I mean what else was I supposed to do?!” Visiting a therapist would be a good idea. I laughed to my self, still keeping my wild eyes on her. “It took me a half an hour to ever get a good grip on the house. I must have looked pretty stupid fling’n myself onto the side of your house, ha-ha.” Not as stupid as me in a nightgown trying to assert a pillow as a weapon in front of some random girl. “Oh yah, you might wanna clean the trash that I knocked over in that attempt ha-ha!” This chick is nuts! “I saw you walk’n with that boy. He doesn’t talk to me at all, he probably hates my guts but whatever.” That, or he just thinks your annoying. “Hey, wanna hangout later?”


“GREAT now that THAT’S settled I’ll meet you at the statue at twelve!” She leapt over the side. After I heard her land miserably, I heard a faint “owe” followed by a loud “IM OK!”.

What the heck just happened? I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to meet with her at twelve at all, but I thought, why not?

            That afternoon I walked into the Minosis. I saw Rhi; she wasn’t anywhere near the statue. Instead she was messing with some tree. Oh god, what now? When I finally got to where she was she was gone. Just then I heard shaking above me, petals from the tree surrounded me and landed on the stone sidewalk.

“Eh! Dang it!” I looked up. It was Rhi with her ankle stuck in a tree. She dangled there for a while.

“Rhi, what on earth are you doing in that tree?!”

“Oh, well yah know hanging around. Now get me down from here!” I gave a big sigh and reached to help her. Then I hesitated. Where the heck do I start?!

Then I had an idea. The next thing I knew, I was on the rooftop above her, trying to pry her leg loose. “Owe, owe, OWE! HEY! WATCH IT!!”

“I got it!” I shouted, proud of my success. She landed on the ground with a thud and another grunt. “Oh my God…” She didn’t make any noise for a long time. I climbed down from the house. I poked her back. “Are you ok?!” There was a long silence and then-

“LET’S DO THAT AGAIN!” Oh.. My …God… let’s not.

“What the heck were you trying to accomplish anyway?!”

“….I don’t really know.” … Well then. “Ok follow me to my place.” So I did; it was a nice place I guess. It was like all the other homes here; small plane and delicate looking. She knocked on the door. In the depths of the house I could hear deep barking sounds. “SHUT UP!” Rhi shouted as she kicked the door, but the barking continued anyway. A brown haired woman with her hair in a ponytail opened the door. Her green eyes sparkled and she smiled without showing her teeth. She was wearing a tight T-shirt and long shorts that went to her knees.

“Well, who’s this then?” The woman showed her pure white teeth.

“Mom, this is Courtalia; she’s the new girl. Courtalia, Mom, Mom, Courtalia.” Rhi introduced us with major arm gestures.

“Nice to meet you Courtalia.” She said. I put out my hand and she shook it.

“It’s nice to meet you too, you can call me Court if you want.”

“Alright Court, come on in.” I walked in with my eyes wondering around the room. The walls look wooden but not like a cabin. The floors are wooden too. There were thin rugs that were laid out under the dinning table and under the sofa. Both looked a little beat up, but they looked homey. There was a small office set up in the corner. There was a wide window at the front of the house that had a ledge almost like a natural bench. Rhi pushed her way through.

“I’m hungry.”  With that being said I sat on the couch to look over the room in more detail. The living room was only separated by a slight out-dent in the wall. It looked like there was once a wall there. In the dining area there was a china cabinet with stacked plates inside. On the top of the cabinet is a large set of antlers? They were the biggest pair that I’ve ever seen in person.

            I could hear Rhi rummaging through the refrigerator. I just hoped she didn’t break anything. Her voice sounded close, even though she was on the other side of the room.

            “You want anything?” I shook my head. She shut the door and jumped from one couch to mine like a flying squirrel. She made an impressing landing; and by impressive I mean she was lucky the floor was carpeted. She sat on the floor like she was attending an Indian ritual… well almost. She lacked the posture. “Wanna see my room?” Without waiting for an answer she took my arm and charged me up the stairs.

I could tell which room is hers by the yellow sign with black letters that spell out RHIANNA. She flung the door open. It was a cute little room. Like the rest of the house, it had this down to earth look to it. She opened her laptop while I just sat there at the side of her bed I heard clicks, and she messed around with it for a while. Then she closed it. She didn’t slam it but for some reason it echoed loudly, as if we were in a canyon. Then everything started to blur, and all I could hear was my own heartbeat. Then suddenly everything faded to black. Then a white light shined out in front of my eyes. I tried to touch it, but I feel nothing. The light slipped through my fingers like this water. The darkness trembled and everything was bleached in white, only to turn pitch black again. Through the darkness I heard a voice and it said:

            “It’s unguarded today, the house. All that’s left is the boy, but he’ll be easy to take out… yes he must be taken with us I know… of course I will do so right now…. What? Alive? But-…. Oh alright if this is what you want…”

            The flash took over again. Like magic, I was sitting on the bed in Rhi’s room again, like not even a minute had pasted. What just happened?! What-

I took a deep breath. Relax, just forget it, whatever it was…

            “Dude, you ok?” Her words were swift, and my ears stopped ringing. Well that was a wakeup call…

            “I’m fine… I guess.”

            “So whatcha wanna do now?” I shrugged to her. As long as it has nothing to do with broken bones or climbing houses, than I’m good. “I know! We can be spies!” Oh god. “We can start with that little friend of yours.”

            “Why him?!” I asked, embarrassed that he’d catch me spying on him.

            “I don’t know I just got the feel’n. And there aren’t many kids around here, and he gets on my nerves!” With that she dug through her closet for stuff I knew we wouldn’t need.

            “I don’t think that this is a good idea.” I said with a shaky voice.

            “Oh come on, have a little fun! Besides I think he likes you, and today we will find out for sure!” She tossed a pair of binoculars back at me with a smile. It was a combination of evil and just plane insanity. Is this girl some kind of professional stalker?! Oh god I can see it now:

“You on the roof yet?!”

“Almost…I’M ON!” Then he will look out the window. I’ll be staring at him from outside his bedroom window, standing on the roof.

“Abandon ship!”

“Don’t leave me!”


“HEY! GET BACK HERE!” Yep, that’s exactly how its gonna go…

            I don’t know how, but she got me out the house (by dragging me, most likely). The next thing I knew, Rhi was on Undalio’s roof. I stood there on the ground for a while, then her head popped out from over the edge.

            “What are you waiting for? Get up here!” I gave out a long sigh. Fine.

            She helped me up; it was easier than it looked. Rhi took out a small device that looked like a button for a winter coat.

            “What’s that?” If you say it’s a bomb, count me out!

            “It’s a microphone; we’ll be able to hear his conversations.” Conversations? The house looks empty. His parents might be out. Unless he talks to him self, we’ll have to wait a while.

            “Why are we doing this again?”

            “I don’t know what we’re doing, I’m just bored.” Oh, how I wanted to shout at her. She brought me up there just to kill boredom!

            “That’s it?! YOU’RE BORED?!”

            “SHHH! He’ll hear you!”

            I was quiet after that. Besides, I don’t want to get caught up here. He was a smart boy; he would call the police. Then when he’d see me in the back seat of a police car; he wouldn’t trust me. Then I couldn’t tell him…never mind.

Rhi taped a microphone to the front porch. Then she climbed into a window! No! Stop!…too late… why to I even try?! She was in one room. It was pretty much empty except for a bed. Maybe someone moved out of this room. She went back on the roof again. I was “ordered” to search around the front part of the house. The question of “what if someone sees me” wasn’t worth asking. After snooping through some rooms, I leapt into one that was most likely Undalio’s room. I looked around and touched a few trinkets. Rhi showed up at the window and tossed me a microphone. She left me in the room alone. I heard crashes from the first floor. What is she doing down there? I decided to let it go. What was the point of hiding anyway? He’d find us soon enough. I was attaching it to the wall above the door when, out of the blue, the door swung open, leaving me slammed against the wall. RHI, I’M GONNA KILL-oh my god… It was a tall man dressed in jeans and a black jacket. And honestly, this guy looked like he hasn’t shaved nor showered in WEEKS! He rushed around the room like he was looking for something… or someone.

            “Where is he?!” His voice boomed through the house. I kept hidden behind the door, not making a sound. The only sound I could hear, besides the man flipping furniture and rush to find ‘him’, was my own heartbeat.

© 2013 CourtneyCalle

Author's Note

One of my favorite chapters :)

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Added on July 1, 2013
Last Updated on July 1, 2013
Tags: the pure Hearted, Heaven, Hell, Physic, teen, triller



Newtown, PA

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle