Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by A Rose By Any Other Name


               Chapter 1     

          - September 9, 2008


 The airport was crowded with people trying to get to their terminal's. I on the other hand sat on the hard metal benches, with my ear buds in blaring Nine Inch Nails into my ears. Behind me I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to see my dad standing over me with the usual grin on his face. 


" Sorry I scared you honey" he said shaking his head .


" It's OK dad" I said as I shouldered my bag and headed to the terminal.


  An hour later my dad and I got on the plane and into our seats. Fortunately I got the window seat while he got an aisle seat. The constant crying of a child three seats up started to give me a headache. When I felt another tap on my shoulder. 


" Hi" said a high pitched soprano voice from in back of me. I turned around to see a girl about my age with strawberry-blond hair and sparkled blue eyes.


" Um...Hi?" I responded confused as I saw her bouncing up and down on her bottom. 


" My name is Aurora whats yours?"




" Oh! Thats a pretty name. Are you going to London too? I'm going there to stay with my aunt because my mom doesn't like American schooling. So I'm going to this big school...." 


She started to babble on about her parents and aunt. When I was finally able to get a word in I explain the situation about my mom and dads divorce why me and my dad got kicked out of the house.


After another thirty minutes Aurora finally fell asleep. Thank God I thought to myself. Turning around I heard my father snoring peacefully in his sleep. Looking out the window I watched as the plane flew through the starry night. That mixed with the gentle hum of the plane soothed me as as lowly shut my eyes inviting the tranquility of sleep in.


During that nap I had a dream that I was standing in the middle of a blizzard. The snow obscuring my sight, I took a few steps foreword and saw a boy about my age startling green eyes and brown hair that was tied neatly into a ponytail. We stood there staring at each other. Then I sinking feeling entered my stomach. All of a sudden a hole appeared under him and he fell. The last thing I remembered was glancing into the hole and green eye stared back a me.


Opening my eye lids I saw my dad standing up, and grabbing both of our backpacks. Shaking my head I stood up and stretched. As we filled out of the plane Emily gave me a hug which made me feel a little awkward. Saying good bye my dad haled a taxi we got ready to go to my grandmothers house.






© 2009 A Rose By Any Other Name

Author's Note

A Rose By Any Other Name
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I like where this is going... I want to know how Renee and the character from the prologue connect!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 16, 2008
Last Updated on March 14, 2009


A Rose By Any Other Name
A Rose By Any Other Name

York, PA

Hey, its the loveable, huggable Nia here to bring you stories of love, horror, fantasy, and Science Fiction. I live in York, Pa with my mother, father, and baby brother Night. Just to let you know Yor.. more..
