A Lost Life

A Lost Life

A Chapter by A Rose By Any Other Name

Chapter One: A lost Life

The cold winter air left frost on the windows and cars. Past the rows of homes, all of the lights were out except for one house. The faint glow of a night light could be seen outside on the streets. Inside a boy no older than six laid in bed. His covers pulled over his head as he tried to ignore the slam and crash of a body being thrown into a china cabinet. A resounding crash when through the house making the boy as he held in his tears.

Under the covers the boy hugged a patchwork rabbit her named Olivia. His light brown hair was a mess, falling into his baby blue eyes that glistened like the ocean in the summer. The boys name was William Apollion, and for a six year old boy he was very smart. Sadly this was usual for him hearing his father argue and fight with his mother, it was even usual to see him hit his mother. But William had a bad feeling about today that something bad was going to happen. It all started at dinner when his mother had told his father that she was going and taking William with her. William could tell his father was mad, but he didn’t understand why. He thought that they were going on a trip. His father told him told go to bed through gritted teeth as he glared at mother. William gulped and went over to kiss his mother good night and went up the stairs.

Under the covers William stared at the stuffed rabbit wondering if he should see what was happening down stairs. After awhile William finally decided and stood up walking out of his bedroom and to the stairwell. As he took the first step down, an ear shattering scream echoed through the house from down stairs. Making William jump and whimper as he held in his tears. William continued down the stairs, to the destroyed dining room. Everything was destroyed, the china cabinet lying on the floor, shard’s of ceramic and glass scattered everywhere, and the table was almost broken and left over food splattered on the walls and floor. Williams’s eyes widened as he continued to the front hall and as his mother laying on the floor a knife sticking out of her back.

“Mommy!” he cried, running over to his mother, tears flowing freely.

She didn’t move, and William couldn’t hear her breathing.

“Mommy?” he said quietly almost in a whisper.

“William” the deep voice of his father came from behind. William looked up as his father took his arm roughly and pulled him up to his feet. “William get you crap” he said pulling him to the stairs.

Everything started to get fuzzy for William. His father started to yell because he stopped moving, but the yelling began to get quieter, and quieter. And everything got darker until the world was black. A small smile lit William’s face as he felt comfort in the dark.  


© 2009 A Rose By Any Other Name

Author's Note

A Rose By Any Other Name
Sorry I will admit this chapter was poorly written but at the time I had a little writer block

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well the plot is great but it could have some work done it ended pretty quick to be considered a chapter. But overall it's really good. :D keep up the good work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 12, 2009


A Rose By Any Other Name
A Rose By Any Other Name

York, PA

Hey, its the loveable, huggable Nia here to bring you stories of love, horror, fantasy, and Science Fiction. I live in York, Pa with my mother, father, and baby brother Night. Just to let you know Yor.. more..
