Cartoon Crush

Cartoon Crush

A Poem by Cyprian Van Dyke

She feels a rush.
The wind moves like a pen
Creating; animation.
Dipping into rainbows
Like a paintbrush in a rodeo;
Drawing his cartoon crush,
& animating his pearlescent love.
Only dreams & technology can glimpse
This love that is wow;
Their love that is now.

Her hair
Is like a rainy night,
Dripping wet
And shining bright.
Her skin is oiled.
Her puppy eyes
And kitten face,
Woman hands
And feet are beautiful;

His head is tilted;
Mind spinning.
Hands like Atlas
Lay on his head,
As he looks at her
Like Columbus,
angelic animation;
His cartoon crush;
His pearlescent love.

As the sky un-crumbles
Like a wrinkled paper,
Their hands unfold
& touch at the tips of
Their fingers.
He feels her smooth
Pearlescent nails.
She sees his vapored breath
Surrounding them like
A starry cloud.
Feb 5, 6, 2018

© 2020 Cyprian Van Dyke

Author's Note

Cyprian Van Dyke

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A cartoon crush indeed! Sad part is, I had one when I was a child. Daphne Blake of the Scooby-Doo gang. Ah, well, such is childhood. Thank you for the memories, my friend.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Wow.. you win a trip to a Romantic Island
where Jamaican Jazz is likely played. My favorite line...
Her puppy eyes and kitten face. The ending lines
leave me weak and wonderful. tenderly, Pat

Posted 3 Years Ago

This is absolutely and completely graphic as graphic can be, full of glorious phrases and yet not overly
floral. There's an almost breathless feel to the wording, as if each phrase will somehow and suddenly explore reality. You use the word 'pearlescent' more than once, so I've been trying to find it.. seems to be a certain subtle glow.. not in your face' yet a prolonged light radiating all about the realist's private dreams or thoughts ot.. want.

' His head is tilted; Mind spinning. +
Hands like Atlas Lay on his head, As he looks at her +
Like Columbus, This angelic animation; +
His cartoon crush; His pearlescent love.'

Posted 3 Years Ago

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Yes cartoon crush can be so exciting and titilating sometimes. I myself enjoyed certain cartoon characters and followed them thoroughly.... Like the Columbus line.... Obviously creating is like discovering.... Nice read

Posted 3 Years Ago

A love story in animation. How well you brought romantic imagery to this reader. You know I love some of the characters in cartoons so much. I find them more endearing than actors and actresses. You are obviously a big fan yourself. I enjoyed this read very much. Well done Cyprian.


Posted 3 Years Ago

a love story told in
delicious descriptives
romance unfolds
"As the sky un-crumbles
Like a wrinkled paper,"

a lovely poem with
vivid imagination
so well expressed
in every line..

well done!

Posted 3 Years Ago

OH MY!!! The imagery in this over the top romantic write is just stunning! I can picture the two of them....both head over heels in love. The similes, the metaphors, everything about this is fantastic, Cyprian. Fantastic! Lydi**

Posted 3 Years Ago

Having read a few of your poems now, i get the feeling you are a big fan of animation; it's a theme that has carried across a few of your writes and this one sits firmly in that category. You painted an animated delight here, a love that exists in pixels and paints and its cartoonish childishness just shines on the page. A very creative write, Cyprian. 💛

Posted 3 Years Ago

I am in awe of your ability to paint beautiful pictures with words.
This did it for me.
“ As the sky crumbles,
Like a wrinkled paper.
Their hands unfold & touch at the tips of their fingers”
I’m curious do you sketch?

Posted 3 Years Ago

it reminded me of my crush in grade school, Judy ....she never knew...but my imagination
went places with if we were in a cartoon strip...and I could say anything I wanted to her...and she would respond with a smile and affectionate words back.
then I woke up from my daydream, and felt flushed, like Charlie Brown after spelling "maze"
as "Mays" in his spelling bee. The technology worked better in my dream, the colors more vivid.

Posted 3 Years Ago

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 22, 2020
Last Updated on October 22, 2020
Tags: love, colors, creation


Cyprian Van Dyke
Cyprian Van Dyke


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