Death... is it really?

Death... is it really?

A Story by djeehc09

A short journal entry that I finally wrote out after so long. It is my feeble attempt to transcribe my general concept of death into writing. I feel I'm bound to come back to this and make it longer and whatnot.


Well, where to start... So you imagine when you die you go to heaven, you see your family, and the clouds part in the sky to welcome you; warm hugs and smiles. You build all this hope up living life knowing you're a good person, and always believing there's a better place for you when it's all said and done; hoping the constant trudging through your life would not have been for nothing. Then it hits you -- sometimes quite literally -- Death cordially takes your arm and leads you away before you can even say goodbye. The color fades away, not even the glow of your smoldering carcass or the pain of remaining conscious is of concern to you anymore. The inconvenience of life is over with now; you get a VIP pass to "Heaven" of your choice -- any second now the light should be shining in; the clouds should be parting and your family should be leaping at ya with kisses and smiles....

But wait... Where's the candied heaven you'd hope for all your life? All is darkness; there's not even a Hell or the Devil to look forward to. What sort of jip is this?? Well what do you expect, not like anyone's interpretation of life after death would be all that accurate, since quite frankly, no one lives after death and tells about it. The feeling is reminiscent to not receiving correct changes from that scrawny teen working the counter of some burger joint. Your whole life just went away with a wisp of smoke from some faulty wiring in your car. You never took that trip around the world like ya said; you never got to buy that puppy that lil Jessie was "dying" to have; your future wife hadn't even a chance to have been proposed to.

There's no life to suddenly live in the afterlife. Of course beforehand wasn't much more to boast about. Where were you? How'd you even get to die from an explosion in your own car? The last thing you remember doing was talking on the phone with your boss about working on Saturday without pay. You knew you should have at least attempted to throw a fit over the phone, but what use is there for that now. There are thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of words that went unsaid in your day...

So where does that leave you now? You have no conscious being to be aware of anymore. The dark isn't even dark; the light isn't even light; regret isn't even regret, and it all falls into this irrelevant Nothing. Would ya look at that, can you even imagine? Nothing. Just Nothing. 

© 2008 djeehc09

Author's Note

Rip apart as you see fit. I'm not looking for constructive criticism, but if you must, I'd appreciate it just as much -- plus not like you can see my crying behind a computer screen (;_;) -- ... ^.^

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Holy crap man!! Dang you know how to write! Love how you just question everything anybody imagines. Hell, even what i imagine >< This is the same cat lover I know right?? o.O? lol Love the feeling you put in this that we've been screwed over. >< Lol

Posted 16 Years Ago

o= holy NECK! my goodness, i feel as if i've met a new you *says first name but will not for the other reviewers some other time...XD* that was quite good, really. i like the way you write, especially the ending on how u described the way you were repeating how the end finally feels.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 22, 2008
Last Updated on April 10, 2008



Houston, TX

I only joined so that I may read my friend's crap/writing. After a bit more thought, I do have some writing that I may just post up for the hell of it. I don't have a particular genre that I write i.. more..

Closeness Closeness

A Story by djeehc09