Just an Inch

Just an Inch

A Poem by djeehc09

Poem that I made for my Lit. project.


Just an inch from within ourselves,

And to a place found on a dusty shelf,

Or in the soft blue of a clear sky,

Or in the trance of a songbird's cry.

It is the place where we find

All things good, natural, and kind.

Just an inch, how small and fragile,

But can make as much a difference as a frown or a smile.

In the end, it is all we have left of our human life.

It is the space that comes from our struggle and strife,

A bridge so small and unperceivable,

Leading to a space unseen and unknown and unimaginable.

Just an inch survives of one,

After all is said and done.

And like a good maid Time sweeps us away in a cinch;

All of us, like dust on the floor, except for just that inch.

© 2009 djeehc09

Author's Note

If you've ever watched V for Vendetta, then you'll probably recognize the reference to Valerie's little letter, "an inch, it is small and it is fragile," and it is all we have. Eh, whatever; it's short, it's cheesy and makes me want to slap myself the more I read it.

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Added on January 3, 2009
Last Updated on January 3, 2009



Houston, TX

I only joined so that I may read my friend's crap/writing. After a bit more thought, I do have some writing that I may just post up for the hell of it. I don't have a particular genre that I write i.. more..

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A Story by djeehc09