The Nature of the Dream Foreseen

The Nature of the Dream Foreseen

A Story by djeehc09

The winding road of life and the burning hope to walk it to the end.


You take a long walk on this dusty road; traveling for what seems to be forever, until you find an end.  The gravel crunches beneath your feet.  Behind you the road seems to dematerialize with each new step you take.  With you now, you've only blurry memories of the time spent traveling on the road.  At times you ran, seized with a primal desire to grow up and get away; At times you slowed to a sluggish trot, wishing to never go any further, wishing for the moment to stay alive.

You raise your eyes from the ground; the sky strikes you with a vivid gray.  The dullness ahead of you makes you cringe, what use is there to continue?  You wish to simply plop down onto the dirt and never move from that spot.  Of course, you've already tried and found that the road moved anyway, inching you along and as always taking away the track you'd just tread.  Staring at the sky strains your eyes: pools of victreous liquid hungrily searching for any sort of stimulation.  Everything is so bright and clearly lit, yet your eyes can't see any farther than your face; the only thing for sure is the road:  it goes on and on and undoubtedly you can't know where it will lead you next.

A hard right and a harsh drop later you're on your a*s.  Where else?  It was a harsh drop....

 A hand reaches out to you.  Hey, you've seen those before, and you take the hand and help youself up.  Suddenly the sky darkens, but in the good sense, as if the allow something else to shine even brighter.  A pure and radiant aura emanates from this seemingly other-worldly being.  The colors burst in your eyes shooting up, out, and around in frenzy; your senses all tingling with gentle sensation.  As soon as your hand lets go the colors fade away and the sky brightens into its familiar dullness once again.  Disappointment overcomes your person as you frantically search the vista for any color once again.  A faint glimmer is all you see, but somehow it inspires you to continue on, for with every new step you take the light seems to twinkle brighter and brighter.

A gleaming dream within arms reach it seems, beckoning you further and further along the road.  A vicious hope it is for you, waiting is everything you could ever want; if only you could catch that dream, the most beautiful gleam in the distant mist.  Quite possibly, it is the other-worldly being waiting for you, to catch you, to help you up and to guide you when the trotting pace of life becomes too much, or when the misty greyness becomes too harsh.  A glimmer here, and a twinkle there, and your dreams are set in a focused stare...

...Into the distance, way out there.

© 2008 djeehc09

Author's Note

It sorta just fell out of my head. Yes, I know it's cheesy or whatever other word you have for this (crap?). I'm writing in 2nd person again, maybe I'll make an actual story soon.

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EEEE!!! what happened to the insane gamer D that i know during the day?! XD i'm just kidding, honestly.
but wow! i really liked the way you phrased that, how when that "other-worldly" being helped stand you up you could see all the colors again.
there was a typo where u forgot a "y" in "they" somewhere in there but otherwise it was awesome. we all need an "other-worldly being" to help us up and brighten up the world every once in a while i'm sure.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 10, 2008
Last Updated on July 29, 2008



Houston, TX

I only joined so that I may read my friend's crap/writing. After a bit more thought, I do have some writing that I may just post up for the hell of it. I don't have a particular genre that I write i.. more..

Closeness Closeness

A Story by djeehc09