

A Poem by Daniel Gardner

Title says it all...


No one knows the rage within
No one wants to believe it
The shade of red does it no justice
I cannot stand anymore
This rage blisters like a sore
It festers
It oozes
Decaying the flesh around it
They watch as I grab my chest
Feeling the evil blade plunged deep within
My mind is a blaze
The smoke blocking all logic
Its consuming me
Slow my eyes change to black
Cotton drys my mouth
Blood courses out my nose
Finally my rage is set free
Terrified and in pain
I will make everyone suffer
A care I do not have in the world
Only one can guess how it came about
But its to late
A Plague I will unleash
Of fear and no peace.

© 2010 Daniel Gardner

Author's Note

Daniel Gardner
Nothing really to say here...poem says it all. Anyway Review, Rate, Comment.

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I can almost feel the rage from this poem. FYI it made me feel angry as I read the words.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow. You describe it perfectly... fantastic job.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Strikes a chord. Very interesting expression of that 'burn the world' force that sadly when once set free can not be controlled, calmed, or tamed. Appreciate the sharing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

very very good write amazing display of emotion
don't go on a killing spree lol just kidding :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Anger is expressed very well in this poem, the type of anger that builds up and then is released destructively. Very good.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is a dark peice, and is wonderful. I understand where you are getting at in this poem. It's really good overall.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very nice job with this one, definitely has an introspective vibe to it with a little hint of regret. Also, I'm loving the free verse you've got going on here as opposed to the rhyming scheme you had going on in most of your other stuff. Awesome job man!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Rage can be a good thing. We can make it our motivation to do great things. I like this poem. The strong lines made your desire point and ending was outstanding. A outstanding poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very candid introspection….self examination….
An attempt to come to terms with one’s on negative feelings….
That came out as a nice poem to read….and it is really nice…

Posted 14 Years Ago

I loves it!(: But only because I get the feeling you were really pissed or something. anywhos i loved it and that's all that matters...that and everyone else's thoughts :/

Posted 14 Years Ago

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23 Reviews
Added on April 27, 2010
Last Updated on May 2, 2010


Daniel Gardner
Daniel Gardner

Monroe, GA

I'm an inspiring writer that has a million and ten thoughts running through his head all day. I joined this site because my wife inspired me to. I was not prepared for the thoughts to jump out so much.. more..


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