Soldiers of Death

Soldiers of Death

A Poem by Dark Beauty

Through the twilight hours
soldiers of death march
along the rivers of blood and decay
stars do not shine down
and only thorny bushes remain

Mighty wings glisten with pleasurable pain
images howling in the barren winds
whispers of nightly creatures
heard in the ringing of bells

Soldiers of death march on
routine list checked
hands of these shadow demons
grip tight
laying all life to rest

© 2011 Dark Beauty

Author's Note

Dark Beauty
Any feedback will be very helpful.

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I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! You created amazing imagery and the flow was perfect. I can't find anything that I would fix about it. I love the concept and the mood and morbidness is grabbing. Over all...this was sick!

Posted 12 Years Ago

A dark poem. I like the use of the Soldier of death. Allowing the reader to see a vision that is real and possible. I like the description and story in the poem. Thank you for the excellent poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Dark eerie piece you have penned why do shadows get such a bad reputation lol. Sounds like someone hurt you bad and left you facing the nights alone doubting yourself. Sometimes the shadows are a place to hide oneself while they heal or while they plan their revenge lol. Keep em' coming

Posted 12 Years Ago

It gives a strong vision of what is going on. I love it XD

Posted 12 Years Ago

damn, love the visuals in this...very descriptive...i need my jack boots now

Posted 12 Years Ago

Reminds me of the battle between Hell and Heaven as described by the non-canonical, yet Biblical books. Apocryphal in other words.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I am linking you poetic output as of late, sorry I have not been able to comment on them all, but I read while at work and sometimes I get called away in a moments notice, but I did want to drop a line and let you know I am liking this!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Very nicely written, I enjoyed the read.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Another amazing feast to read. It is food for thought in my opinion.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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. powerful writing ...
. very definitive ...
. "soldiers of death" are indeed "shadow demons" ...

Posted 12 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Added on September 21, 2011
Last Updated on September 21, 2011


Dark Beauty
Dark Beauty

Tucson, AZ

Love to write Poetry, and SpokenWord looking for reviews with good or bad feedback as I will give reviews as well and any ideas are welcome!!!!! "Keep Writing, my pen is my Thy soul shall fi.. more..


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