

A Poem by DaughterofHonor

If you ever need a reminder that someone knows your pain.

Lonely and misunderstood
Is how she feels
Fake smiles and lies
Are her cover up

Being truthful is difficult
It would reveal her secrets
But lying is exhasuting
Her is mask is wearing thin

She had wings to fly
By criticism and judgment broke them
Suffering vicious betrayals
As they drive failure into her hand
She's losing hope
Give her one reason not to

Praying to God is no longer an option
He feels a million miles away
She surrenders to indifference
Apathy is her death wish

Sleepingwalking through life ensures no disappointments
Or victories
No emotions
Just a numbing sensation

She cries
As her heart's desires bleed onto the paper through the motion of her pen
There has to be more to life
Something has to be worth living for

Because every breath is a dying wish
Dudgeons of nightmares are her Promise Lands
She is so beyond crying
Hoping that someone will look past her eyes
And see a girl drowning in unshed tears
All ambitions lay to rest in a wasteland governed by comatose

'No more', she screams
'God save me from myself'
The tears that were contained for so long
Now flow freely
All her troubles cascade like a waterfall
Into a plea for help

After her tears stop and prayers cease
In silence
God whispers:

'Child, I never left your side
When you hurt, I felt your pain
When you laughed, I shared in your joy
When you turned your back, I cried
When you came back, all of Heaven rejoiced
I love you, _______________'

© 2013 DaughterofHonor

Author's Note

Feedback please.

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This is really good and I like the point. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you! :)
I really enjoy the first couple of stanzas, especially how lying is exhausting, and her mask is wearing thin... I feel like I understand how these things can take their toll despite I do not personally relate. I am also not religious but I value the fact this can be a message to anyone. Its a good way to wrap up the poem. I would love it if you reviewed some of my writing if you have a chance too :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you very much for your comment and respect.

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2 Reviews
Added on September 17, 2013
Last Updated on September 17, 2013