Stranger in Bed

Stranger in Bed

A Poem by Destinyxi

Title may sound like the poem is erotic, it's not haha.


Stranger in Bed


You could have had me

You’re so busy

Or you say you are

And that’s the reason

You’ll never try to pursue me


You’re going to lose me

And all you will be left with

Are your little activities

And you’ll never find someone

You’ll truly want to be with

Someone who you can come to

Someone you can lean on


So rely on work and school and friends

But at night, when you come home

You’ll come home to a cold house

And a girl you’ll never love

A girl who will never treat you right

Waiting for you in bed


Enjoy this life

And start regretting the mistakes

You’re making today

Because you can’t change the path

We’re clearly taking

The path that’s leading into tomorrow

And you can’t say one word

To make it better

I don’t buy sweet talk anymore

I don’t buy broken promises

And I don’t buy your lies


You can try to make me see what you want me to

But I just see the truth

And I’m done trying to make reality so bright

And I’m done trying to make our future so right

It is tearing our friendship apart

And we’re losing grasp of one another


But I’m so done with waiting

For you to open your eyes

And realise that your future happiness

Is smack in front of your face

And not in your work place, in your school work, or in your friends arms

You have to work for me, work at us, and then you’ll be embraced


Until then

Enjoy your empty bed

And enjoy your hand being your girlfriend

Because when the future comes

I’ll be gone

And you’ll have a stranger in your bed

A stranger you will never feel for

The way you did me

© 2012 Destinyxi

Author's Note

So I noticed I haven't written anything in maybe a week, or less. Not sure. But a friend made it seem like I haven't posted something new in forever. So here is a new poem. I'm sure many can relate to it.


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Wow, you're right! I can relate and I'm sure a lot other people can, too! I have a guy friend that I'm in love with and he says that he still likes me but he couldn't ever date me again. The reason is because he hurt me by chosing another girl over me when we were "talking". He acts like he's too busy for me, but one day he'll realize that I'm the one that he'd be the most happiest with! Everyone I've talked to said he should've chosen me over that girl. Since I'm more nice, prettier, and she's too clingy. I'm the type of girl to let her boyfriend do what he wants, but also care and love for him! I'm not clingy or too laid back while in relationship! Great job, Destinyxi! :)

Ashley Rivers--Dream BIG and you'll win BIG ;)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I'm the same when I'm in a relationship. My confidence makes me very laid back and he's free to do w.. read more

11 Years Ago

Hahah, well that's good that we're on the same page then! :)
And hmmmm, there's not many choic.. read more
I enjoyed the poem. I like the ending. Good advice given. When you waste the good things in a life. Alone is no fun. Thank you for sharing the excellent poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you for reviewing as usual Coyote!
Hi Destinyxi,
A nice angry letter of a poem expressing well the disappointment at unrequited love. But does he hear you and should you be shouting at a deaf man when he is looking the other way?

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

That's a good point, thanks for reviewing
Such a great write, I liked the idea. Reminds me of how my girlfriend must look at our relationship, me with all my activities/interests... And whatnot. Anyways thank you for sharing!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks for reviewing :)
You describe well the feelings of neglect and frustration in a barren relationship.... The phrase 'enjoy your hand being your girlfriend' was striking and telling...

Your writing flows well...

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

One of my favorite lines in the poem :P

Thank you for reviewing!
haha enjoy your hand being your girlfriend! cold as ice

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Ahaha I love that line ;)
I liked how you played this so subtly. Laying the subject's future path of loneliness out as such a grave mistake. Well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you!
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Who could ever be too busy for you, lovely lady!?

Particularly strong in third and last stanzas!
Nice work. I can relate to this. haha, I can't remember, did you read my poem, "Dear Sir"? Similar theme in a way... though I don't possess your bold nerve to declare empty beds and a lacking future and my sir hasn't said he is too busy to pursue me... but I feel a kindredness to your sentiments anyway.

Great job!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Haha, only fools :P

I don't remember if I did or not. I'll check it out later to see. .. read more
Baby Girl was like 3 days ago lmao

So, you never told me what happened yesterday... is this about him?

Anyways, regardless, this was depressing. Doesn't sound like either person is happy at all. :( But still written well. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

John Stussy

11 Years Ago

I know how to turn y'all against each other. >:) Soooooo, who's the dominant one huh?

11 Years Ago

Kels can dominate me all she wants. I will lie down like a b***h and beg for her attention.
John Stussy

11 Years Ago

Well, there goes my distraction ruse. >.>

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27 Reviews
Added on December 2, 2012
Last Updated on December 2, 2012




I'm back after a 10 year hiatus. I write poetry and erotic short stories. Feel free to check out my work 😊 more..

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