

A Chapter by Dixonnn

This is the First Chapter from my version of Midnight Sun






I couldn’t believe my eyes. I looked down, just to check. They were telling the truth. I looked up at my families’ faces, Carlisle Hopeful, Esme maternal, Jasper smirking, Alice smiling, Rosalie raising her eyebrows, Emmett grinning, as usual. Then at the end of the line were my parents, Edward and Bella smiling encouragingly. I hated making everyone unhappy, but I didn’t want to put myself in temptations line again. I shuddered delicately, because the last time I ate this human meal, I couldn’t even look at animal blood the same way, so I didn't drench my thirst for at least two weeks, and if I didn't have human eyes, but vampire ones, they would be a darker shade then black. I was really irritable and would sit in my room and when anyone tried to come near me, I would hiss or growl at them. The day that haunted me the most was when Rosalie and Alice were in my room discussing what I should wear, and then a scent so delicious crept up the stairs and towards me. Nobody else thought anything of it until a growl ripped its way through my chest as I crouched. I remembered the scent, but that didn’t stop me, I thought of the face that went with the scent, but that didn't stop me either. Then I heard his voice, my grandfather, Charlie, asking where I was, whilst Bella answered him by telling him I was out with some friends for the day. The next thing I remembered after that was having Alice and Rosalie throw them on me, whilst they called for backup. Emmett and Jasper came through the room at blinding speed and took me in their arms and upstairs just as quickly.

I checked the faces around me again; everyone was watching Edward as his face was full of pity as he read my thoughts.

Esme was the first one to speak; she came over to me with her face full of love and regret for making me do something I didn't want to do

“Honey, it’s alright. We thought it was a reaction to food last time,” I winced, and the worry creases in her face deepened “But we didn't know you disliked it so much.” I checked her eyes; they were full of nothing but the truth as they smiled back at me. I sighed in relief; at least all humans would be safe in my present for the next couple of weeks.

“Nessie? It’s Jake!”

My face spread out into an answering smile to Jacobs call.

“Jake?” I whispered.

As I said his name, Jacob walked into the room, came over to me and swept me of my feet into a bear tight hug.

“Miss me?” he murmured in my ear.

“Like always.” I replied

Jake put me back on my feet and let his eyes wonder round the room and then glided across the room towards Bella and grinned, and she grinned back as he pecked her swiftly on the cheek. I held back a laugh when he just nodded at Edward with a wry smile on his face. Jake grinned at the rest of my family, and they grinned back except for one face.  From the corner of my eye, I saw Rosalie’s eyes narrow as soon as Jacob walked through the door. She hated my relationship with Jacob more than anyone.

Rosalie was now glaring at Jake, whilst he raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to say something. He turned his head slightly so he could make clear to everyone, that he was speaking just to them.

“Morning Guys!” Jake greeted everyone with a smile, his smile faded when he looked down on Rosalie.

“Morning Blondie...” Jake said sarcastically.

“Morning Dog,” Rosalie replied with as much venom in her voice as she could manage.

I snorted delicately, and every face in the room turned to look me, with fond smiles.

“Seth, Leah, Quil and Embry will be here soon, just to let you know” Jake said claiming everybody’s attention again.

“Really?” I asked Jake, I could feel the smile on my face getting bigger. I loved it when Seth came over; he was my best friend in more ways than one. He was always there for me, but wasn't overly protective like some people. My thoughts immediately jumped to Jacob, Edward and of course my safety-crazed mother, Bella. I rolled my eyes, of course only Edward knew what I was thinking. I looked over to him and he was grinning at me. So I was quick to return the grin.

“Yeah, oh by the way, Seth told me to tell you that he is going to beat you today. I didn't know what he was talking about, but he said you would?” Jake said the last part in a wondering tone, obviously he was wondering what we were getting up to.

I could relate to Seth very well, because he was young just like me. Jacob was kind of young, but he didn't look it. He towered over me, like a building. I hated being small.

“Yeah, Seth and I had a bet last week that I could beat him in trying-“I cut off mid-sentence because I realized that the bet was in the room. Seth and I had a bet that I could make a better trap for Emmett than he could. I was being really cocky about it, saying how I knew more about Emmett than he did and ever since I said that, Seth had been hanging round with Emmett more than ever, like watching football with him, wrestling with him and just talking about random things.

“Mmm...A bet...about what?” Jacob wondered, getting all protective, because he knew most things me and Seth got up to where not what good normal teenagers did. Then again, since when was Seth and I normal?

It was Alice and Edward who broke the silence with a burst of laughter. Obviously Edward would be reading my thoughts and found out about trick I was going to play on Emmett, and then Alice was searching the future, for when Edward would tell  her about my plans, because she couldn't see my future. I was a blind spot for her. I bit my lip, wondering if they would tell, but then I remembered Alice and Edward wouldn't ruin my fun like that.

From the corner of my eye I saw Jacobs eyes narrow meaning he was about to have a fit, so I quickly flitted to his side and placed my hand in his and filled him in about mine and Seth’s Plans with my gift.

My Gift was very useful sometimes when you have to tell a secret or to tell someone if you want something. But at first I had to learn to control it, because I accidentally ‘showed’ Charlie that I wanted a drink instead of saying it out loud, Charlie was a bit freaked out at first, but he decided that he had a headache and must have been thinking too hard.

Jacob and I were the only ones who jumped when there was a loud bang at the door.

Seth walked through the door with just a pair of sweats on and no shoes or shirt. Leah stalked across the room in a tracksuit with some leaves in her hair. Quil and Embry followed afterwards both grinning. They were both wearing tracksuit bottoms along with trainers, which was unusual.

I Ran over to Seth, and jumped up into his arms, even though he was just fifteen, he could pass for twenty.

According to Carlisle, I was developing well, and I had a body of a fourteen year old at the moment. Jacob was the one to break my train of thought.

“I just came by to ask if I could take Nessie out, because there is a fair on down by La Push?” Jacob directed the question towards Bella. Edward looked down at Bella, the same time she looked up.

“Well, er I guess that’s ok.”

“Thanks Bell- mom!” I replied

“But Nessie...I want you to hunt first, Jacob can take you on the way.” Bella said in a stern voice.

“Sure, Sure” I replied as I walked out the door, my hand twined in Jacob’s.






“Jacob, I’m going to be sick!” I complained

“Honey, honey, just put your head between your knees. That’s the last time you’re eating candy floss on a wavy ride.” He chuckled.

“That’s the last time I go on a ride!” I spoke whilst I glared at him.

“Aww Nessie, I don’t want to go home.” He was the one complaining now.

“Don’t worry, Carlisle, Esme and Jasper has gone to see a couple of old friends and my parents are going shopping with Alice.” I explained.

“Fantastic!” he grumbled “The whole day with the blonde psychopath.”

I raised my eyebrow at him and he sighed in defeat.

“Fine then, I will go play with Emmett or something.”

I grinned at him, “Thanks,” I replied, happy that I had won this argument “You know she does actually like you...” I said.

Slowly Jacob turned his head towards me and raised his left eyebrow, curiously. I looked down so he couldn’t see the bluff in my eyes.

Jacob and Rosalie never had a good relationship. Not a day would go by when they didn’t argue. I frowned to myself. Jacob wouldn’t know what I was frowning at; it was just a small change in my lips, but as usual Jacobs’s thoughts where in tune with mine.

“Ok, ok-“I looked up curiously to find him...upset or maybe angry? “I will make and effort with her...just don’t be upset, you know I would do anything for you.” The way he said the words, they over-filled with nothing but the truth.

It was only then that I realized his face was closer than usual, his hot breath blew on my face, caressing my cheek. Without thinking I leaned in closer unable to move my hands because they were twined with his. I could start to feel him shake, as he realized what I was about to do, but before he could protest I pressed my lips against his and for the tiniest second I felt him responding with his own pressure. But then the pressure was gone and I was a metre away from him.

I thought Jacob loved me, I knew he did, in more ways than one. The bond between us was something else. Something strong, Unbreakable. But obviously I was wrong.

“I-I- I’m sorry,” Jacob apologized.

I didn’t look up because I could feel the moisture filling up in my eyes. I didn’t want Jacob to see me cry. I didn’t want him to know that his actions had hurt my feeling. I didn’t want him to think of some way to make it up to me.

Did I?

No, no. I didn’t.

“I want to go home. Now.” I said, trying to be stern. Although it didn’t help that my voice cracked. Twice.

For once Jacob didn’t argue “Ok,” was all he said.

Jacob didn’t speak at all on the way home. Occasionally he would shake his head, or would mutter words; words that I didn’t even know existed.






As I walked through the door, I felt the urge to run up to my room, slam the door and cry into my pillow. But I fought it and won.

The reason I fought the urge was because there was something wrong about the house. It was too quiet. It was too tense.

Also Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Bella, Edward and Rosalie where hovering over someone. Someone I realized to be Alice.

I came over to investigate, and realized that Alice was in pain. She was rubbing her fingers against her temples; whilst she made an effort to loosen the tense muscles in her face too calm everyone. Especially Jasper.

Jasper’s eyes where screwed up into slits, whilst his teeth were bared as he made a slight growling noise.

“What’s wrong?” I asked concerned. Every face except Alice’s and Jasper’s turned to look at me. I could see from everyone’ s face, Carlisle was the only one who was going to answer me. Carlisle opened his mouth to speak, when suddenly a high pitched scream escaped Alice’s lips. The scream was so loud I had to cover my ears; my mother put her arm over my shoulder to comfort me.

Jasper’s body shifted protectively over Alice’s, as she let another scream escape her lips. My mother’s face screwed up, she must hate to listen to Alice’s pain. She took my hand, and as she walked past Jacob, who was standing awkwardly by the door, she took his hand as well. We arrived upstairs in record time.

“I couldn’t bear anymore.” Bella groaned, but it was a cut off, tortured sound. I could still hear the faint screams below, not as loud and not as painful.

“What happened?” I asked

“Alice keeps on getting, weird visions.” She explained.

“Weird?” I asked. What did she mean by weird?

“It’s been happening since this morning. She was just checking the new fashion line for next season-“she chuckled darkly. I would have laughed with her if I wasn’t so intrigued and angry by what could be hurting my family. Then my mother’s face changed, anger dripped from it...

“Then, everything just disappeared and then she got visions of the past and the future at the same time.” Something in her voice caught my attention.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“We don’t know completely. Edward caught just a glimpse of a vision, but it hurt his head to. The vision, your father saw, he said it was so real. Like he was standing there with them...” she cut off, but then carried on “The Volturi.” She checked my expression; just to make sure it wouldn’t set me off, because the only memories I had of this royal family, were memories of fear.

“But there was something different...we were all there along with others...the werewolves were there too,” as she said this, she glanced at Jacob and he narrowed his eyes at the thought of being anywhere near them.

“Mom, what do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“There was a different clan in the vision. A clan no one recognizes. We think that it may just be a mistake. But Alice and Edward are convinced that these girls exist...and that they are-” she hesitated, as she tried to find the right word “-Dangerous.” She finally said.

“Girls?” Jacob asked, very calm, but I could see his hands balled up into fists.

“Edward said there were three and that they looked about fifteen.” Bella explained cautiously. She knew Jacobs temper well. Too well.

“There is a blonde, and two brunettes. They look no more children and I don’t think that they are dangerous, but Edward is convinced that they are a threat.” She explained.

I searched my mind to think of any vampires that I knew that were aged around fifteen and were in a coven together. I came up blank.

“I don’t think I know anyone that looks like that...” I said.

“Don’t worry, none of us do,” she sighed.






“Please! Please! I’m fine seriously! Carlisle, tell him I’m fine!” Alice begged. She wanted to go shopping with me, but Jasper was still in the ‘Protective mode’ and kept on complaining that Alice should rest, although she had been resting all-day yesterday and this morning.

“Jasper, it’s ok. I’ll make sure she doesn’t get too excited.” I comforted him as I put my arm round him and kissed him on the cheek. He looked back at me, with a slight frantic look in his eyes. I looked back and let him know I’d call him of anything happened, by touching his shoulder with my hand. He hesitated but nodded.

“Yay!” Alice squealed as she kissed him on the lips passionately. Then she grabbed my hand, and flew out the door towards her Porsche.

“What happened to being conspicuous?” I asked skeptically.

She raised her eyebrow and replied “I haven’t been shopping in two weeks. Couldn’t care less what everyone thinks of my vehicle.”  I smiled to myself. Her words had Alice all over.

I watched and listened to Alice as she turned on the radio, and sang three octaves higher than the melody.

As Alice parked inside the parking lot, I saw lots of passers-by, gawking at the car and the two passengers inside the Porsche.

I stifled a laugh. They should see my house.

I checked up to look at Alice to see if she was thinking the same as me, but she looked annoyed, like she had a headache from thinking too hard.

“What’s wrong Alice?” I asked, suddenly alarmed in case she started to scream again.

She looked down at me, and smiled “Oh, nothing Nessie. I’m fine…” I raised my eyebrow. I knew Alice too well. I knew she was lying.

“Ok, ok. I was just thinking about my vision, and the three girls.”

“What about them?” I felt my eyes narrow, as I heard Alice’s screams in my head repeat.

“Well I told everyone else that I couldn’t see what they looked like, but- and you have to promise not to tell anyone- but I know exactly what they look like. I didn’t tell them because Emmett or Jasper would go looking for them and I know that they are dangerous. I don’t know why, but I just do.”

“What do they look like?” I whispered suddenly intrigued.

“Well, first there is a tall slim girl, with light brown hair, but she has a dark shade of gold for her eyes and is also obviously the leader. She wore dark blue jeans and a loose top. She had a darker tint to her skin. Her features were like her body, slim, and perfect. The second girl, was the shortest and more feminine than the other two, because she looked very delicate in her little dress and her eyes were a very light butterscotch colour. The third one is shorter than the first one but taller than the second and has dark brown hair, but unlike the other two, her eyes are a dark shade of red. She was wearing a skirt and top and had very pale skin. Whiter than the other two. She was obviously the best fighter, because of her build. She was the opposite of the first girl because she had very full lips and babyish features; at first I thought I recognized her, but...” Alice got lost in thought.

I scanned my mind looking for these three girls but I came up blank. Once again.

“Wait…what do you mean…You recognized one?” I asked.

“No, no…I just thought I did,” Alice Replied

“Oh, ok” I said, trying to remember anyone that looked like these girls.

“Come on, let’s forget about them,” Alice said her voice getting louder and higher “Let’s go Shopping!” She squealed.






After the first hour, Alice and I split up, looking for the best dress that we could find. I found one that was White and quite short. I never usually wear short dresses. But this dress was Amazing! The gown had been hand-stitched and had an open-cut back. Edward is going to Freak when he sees this. So is…Jacob.

Suddenly the rejection from Jacob, yesterday repeated itself in my head. It was only then that I realized that I wanted to cry I rushed to the bathroom. A bunch of teenage boys were in the line. Some of them were about a year older than me. Technically.

‘Excuse me.’ I said politely.

‘Do you mind?’ One of the boys said at me rudely. I turned around and all of their facial expressions changed.

‘Sorry…I just needed to get a tissue’ I said quietly.

No one said anything.

‘But you can go first…?’ I offered. I turned around and went to stand behind them. Little did they know that I could hear everything they were saying.

“-Oh my god, she is Gorgeous!-”

“-I’m gonna ask for her number-“

“-Psstt. Ask her number…I’m gonna ask her out-“

I could feel the blood rushing to my face. What if one did ask me out? I didn’t want to say no, because it would hurt their feeling. But what else could I do?

“Excuse me?” a quiet musical voice came from in front of me.

I looked up to see a boy about sixteen who had bright sky blue eyes and pale blond hair. He was smiling welcomingly at me. He was the most handsome boy I had ever seen. I admired the way his eyes sparkled like sapphires and the way his blond hair shone in the sunlight.

He looked ten times better than any male model.

It was then I realized that no one this beautiful could be human.

I quickly checked his eyes they were still a beautiful shade of blue. His eyes were not red, gold or even black so he must be human, I thought.

“Would you like to go in front of me, before my friends bombard you with proposals?” he whispered to me.

“Er...yes. I mean no. I’m fine. Really...” I whispered back.

I could feel the blood rushing to my face.

I must look like scarlet-coloured babbling fool, I thought.

He didn’t give up, he just gestured for me to go forward.

I weighed my options. Either be bombarded by bunch of boys, or listen to this drop-dead gorgeous boy and go in front of him. I debated for a while but then chose option two.

I smiled at him -carefully so I didn’t show my teeth- and walked forward.

“Thanks,” I said, as I slid past the group of boys and sneaked into the bathroom.

“Jaime...where did she go?” I heard one of the boys ask, as soon I got into the bathroom.

“I don’t know.” I recognized the voice. It was the voice that came from the beautiful boy.

“Jaime...” I sighed.

Suddenly a voice spoke from behind one of the toilet doors.

“Who’s Jaime?” Alice asked.

Ahh Crap.

“Who? I mean...No, Yeah. Well I don’t know...I do, but not properly-“Alice made me stop babbling, with a look.

“Renesmee Carlie Cullen, “she pronounced my name fully “You know it’s out of the question to become-“Alice’s Words were cut off with a gasp.

“No…”was all she said.

“Alice, what’s the mat-“I stopped when I heard the voices coming from outside the bathroom.

“It can’t be them…could it?” I choked.

“It’s them…the girls,” Alice Breathed.

We ran out of the bathroom, at normal human pace and it was extremely annoying.

Then we both stopped. It was them. The girls.

They were amazing. They walked arm-in-arm, laughing and giggling at the gawking boy’s watching them.

The one on the left was so graceful; it looked like she was gliding across the floor. Her gorgeous long legs were still noticeable through her skinny jeans. Her top was a sky blue colour that hugged her chest so fiercely; it looked like it might be painful. Her long brown hair hung below her elbows looking like a dark satin curtain. Even Behind her hair, her beauty was obvious. Her features were thin and narrow which emphasized her pale skin. Her eyes were a dark butterscotch colour. I brought my attention from the graceful beauty to the petite pixie. She really did look like a pixie, because of her snow-like skin, fluffy blonde hair that sat on top of her shoulders and her clothes. She was wearing a white halter-neck dress that had little felt petals sewn onto the hem of the dress. There were more petals on her shoes, and there were some in her hair that made her look like more of a flower pixie. Her features were so adorable it was almost unbelievable; her eyes were round and a very nice colour of gold. The third girl was more of a glamour model. Her golden brown hair hung below her waist, and hugged her face. She looked inhumanly magnificent. It was then I looked at her fully. She was wearing a tiny little piece of black material; that didn’t deserve to be called clothes, because it barely covered her model-like chest. Her skirt was not much better, because it looked about five centimeters; though I’m sure it was longer than that. Her boots were gorgeous, with a 5 inch heel, and her skin was the palest out of the three girls. But she looked different to the others. Of course they all looked dangerous. Amazing but Dangerous. But that girl looked…deadly. Her face was baby-like, her eyes were big and her lips were very full. She looked familiar…but her eyes were what caught my attention. They were a dark sinister shade of red. She wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that she was a…Vampire

They were Vampires. And she was thirsty.

At the same moment I thought about her thirst, her head whipped round to face me. She looked me dead in the eyes and took a sharp look at Alice, turned back to the other girls and whispered in their ears. I saw the pixie-like Vampire inhale deeply and bare her teeth just slightly.

“We have to go speak to them,” Alice whispered to me. I turned to face her and she was paler than normal.

“I think your right…we don’t want this to turn into anything,” I whispered back.






“Shouldn’t we call someone? Jasper, Edward or Emmett. You know they are going to go mad when they hear about this!” I told Alice as we walked hand-in-hand towards the door, the deadly girls were walking to.

Suddenly Alice grabbed my arm and struggled to keep her voice down.

“No! You can’t tell them anything! Do you know what any of them will do…I don’t want to think of the plans Emmett will come up with, or the fight that Japer will create! Not to mention Edward and Jacob!” Alice told me.

“Jacob doesn’t care…” I muttered under my breath.

“What do you mean?” Alice asked curiously, but I nodded my head dismissively.

“I’ll tell you later…let’s just hope that these girls are reasonable.” I told her, holding back my tears.

“Yeah…”she said breathlessly.

The moment we stepped outside the door, we both held our breath. The girls were standing there, arguing so quietly that not even I could hear.

Suddenly, at blinding speed, the deadly model-like vampire was less than a metre away from us, looking curiously at me.

“Oh My God…” was all I could say.

Then the model’s face softened and she craned her neck slightly to face the others.

“Aww, she’s speechless,“ then she turned to face me again, with a flirty, teasing smile “I guess I have the effect on girls as well as boys.” I listened to her voice as she spoke. It had a ring to it but her voice screamed power. All I could do was listen.

“Yeah right, Sky. You know she is just scared…she’s a child.” The vampire pixie spoke with a voice completely opposite to the models. Her voice was dainty, light and high-pitched, that could soften satins heart.

Then the tall graceful beauty step forward and glared at the other two girls.

“Let’s behave, shall we? We have company” as the girl spoke I realized she had put her hand on the pixies face and was trying to reach towards the model, Sky.

“I swear, Gwen…touch me with your hand, and you’ll lose it!” Sky hissed at Gwen. Gwen sighed and dropped her reaching hand.

“I just wanted you to relax!” Gwen said frustrated.

Sky just rolled her eyes and looked back to us. Then she smiled sweetly. The smile could make a Botticelli angel look like a gargoyle.

Suddenly Alice’s hand went limp in my hand. I turned to look at her and gasped. Her expression was completely blank. She looked paler than normal and she looked…lifeless.

“Alice! Alice!” I screeched whilst I shook her.

Then I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I didn’t turn to look who it was I just hurled myself into their arms.

The person who was holding me spoke.

“Sky, stop it! You’re scaring her!” Said the pixie, whose name I still did not know.

“Petalite’s right, Sky. Stop it!” said the graceful beauty in a calm voice that was just hearable, over my sobs.

Then I realized why they were asking Sky to stop. She was the one who made Alice’s face go Blank.

“Fine then! Oh My God! You’re all so touchy! I’m going!”

As soon as Sky stopped looking at Alice, she woke up from her trance or whatever Sky had done to her.

I let go of Petalite and ran into Alice’s arms. She was looking at me, Dazed.

‘Where are going?’ the graceful beauty asked calmly.

‘Where do you think Gwen?’ Sky answered sarcastically ‘I’m thirsty and I liked the look and smell of that dark-haired boy.’ She answered more irritated then sarcastic. Like she was fed up of twenty questions. Then Sky twitched of to the door, shaking her hips.

“I do apologize for my sister’s attitude” Gwen apologized.

“It’s forgotten,” Alice replied.

“Good, but I have to ask…” Gwen looked uncomfortable, like she didn’t know how to shape the question.

“Are there more of your kind?’ Petalite finished for her.

“Yes,” Alice replied with no hesitation.

When Alice said that little word, something in Gwen and Petalite’s face lit up. With Hope?

“Oh, this is quite extraordinary! Obviously you all live the vegetarian lifestyle, like me and sisters…well sister, because, as you can imagine, Sky is very stubborn and is completely against the vegetarian lifestyle,” Gwen said frustrated but carried on “Anyways, you said there were more of you? How Many?”

“Well there is my adopted Mother and Father, Esme and Carlisle. Then there are my adopted brothers and sisters, Edward, Emmett, Rosalie and Bella. Then finally there is my husband Jasper,”

Gwen looked astounded, then gathered her act up and looked at me curiously.

“Where do you fit into this family?” Gwen asked.

I looked up to Alice and she smiled at me “Well, my mother gave birth to me, as a human, and my father then saved her by making her become a vampire. I’m a rare species, that’s probably why you don’t recognize my scent.” I explained.

“You and your family have dumbfounded me with your way of life and the way you have conceived a child,” She spoke to Alice, and gestured towards me.

“Could we meet them?” Petalite directed the question at me.

“Well…er…Alice?” I asked, not knowing how to say no, to the pleading, adorable pixie.

“I guess that would be ok? Well they will go a bit mad at first, you know? Because of my Vision,”  Alice explained.

“Vision? You are gifted?” Gwen asked.

Alice smiled “Yes, I have the gift to see into the future, but of course, the future can always change. Renesmee has the gift to create Pictures, sounds and even conversation in your mind. Edward my brother can read thoughts. Bella my newest sister” Alice looked down and grinned at me “She is a shield. Limited but Strong. Jasper my husband, has the ability to control emotions. Emmett has his power of strength and Rosalie has her amazing beauty-”Alice was cut off.

“Looks like I may have some competition,” Sky grinned evilly. Her eyes were now a ghastly colour of red.

Petalite rolled her eyes, and Gwen glared at her for interrupting.

Alice turned to look at me. She was obviously thinking about how we could bring them home to meet everyone and how they would all react. Especially Jasper.

“Well, I guess we could bring you back home to meet everyone. What do you think Alice?” I asked.

I could see Alice debate with herself for a moment. But then she came up with a short and simple answer.

“Why not?”

I could think of a couple of reasons.

© 2010 Dixonnn

Author's Note

What'd you guys think? This is my FIRST EVER chapter that i have ever wrote and i hoped you like it!
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Added on January 23, 2010
Last Updated on January 23, 2010



London, United Kingdom

Heyy, Im Sophie Dixon. I'm 14 and LOVE to write. At the moment I'm in Year 9 almost 10. I love reading. I buy So Many books its unbeilevable! I love to make friends and i have a few obsessions like: T.. more..

Midnight Sun Midnight Sun

A Book by Dixonnn