Dancing with the Moon part I

Dancing with the Moon part I

A Poem by Yani De Los Reyes

Under the bright moon, my heart sings for thee.

Heart that slept in me
Woke up from love
Love coming from you

You held my hand 
To dance under the stars
Under this beautiful moonlight

You made me spin with grace
I stopped to see your face
Little colors of brown I see
Seeing you, I am free

Around the colorful lights
Filled with wonderful delights
Every breath we take,
a step we shall make

The sound of music so fine
Peaceful and beautiful, what a find!
Then we both paused
This sweet love, why was this caused?

You took my heart from my chest
Love you gave, you couldn't rest
And yet I am here, smiling with your heart

© 2010 Yani De Los Reyes

Author's Note

Yani De Los Reyes
I only wrote this because I felt like writing it. Yeah.. felt. :P

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A gorgeous write! Reading this certainly made me feel happy, and I thought that you did really in capturing that feeling of happiness and timelessness and carefree...ness, haha. The scene that you constructed was full of fun and spontaneity, and I think that it's something that everyone should experience at some point in their lives. :) Your poem had such vivid and evocative imagery, and I especially liked the third to last stanza. Great work,

Posted 14 Years Ago

very hopeful indeed... :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

very nice...this is hopeful and happy.

Posted 14 Years Ago

i like this Nice rhythm.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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thisis good. it has nice rhythm and rhyme. good job

Posted 14 Years Ago

The moon, time and someone you love. No better place to be. A beautiful poem of hope and happiness. A positive and hopeful poem. Thank you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on March 9, 2010
Last Updated on March 9, 2010


Yani De Los Reyes
Yani De Los Reyes

Quezon City, National Capital Region, Philippines

I'm a 12 year old girl turning 13 after 3 more months. I'm a person just like you. Ordinary yet special in the eyes of the Creator. Making Art is my passion and writing is one of my most favorites. An.. more..
