In the beginning...

In the beginning...

A Chapter by EMTM

Cain's wife has died and he learns that he has a daughter he was never aware of.


In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness. It filled every crease and crevice that flowed through Cain's heart and soul until it devoured him. He couldn't stand it. Especially on that particular day. Many people were outside that day. They walked among the trees and on the streets. They drove their cars and rode in their carriages. It was a lovely day to be outside. The sun was high and there was a slight breeze that told them summer was going to end shortly. Some of the flowers had already started to wilt and most of the animals, only the ones that did, were ending their hibernation preparations. It was a very nice day indeed. One of those days where you can’t help, but go out, close your eyes and breath in the fresh air. Most people would think of a day like that as one of the best they’ve ever seen, but Cain saw it in a different manner. He detested the weather for mocking him. He believed that the sun was very misplaced for the state he was in. Sun and sadness shouldn't be together yet there it was and there he was, occurring at the same time. It was almost as when it would rain and the sun would shine at the same time except there was no rainbow to show for it. Cain watched over his kingdom, the Core Dynasty with disdain. He stood over his balcony with both hands clutching the railing. The breeze caused him to slightly narrow his eyes as he gazed upon all of the people walking and driving away from his home. They seemed like ants to him. So small and so carefree. Cain envied them. They didn't have to feel what he felt. They weren't going through what he was going through and he hated them, all of them, for that. Cain clenched his jaw at this realization and closed his eyes, letting the wind wrap itself around him.

“Your majesty?” Cain opened his eyes, suddenly realizing there was someone else with him. He turned to see his henchmen, Aamon, standing with a folded piece of paper in his hand. Cain licked his lips, walked into the room, closed the balcony doors and sat down on the bed. Aamon got a chair from near the fireplace, brought it in front of his king and sat in it.

“Is it a letter from her?” Cain asked quietly, but loud enough so he wouldn't have to repeat himself.

“Everyone was saying that it was a very nice funeral. Probably one of the best they’ve ever been to.” Aamon said, holding on to the letter. Cain stared at him with his mouth slightly ajar not sure what he should say. Aamon didn’t look him in his cloudy grey eyes, but instead looked behind him and out the window.

“Is it a letter from her?” Cain asked again, only a little louder. Aamon looked at his king for a long moment. He could see how his body ached with sadness and how the clouds in his eyes grew darker and darker, making it known it wanted to rain. Finally, Aamon nodded and held out the letter. Cain didn't take it. For a while, he didn't even look at it. He sat on the bed and stared at everything around the letter. He stared at the chipped wooden floors and the burnt fire place. He studied the holes in the ceiling that would cause it to leak when it would rain. He even began to notice, despite the sunlight coming from the window, how dark it was in that very spacious, very doleful room. Eventually, he looked at the letter and took it from Aamon. Aamon stood and bowed to his master.

“I’ll leave you to it sir.” Then, he left the room. After Aamon left, Cain sat there holding the letter alone. He flipped the folded piece of paper around in his hand as if it were too hot to keep still. He watched it as it danced between his fingers and tears began to swell in his eyes. He immediately stopped, put it down and opened the window to let some air in. He watched out the window for a long minute. Most of the people had already gone and gotten back to their daily lives, but some still lingered. Children were running about in the town, pulling their friends along with them. Men were stumbling out of the local pubs,even at the hour it was.Women gossiped about the men and the children as they walked down the street. Nobody down there seemed to notice Cain. They didn't even seem to realize they had just come from one of the saddest moments in his life. He really hated them then. After stalling himself a little, Cain got back to the paper and opened it. He observed the words. The last words his wife ever wrote. The last words she ever wanted him to remember from her. He took a deep breath and began to read.

Dear Cain (my  love),

I’m sorry for being sick. I'm sorry for putting you through this terrible time. I truly am. I didn't mean for this to happen I hope you know. Tell Apture I'm sorry too. I can't write him a letter. I can barely write this one so you tell him for me. Okay? Tell my son, our son, that I love him very much. I really am sorry. I'm writing this to you because I feel my time coming very soon and I don't think I’ll have the energy to tell you the things I need to tell you in person.  I know you wanted to use the black magic to save me and I know you could have, but you have to understand that’s not what I want. It's better this way, you know? Anyway, i'm writing this to you because I have something important to say. Oh, it's so hard to tell you. I’ve been hiding this from you for years and I feel awful. Just remember that it wasn't easy for me to do this, but I did it with good intentions. I guess it's good that i'm dying after I say

this because I don't think I could bare to see the look in your eyes afterwards. Anyway, I have to tell you. We have another child, Cain. A girl. The one I told you died almost 16 years ago. Oh Cain, it's so hard to even write this. Her name is Genesis. Cain, she is the most beautiful girl you’ve ever saw. Really. When she was born I was so tempted to show her to you, but I couldn't. Cain you have to understand why I couldn't. Anyway, she is living with, and don't be mad Cain, but she’s living with Adonis in the Terra Kingdom. She always was. I remember how devastated you were when I told you she died. Do you remember that? Remember how I couldn't look you in the eyes for months? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I’ve hurt you. Don't forget that I Love you okay? Please.



Cain stared at the paper even after he finished reading it. His eyes scanned it over and over again making sure he read the right thing. He even flipped it to the back to see if there was a second part to the letter, but there was nothing else. That was it. Cain put the paper on the bed and got up. He paced the room twice and then looked back at the paper. Numerous emotions filled his body at the same time and he didn't know what to do. He had another child? Why would she lie? Cain picked up the paper again, read it over three more times and then, in anger, stormed out the room, leaving the paper to fall on the floor. After he stalked down the dim hall, Apture, his son walked into the room looking for his father. When Apture got into the room and saw that his father was not there, he was prepared to leave, but then saw the letter on the floor. Curious as to what it could be, he picked it up and began to read, word for word, everything that his mother wrote. When he finished reading, he folded the paper back up, pocketed it and walked down the hall after his father.

© 2016 EMTM

Author's Note

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Added on June 18, 2016
Last Updated on June 18, 2016




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