You’re Eyes

You’re Eyes

A Poem by FallenWingz

eyes can tell u a lot of what someone holds within.


You’re Eyes



You’re eyes tells a story,

Deep in those dark brown ones,

I remember falling hopelessly and madly

In love with them.

They were my favourite pair

I wanted to lay with them day in and day out.

I wanted to surround them with love and devotion,

But then things changed all of a sudden

They turned into angry dark ones,

Your eyes became like a broken mirror,

That was splashed too millions of pieces.

I know I don’t blame you for having all

Those anger towards me.

I’ve done you wrong,

I’ve made those loving eyes into a tearful wreck.

You’re eyes that was once my saving grace

Have become the eyes I try too avoid

Against all odds.

You’re eyes tell a story of many stories.

But one story will always remain.

You’re eyes will become those beautiful light brown again.



© 2011 FallenWingz

Author's Note

comment how you feel

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I remembered my lenses, haha, it's brown...About the poem, it is true that your feelings are sometimes connected to our eyes. Just like when we cry, it expresses sadness or even frustration in some particular things...Anyway, I appreciate your poem, it's somewhat unique 'cause I've never read poems about "eyes", haha! Keep writing and more power...You did a great job... :)))

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This beautiful............Your eyes tell a story. Everyone's eyes tell a story, they are the windows to the soul. When we look deeply we are amazed at what we see.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I remembered my lenses, haha, it's brown...About the poem, it is true that your feelings are sometimes connected to our eyes. Just like when we cry, it expresses sadness or even frustration in some particular things...Anyway, I appreciate your poem, it's somewhat unique 'cause I've never read poems about "eyes", haha! Keep writing and more power...You did a great job... :)))

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on July 12, 2011
Last Updated on July 12, 2011



Cape Town, Western Province, South Africa

I am Capetonian girl from South Africa. I am a writer, poet and artist..My free time mostly goes to reading, talking( i am a chatterbox my mind always got some new topic to put out there) music is my .. more..
