The Awakening

The Awakening

A Chapter by FamaSemperVivat

Merlin's life changes begin as he is slowly made aware of his place in the world


On a moonlit night across the mist covered moor, stands a young man, his auburn hair glistening in the beams cast from above, an eerie glow surrounds him. Unsure as to where he is or how he got there.  The last thing he remembered was laying down in his cot for the night. Suddenly, a breeze like a humans breath blows across the moor rustles his hair and before him revealing a path clear of debris appearing well traveled.

Curious about where he is, he follows the path arriving before a quiet lake, no sounds it's so quiet, eerily quiet.  There's a brightness, in the center of the lake growing larger, a glowing brighter than the moon's reflection.  Slowly this changes into a beautiful woman, a bright blue/white shimmers all around her, she appears ghost like almost transparent, as she begins to move closer towards him, floating the lake remains still, he feels fear rising up in him, but also a feeling of having seen this before,  As she moves ever closer, the fear gives way to feelings of joy. He hears her voice in his head, but her lips aren't moving, she smiling a beautiful otherworldly smile.  Who is this?  Why am I here? Is this a dream?  

“Child, this is not a dream.”  The lady says, but how? Her lips didn't move, I hear her, but I don't hear other sounds, why?  “Be patient, my child, it will become clear to you soon.”  With a wave of her hand over the pool in front of her she produces an image reflecting in the glistening lake before him.  The image is barely discern-able, an appearance of scales, a reptile like creature appears within the pool, a yellow snake-like eye stares back at him..

“Merlin!! Wake up!!”  Suddenly, he's back in the cottage, laying in his cot, the sun just beginning to rise in the east.  Was he dreaming?  It  didn't feel like it was a dream, but it must have been  “ Merlin! Get Up! The cart has to be readied for the festival!”  His nana tells him. Ah, the festival a long awaited event each year.

As he gets up one image keeps intruding into his thoughts, that image in the pool revealed to him by the woman in the lake.  Should he tell nana about the dream?  He can't get the picture out of his head, as he prepares the cart for the trip to the festival, hopefully they'll sell enough of the harvest to watch the tournament.  

Nana eyes him curiously, he seems distracted today, “Merlin, get the goat hitched to the cart, unless you plan on pulling it all the way into the village yourself.” Bringing him back to the present, he trudges off to catch the goat, and get him tethered to the cart, filled to the brim with potatoes, corn and sacks of grain they've harvested from the fields and thus they begin their journey to the village....

The ancient beast, softly exhales a smoky breath

and centers on a vision of the boy.  "Merlin, soon  we will meet"

"Glynnis, you have done well" he says to himself as the vision fades...

Soon they arrive at the festival grounds, the hustle and bustle of people from all over the countryside are hawking their wares.  An old man white bearded, with a cheerful face walks up, "Glynnis, it's good to see you., is this Merlin?" as he looks towards him, "my how he's grown!"  Nana eyes the man suspiciously, "Yes, he has grown much, what brings you to this event, Dorian? Is the king here?"

"Yes, he's officiating over the tournament, the prince is competing." Dorian smiles, "But if you ask me, I think he's still bit too young." Glynnis laughs, "You've always been a bit protective where the prince is concerned, old man."  Dorian turns towards Merlin, "So young man, has Glynnis been treating you well?" Merlin blushes, surprised to be the center of attention all of a sudden. "Yes, Master Dorian."  "Master?" Dorian laughs, "Just call me Dorian, boy I'm no Master."  

"Glynnis, I think you've done this boy proud, he's quite well mannered.  But don't you think it's about time he came to me for his teachings?"  Glynnis scowls, "I'm afraid he's not ready yet, Dorian."  Merlin looks on thinking "What teachings" but he keeps this to himself for now.  Glynnis and Dorian move off down towards the marketplace, conversing leaving Merlin to tend the wares in her absence.  He hopes she returns soon, he'd like to be able to watch the tournament, and be able to see the king and his son, at least from a distance.

A vision creeps into his mind, again

A reptilian eye and a deep voice rumbles in his brain

"Soon you will have chosen your path."

"Then I will again be free."

“Daydreaming, are we?” Startled back to the present, Dorian stands before him with a look of knowing as if he could see into his mind and read his thoughts.  “That boy, has been like this for days now, “ his nana says as he looks from one to the other of these two who seem to know so much about him, yet tell him very little.  “Nana, can I go, walk around for a bit?” he asks, hoping she’ll let him at least try and get a glimpse of the King and the Knights as they prepare for the upcoming tournament, he’s never seen the event, though it’s been done every year.

“I suppose, but don’t stay away too long. I need you to help with the produce we’ve brought to sell.” As she looks past him to a customer walking up to the cart.  Smiling, he turns to rush off towards the knights’ tent area, as she says, “Don’t stray too far!”

He rushes off as his grandmother begins to entertain a potential customer.  Colorful tents line the pathway to the tournament grounds, as he walks along he watches in awe as knights are practicing their art all around him.

© 2011 FamaSemperVivat

Author's Note

Still pulling this together, but I'd like a bit of input from the experts.

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I'm not an expert but I'll still give you my opinion it isn't a bad write but it seems to ramble quite a bit if you can fix that you would be set in my honest opinion but like I said I'm no expert so it could just be me

Posted 12 Years Ago

I have to think that the first sentence could be be reworked. I like the details, there certainly is a soothing narrative throughout. But what do I know, I usually comment on poetry.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love the sound of this mystery. The imagery is awesome! Coming out of a dream and getting back to the reality of the harvest was a wonderful idea. I like it.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

a wonderful beginning and I have the perfect picture for this chapter.....but you probably don't need it. :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I too am no expert but this is certainly going to be a great read! It captures and holds my attention. Well done! Keep on penning.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well I am certainly no expert but I see much promise in this. I just wish it was a bit longer so I have a better idea what is going on. ^^* But still it is intriguing enough for me to want to come back and read more.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on June 15, 2011
Last Updated on June 26, 2011
Previous Versions



Springport, MI

A Wee Bit About Me (Besides being Irish that is) Well, I'm not very good talking or promoting myself in an About Me Page. It's easier to show myself in poetry. As far as this goes, just read my p.. more..


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