For my brothers, River and Ryan.

For my brothers, River and Ryan.

A Poem by Mimi

I love you guys.

You are my friend
You are my brother
A hand to lend
A shoulder to borrow
Through my darkest despair
Through my deepest sorrow
You're always there
Your smile is he sun that awakens my morning glory
Your arms are my safety net
Your voice is my goodnight story
With you here I no longer need to fret
With you around my loneliness does flee
Forever we shall always be
Together as one small family
Till death comes 'round and the Lord takes you or me

© 2010 Mimi

Author's Note

To the best friends I could ever have, River and Ryan. I love you guys more then my own family. You're the only two people who actually understands who I really am. Thank you for being there.

Your little sister,

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Awe Bug this is adorable! I love it, and you have nothing to thank us for...we love being here for you. :)
Sweetie Pie, River is have nothing to thank us for. But you're welcome anyway :) This is amazing, just like you.
We love you :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Dear Mimi,

I think your writing is getting better and better. This is another nice one. You are maturing rapidly as a poet. Your sincere feelings really come through in this write. This was greatly enjoyed.

Best regards,


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 28, 2010
Last Updated on July 28, 2010



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