Free From This Fear.

Free From This Fear.

A Poem by Mimi

A short poem/song I wrote about me Father..I miss you.. "

Free From This Fear

Come here, Daddy, do your worst
Do you r worst, I urge you to
You say this is customary
Well, I guess that's just another lie
Just like everything you tell me
Thought you cared about me
Thought you were my father
Thought you loved me
Thought you wouldn't hurt me
But I was mistaken

Please,  just one more time
Come and show me that you love me
In that oh so special way
Come and show me, I dare you
I'll make it the last time you mortify me

"Don't worry
Its okay
This isn't gonna hurt you at all
This is what I'm supposed to do"
I love how well you lie
I believed you
I trusted you
I loved you
I obeyed your every demand
I even sold my soul to the Devil for you

Please,  just one more time
Come and show me that you love me
In that oh so special way
Come and show me, I dare you
I'll make it the last time you mortify me

You think you win
When you feel me each night
Well you were wrong
Oh so very wrong
You're a loser
When you touch me
When you kiss me
You hurt me
You degrade me
And you rape me

Please,  just one more time
Come and show me that you love me
In that oh so special way
Come and show me, I dare you
I'll make it the last time you mortify me

You're no longer my Father
You're no longer my fear
I'm no longer your pet
I'm no longer your toy
I'm no longer scared
I fought you
I hid from you
I ran away from you
I incarcerated you

Please,  just one more time
Come and show me that you love me
In that oh so special way
Come and show me, I dare you
I'll make it the last time you mortify me

Because when I see your face
I no longer have to cry
When I see your face
I no longer have to fear
I'm finally free
I'm free
I'm free
I'm free
I'm so relieved to be free
Free from this fear

This was the last time
You can no longer show me how you love
In that oh so messed up way
Now you can't make me hide in fear
I made this the last time that you mortified me

© 2010 Mimi

Author's Note

A short poem/song I wrote about me Father..I miss you..

My Review

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Really powerful I like it:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Did ya know that sometimes in love there's a hidden hatred in it...?

Posted 13 Years Ago

Dear Mimi,

Wow. Okay. I see the intricate, no-so-simple to fathom relationship with your father. There is the horror, for sure, but then there is the "..I miss you" in the Author's Note. This seems to be a love-hate relationship. It seems the hate aspect is the strongest, but there is still some sort of love there--very complicated.

Now to the technicalities of the poem. This is a nice poem. The emotion is there. The reader is right beside you as we travel through the words of the poem. We can feel what you feel. So this is well done.

Another powerful poem, Mimi. Don't ever doubt again that you can write. I know your talents will grow and mature. See that you nurture them. You'll be surprised what will grow.

My very best regards


Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on October 22, 2010
Last Updated on October 22, 2010



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