The stars are different here

The stars are different here

A Poem by Green

The stars are different here.
in that place, 
they were so 
Little specks of hope, 
knowing they were needed. 
in this place, 
you have to search for them. 
As if they have 
handed off that job 
Now you can do it 
for yourself. 
You’re ready.

© 2023 Green

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Superb work. I relate. Sometimes the stars seem very visible, other times not...great imagery and you say a lot in your brevity of words.

Posted 1 Month Ago

The stars are different here too! Hidden behind a cloud of fumes that ain't doing us or the planet any good.
Now we rarely look up in case we notice too much hoe things have changed and not for the better.
From what we were told when young, up until the realisation that life, its hopes and dreams don't quite equate to the promises we were told.
Just remember to check the insurance is up to date before letting go. 😀

Posted 3 Months Ago

probably just me ( my preoccupation with Bob Dylan) but this smacks very much like "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." I remember the overwhelming feeling of exposure to the star filled sky when we lived in the country, now in the city they are so few and far between. They did give hope then and I'm not sure I'm up to the "you can take it from here kid." Very good write, enjoyed it gretly.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Very good , excellent poem, "little specks of hope, knowing they were needed" I loved this

Posted 9 Months Ago

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This is such a pretty poem !

Posted 9 Months Ago

Beautifully written and so inspiring!

Posted 10 Months Ago

You have to imagine they are still there to guide you. You can do it. Nice piece of brevity Green.


Posted 11 Months Ago

I trained at death Valley, California with the Army. The stars were so many. You believe, you could touch them. I liked the honest thoughts in the poetry and the strong ending. I believe in the ending. We must learn. We must do the needed things alone. Thank you Green for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 11 Months Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on August 14, 2023
Last Updated on August 14, 2023




I'm living in the good ol' south of the US of A. Professionally, I'm an engineer and I guess that means I'm supposed to know things. I don't always. I write because I can, and because I can write word.. more..

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