Chapter Nine: A Momentary Deviation In Character

Chapter Nine: A Momentary Deviation In Character

A Chapter by Greystone

A Long title name. Heeheehee. Hahaha.


It had taken them three days to pass from the forest to the river, and they had not stopped to rest. Clearly Shannon and Nydia were worried, and that was why they increased the pace, yet they told the children nothing. A typical adult mistake. At long last they came to a roaring falls, at the mouth of the river, and there Shannon told them to stop.

"There is a password." She said, breathing heavily.

"What is it?" Said Jack.

"It is what you would make it." Replied the wolf, searching his eyes.

"Then make it I shall," Said Jack. The silence was filled with emotion, for Jack cried, "ELIAC!" Tears ran down his eyes as he drew his sword and thrust it into the cliff. From the blade there came golden lines that opened a tunnel before the river.

"Come," Said Jack, wiping the stream of tears from his face, "For we must go onward now."

"We must do what we were meant to do." The statement was met with uncertain silence, and no one moved. For a moment, the children were still. Then Shannon growled, her luminescent eyes glancing at Nydia. Evidentially, the growl meant something, for Nydia drew his sword. The action was proven with good reason as a black arrow flew at Jack's head, missing its target by inches.

Jack screamed like a girl, and Eve laughed. It was the first time the children had heard her laugh-- it was strangely pitched, but no one had time to reflect. A second arrow flew towards Eve. Eve blinked once, her eyes flashed with an odd yellow light, and then she lithely reached out and caught it with a wolfish grin. "Ah.. too bad." She said, winking at Nydia.

"I hear many pounding feet beat against the ground," said Shannon, her wolf ears twitching: there was a hint of concern in her voice, "They will be here very soon, Nydia."

"Take the children inside," Nydia ordered, his eyes searching the area quickly to see if they had yet arrived. "Lead them to the tunnel as quickly as you can get them to move."

Shannon nodded. "Come, children! Eve, Niendel!" She pushed her head against the children, nodding them forward.

"Hey," said Jack, "What about us?"

"We are staying to fight," said Circe. "There is work yet to be done."

"How do you know?" Argued Jack, his hand already drawing his blade.

"I dreamt of it, yesterday night. We had a plan, remember?"

"Oh, yeah... that WASN'T a bed time story?"

Circe sighed. "No, Jack. It wasn't a bed time story. Why are you listening to bed time stories at sixteen, anyway?"

Jack blushed. "Uh... Um..."

"Enough, Jack! Circe! Draw your weapons!" Nydia had the voice of a beast. His eyes flashed red, and he changed to the white wolf in a flash of blinding white light. Men, clad in black cloaks, emerged from the sky. Drawing weapons, they attacked. The children were hopelessly outnumbered, out manned, and out gunned. Yet still, they fought. They had one thing the men did not have: Heart. Their every movement was swift and controlled.

Even with heart, though they had slain many nasty beasts, they were soon surrounded.

"Drop your weapons." The sharp command came not from a black clad figure, but from Jack. "Drop them now, and we may yet spare your life."

In response to this, the men laughed. Many mocking peals of laughter that made Circe smile as she caught onto Jack‘s childish game. "Oh, you laugh now. Wait until Eliac comes to get you."

The laughter stopped. "Eli..Eliac?" One of the men gulped, his hood turning left and right as though he expected her to randomly burst out of the ground.

"No, better. My name is Ailfitari, and this is my friend Royln." A woman and an elderly man strode out from behind the waterfall, the water parting magically before their wake. The men seemed frightened by this apparition, but, to their credit, stood their ground.

Ailiftari had long, dark hair that flowed freely down to her shoulders. She was clad in a cream colored dress that was very simple. Around her neck, there was a necklace that was shockingly similar to the one that Eve wore. A red feather. Ailiftari's sword was the most magnificent thing about her, however, for it was a beautiful blade.

It was not made of tarnishing bronze nor mortal silver, but glass. Strong, multicolored glass that gleamed in the light. On it, there was a strange symbol carved on the side. The beast recognized it, and his time as beast ended-- Nydia slowly arose where the white wolf had previously stood.

The old man (Royln) was another matter entirely, his pepper hair and aged skin made him look harmless, but the familiar clank of blade underneath his black cloak revealed his true nature. Thus, the second bout of fighting began. Several of the men, no longer entertained by playing with the children, ran at Rolyn. In response, he drew his blade with lightning quick speed. Sword darting wildly, he killed two of the men and injured the last.

Seizing their chance, Nydia, Jack, and Circe flew back into action. Although their muscles ached from toils of the day, they still fought valiantly and with pride. Ailiftari was yet another story. She looked like a savage god, her sword of glass shining in the light, her hair billowing wildly behind her. The men were so pre-occupied with her looks, they forget the weapon in her hand-- a big mistake. She killed the five that the Royln had missed, and when the last had fallen before the might of the five a smile crept upon her face.

"We are the guardians," Ailiftari said, "Welcome to the tunnel."


The moon had only begun to set as the first maelstrom winds began to blow. Animals took shelter, and people glanced up at the eerily bright sky in terror of what had yet to come. They knew. How, or why, no one dared to speak of. The people only prayed of redemption, only prayed that what they had done could yet be undone. But their concerns came too late, and the storm was far too swift. It ripped the peninsula from the land, creating an isolated isle. An isle that was impossible to defend from the rages of the sea. Those who did not drown when the Xuse Peninsula was erased from the map whispered to each other of a new name to be called, a new mask to hide behind….

“Iorenn, Iorenn, Iorenn Isola.” Eve turned in her sleep, groaning, as the wind hissed the name in her ear. Ever was it there, in her head and heart both, when she tried to sleep. Suddenly, she felt the familiar warmth of Shannon’s fur beneath her hand.

“Nightmare again, Eve?”

“Shannon, who is Iorenn Isola?” The question was unexpected, even from Eve, and Shannon was silent for a moment.

“Why do you ask, Eve?”

“The wind keeps telling her my name.”

“She is no one, Eve. No one at all. Now go back to sleep, I need to think.”

“Yes, Shannon. Goodnight, Shannon.”

The wolf left their tent inside the tunnel, and went to Nydia, who had a sleeping Circe’s head upon his lap. He was smoking a pipe, but his eyes were alert. A ready hand sat waiting to draw his blade, just in case another foe should appear. Everyone was on the constant alert ever since they had met Ailiftari and Royln, who had joined the children’s quest. The group had been in the tunnel for three long days, because they were a lost within the hopeless catacomb.

“Nydia,” the wolf growled, “Nydia, send the child to bed. I must speak with you alone.” Nydia’s eyes traveled slowly from the dim grime of the tunnel walls to the radiantly beautiful wolf. He tapped Circe’s shoulder gently, with the abnormally long hands of a pianist; willing her awake.

“Circe, m’dear, go to bed. We must go soon.” He said, almost tenderly. She seemed too tired to protest. Yawning quietly, she ducked into Eve’s tent with a faraway smile.

“So, what is it that is so incredibly important, that you should rouse me from my rest? Another ruse to tell the children of my undoing, no doubt.” There was a hint of cynical humor to his words that did not seem like him, an arrogance that Shannon obviously recognized.

“Iorenn Isola.” Nydia’s eyes flashed and grew wide, he dropped his pipe.

“When did she know, Shannon. Tell me when she knew.”

“She doesn’t. I told her it was a dream, but Jean… Jean, think of this. You know what is waiting to emerge inside her. They warned you as a boy, and I was warned as a youngling, what would happen. Still, it did happen, not by my choice or yours. There is a beast in you, and you know what will happen if it is not stopped before we--”

“No, Shannon. I will not control it, I will not bridle it the way my family attempted to bridle me. In vain.”

“Vain. Vain, like your stories of a fever and being raised by the old man. You and I both know the truth, and I will not hide it from--” Shannon focused her yellow eyes on each tent, making sure everyone was asleep. Even though they were, Shannon lowered her voice to a whimper. “I will not hid it from our daughter forever!”

“We will not hide it from her forever,” Nydia said, furrowing his brow, “Just until I know what she is capable of. The beast made Eve, not me. And you know that, Shannon, you KNOW that!”

“I know that there is a beast inside of every human, Nydia.” Shannon answered curtly. With that, she turned away, and went back inside the tent. Nydia could only hope he had not hurt her too badly again.

“You will be given redemption someday, Iorenn Isola.” Nydia murmured, more to himself then anything else, “I know you will.”


Elba stretched out that morning feeling very satisfied. Ever since Saian had brought Arcadia to his palace, she’d hardly been noticed. Which was a very nice feeling, for someone with green skin. She’d never had thought to experienced it. Today, however, her reflections were short-lived… soldiers burst through the door.

“Elba! Saian and Arcadia…” One of them gasped, his hands on his knees. It was clear they had run a very long distance, their faces were flushed and many panted from exhaustion.


“We have to get you out of here, now!” The same solider said, “Come on, follow me!” He glanced around until he saw a large cat statue, picked it up, and smashed it.

“Hey,” Elba tried to say, “What in the heck are you doing to--”

She wasn’t allowed to finish, an arrow tipped with fire streamed through her window. The soldier flew in front of her and took the blow, disengaging from reality before Elba could so much as blink. Another soldier sniffed the air slightly.

“Enchanted fire.” He answered. He knelt down at the other comrade and closed his eyelids, picking up a small stone shape from near the shards of the long-forgotten cat statue. He fitted it in a niche on the floor Elba had never even noticed, and a hidden staircase creaked open.

“Come on,” Roared the soldier, “Go!”

“But, why are they--”


As he slammed the hidden door over her, small streams of light creaked in through the floor boards. Elba saw each of the men fall, and each of the fire-lit arrows diminish. She felt the floor boards creak and moan as a heavy figure stood and stared. She thought to warn him, and tried to put up her trapdoor, but one of the soldiers had fallen on it.

“They are all in this room Why?”

“I do not know, Imone.” The man answered himself, in a different voice.

“Yes, you do,” The same man said, in the first voice.

“Do I, Enomi?” He said, in the second voice.

“Get a hold of yourself, man!” He said in the first voice. He took a strong, muscular arm and beat himself over the face. A small trail of blood leaked down into the floorboards, and, as Imone and Enomi left, Elba began to cry. She tried to lean against the wall and bumped against something. Something made of wood, she noticed. She prodded it further, and a lever opened up the wall. As she crept downward on the stair, she found a red lantern. Picking it up, she noticed how quiet everything was. The red light illuminated her face in an eerie way, and the animals cowered in fear.

“Hello, Elba.”

"William!" Elba nearly cried out in delight as she beheld her old friend. "William, how are you alive?!? 'Tis a--" Elba stopped talking. Her eyes opened wide in horror, and she slowly withdrew from William.

It was then she saw it was no trick of the light... William had sprouted long, black, flowing wings from his back. The feathers on one wing were spread out at an awkward angle, and he winced from pain. He fell to his knees.

"Please, please don't go!" He cried, taking a step forward. "Please!" Finallly, Elba heard the words she had so longed to hear from him. "Please, don't leave me here alone! I need you!"

Elba slowly swallowed the lump of fear in her throat and moved towards him with the long and diliberate strides of a young woman. She knelt down where he had fallen, her green hand reached for his wing.

Her hands gently traced the feathers, which were soft and well-groomed, until she came to a large lump.

"What happened here?"

"I think... OUCH! I think somethings trapped in it, but I can't be sure." He rolled his shoulders and the wings moved again.

"Maybe I should, you know... try and get it out?"

"With what? Its not like we have tons of medical equipment down here."

"Well..." Elba sighed, and reached down into her shoe and drew a small dagger. "I could get rid of it."

"No," A third voice said. "No, its too close to the tenden. You'll kill him from the bleeding." A small bird flew down onto Elba's shoulder.

"You'd have to build up the pressure and have something to stich it up after you removed it, and pray you do not cut the tenden. He'll never be able to fly again without it." The bird was small and yellow, his voice highly pitched. A canary.

"My name is Etienne," The bird said, "I will help you now."


"I have not been honest with you, Children." Said Nydia, glancing about at the children first and the adults second. "We have headed off course for quite some time..."

"Where have we been going?" Demanded Niendel, ever in that same whiny voice.

"I.. I don't know." Nydia lied, averting the child's eyes.

"I do." Replied Eve, "We have been heading due south since yesterday. We were SUPPOSED to be traveling west, which is," She sniffed the air with a tenative nose, "That way." She pointed right. The others glanced at her in mild surprise, and she shrugged.

"Why did you lead us off course?" Circe asked Nydia, looking at him, her long lashes batting at the edges of her face.

"Because," Nydia said, a mad grin spreading over his face and a sick gleam forming in his eyes, "I'm going to kill you."


"We're almost done, stich up the final wound!" Cried Etienne, pecking at Elba's hand to make her go faster.

"Hey! Ouch!" Elba said in response, sweat dripping from her brow. She slowly tied off a thick knot in the stiches, and lied back her head against the cave walls in relief. He was still breathing, and his hands slowly clasped around her left with a savory smile.

"You aren't too bad for a surgeon," He said, flexing his broken wing tenderly, "I can get you out of here now."


"Lord alive," Rolyn said, "Surely you're jok--" Stab. Nydia's blade flew into Royln's aged middle, and he fell, drowning in a pool of his own blood. "Ave.."He coughed, "Maria..." and even as be began to pray, he died.

The others quickly looked at Nydia in horror, and the cavern they stayed in shook dangerously as the sound of five blades could be heard. All five of them fought against Nydia, and all five of them failed to even so much as dent him.

Circe fought the hardest, she looked like a heathen god as her passion sent her sword flying in an unreadable silver blur.

The other four fell back, one by one, just to get out of her way. When at last Nydia was on his back, with Circe's long sword at his back, he begged to be spared.

"You killed Rolyn."

"But, I--"

"You KILLED Rolyn! Give me one reason I should listen. One."

"Because I bought that sword. And you need me to get in. And... "He made to get up, but Circe kneed him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain. She seemed, at this point, cured of him quite throughly. No one saw Shannon's smile.

"Don't get up, fool!" Shannon said in a warning undertone.

"And I love you, Circe."

"No, you don't." Eve said to him, marching right up to where the three had been standing.

"You love my mother." Nydia and Shannon exchanged glances, Shannon had a bit of a wan smile spreading up while Nydia's strength seemed to evaporate. He grew pale again, but then, that could always be from the pain in his stomach.

"Wha... What are you talking about?" Nydia said, looking at her, but the lie was in his eyes. In response, Eve punched him as hard as she could. Blood trailed from his nose, and she made to go at him again.

It took the combined effort of Shannon, Jack, Niendel and Circe to hold her back. There was a savage strength to her no one had an explanation for.

"Eve, my child," Shannon said quietly, "How long have you known?"

"Since I went into your bag and took out one of your history books." She answered simply. "It wasn't all that hard to figure out-- You are Iorenn Isola, aren't you, mother?"

Shannon hadn't cried in several years, since she had given birth to Eve. But that had been many years ago, she told herself, and it mustn't happen again. It did anyway, tears began to be freed from the white wolf. "Yes," Shannon said, rapidly losing her normally sarcastic tone, "I was, a lifetime ago."

The other children had learned to be silent when this sort of thing happened, thus, they were mesmerized while Shannon told her tale.

"When I was a young girl," She stopped, glanced at her paws, and sighed, "a rich family lived in my city. People went to them all the time, for money, you see, because it was a very poor town. You'd think that they would've minded, but it went on for most of my life. That is... until their son got bitten by a werewolf.

"Their favorite, handsome son that the girls all fell for. His name was Jean, but they changed it to Jhun. I didn't care about some idiot ladies man halfway across the town, so I did what I always did. I went into the nearby forest, to gather some mushrooms. I was singing and dancing in the glen.

The one I liked to call ''My enchanted glen,'' where as a child I hoped my prince would come and save me from the life I lived. I was not dissapointed. Nydia came there that night, in wolf form, though I did not know it was him. I was a fiteen year old girl who saw a wolf, and I didn't care if he had a big poster on him saying 'This wolf is harmless.'

I ran, and climbed up a tree. When the beast began to climb, I threw at him the only thing I had with me (besides the mushrooms) I could throw-- a silver ring. It somehow flounced off of his face and attached itself to his ear, and he abruptly changed back into a human.

"I was shocked, and didn't know what to do. He still has it there, too, you'll notice his left ear is peirced. Now, Nydia was not Nydia. I saw a human body tampered by the beast that he must live with, but I didn't notice. I was too busy staring at his face. 'Where... where am I?' he asked me, and I answered, 'in my enchanted glen.'

It sounded profoundly stupid, and I wish I'd said something else. Erg... he tricked me. He tricked me into what he wanted that involves making a child, at fifteen. The beast had gone uncontrolled for far too long."

"He... he made you pregnant?" Niendel blurted out. Shannon glared at him with a look of such short patience, his question died on the air.

"The village people were furious when I told my parents I'd gotten pregnant. They insisted that I kill the baby when it was born, but I refused. My family was the Isola family, and my name.."

She choked back tears, "My name was Iorenn at the time. So they had a witch cast an evil spell on me, and I turned to shannon the wolf. Eve is a half wolf by her father, not by me. This is only an appearation that will not be lifted unless I 'taste the meaning of life.'" She stopped, glancing at Eve with a frown.

"Cruel, isn't it?" She whispered the last words, "Cruel, that I should have to eat my own child to live."

"Ready?" Said Etienne to Elba, who nodded in reply. The small canary opened his wings, and began to fly; taking flight from Elba's shoulder. "Follow me!" The echo came back. William picked up Elba carefully, she looked like a doll in shrivel comparison to his massive form.

"Hold on tight," He warned her, "It's a long flight." And, spreading his black wings, he took off after Etienne. Where they were going, however, they had no idea. Only Etienne did, and the thought of a canary they'd just met guiding them was not a very comforting thought.


"I think we should just leave him here," said Niendel loudly. The statement earned him a resounding shush from various memebers of the party.

"Actually, that just might work," Said Ailftari finally, glancing at the werewolf. "I mean, he isn't getting up anytime soon." Circe's blow had left a nasty-looking lump, and he didn't look like he was getting up any time soon. A few of the children smiled in triamph.

"He won't be able to follow us." Said Shannon, nudging Nydia's bag with her nose, "We'll take this bag with us." Circe bit her lip.

"But... doesn't that mean that he'll die in the tunnel?"She said, glancing around at the others for reassurence.

"No," Shannon replied shortly, "Werewolves can keep on for weeks without food."

"He can always hunt for rats," added Jack with a rather sinister looking grin, "If he doesn't consider himself above them."

"I am guessing we should leave, before he wakes up," said Ailftari. Curiously, she seemed uneffected by Rolyn's death. She seemed uninterested in all the activity, and she fiddled with her necklace.

"We..we can't just leave him here." Circe said. "What if he escapes and causes trouble?"

"Circe, its about time you started acting like you care more about the group," Eve stated bluntly, "Stop flattering yourself. He doesn't love you, he was USING you."

"Eve, be silent. Circe did nothing wrong, she only was a child that fell in love with dog."

"If he's not above that, that is." Niendel said, turning his prying eyes away from the unconcious Nydia.

"Okay, then," Shannon said, "Lets go."


The path was forbidden. That was the first thing they told the children on Iorenn Isola, to stay away from the forbidden path. They described huge, looming monsters and goblins that would gobble children up. Great creatures and serpents and vampires who would hungirly devour anyone in their path.

If anyone had asked why there was a path, no one would remember. No one would remember that the impossible lay at the end of that path, trying to add itself to the possible.

After the blue road there lead you over hill and mountain alike, through the dense forests and over the thickly flowing streams, you came to a clearing. In the clearing, from every tree, there were shards of broken colored glass that hung from the branches.

When the sun or moon or stars shone though it, it was as though heaven had found its way onto earth. There was peace there, at the end of the week-blocked path. In fact, next to the havoc of the rest of the island, it was particularly calm.

In the grass covered landscape, there was a small house. It had two bedrooms and one kitchen, all of them prettily decorated. However, That morning the silence was distrubed. Catherine heard three knocks at the door, three powerful, demanding knocks that demanded attention and entry both.

Gracefully, she moved to the door, opening it wide in an arch of welcome. Her right hand was on the sword that had protected her those many years, ready to fight if the demand for entry grew too dangerous. Catherine's beauty was fabled throughout the isle of Aoife, and whispers grew that she had siren blood in her veins.

She had long, flowing blonde hair that was a darker shade of blonde. Her skin was pale, but not too pale, as though she were tanned from her gardening in the sun.

Catherine had eyes of a sharp, darker green, one that caused people to trust her by some unspoken reason.She opened the door, and there he was.

The man was tall, about three inches taller then Catherine. He had a tan, unmarked face, and brown eyes that glimmered with some unnamed emotion. His chin-length hair was a night-like black, which he had swept back in a short pony tail.

He looked strong and muscular, even in his expensive blue tunic trimmed in gold. His pants were white, and his plain brown boots looked age from travel.

"Tristan!" She whispered. Tristan smiled, thus confirming Catherine's suspisions to his identity. She just hadn't been expecting the vampiric fangs... Ahab Maundrell had returned.


Elba had previously fallen asleep, but a sudden jostle had woken her up.

"Willam?" She called, over the howling wind, "Willam, what's happening?"

"I have no idea," He yelled, "Just hang on, and I'm sure we'll be able to ride it out?"

"ITS AN UPDRAFT!" Shouted Etienne, "WILLAM, THROW OUT YOUR WINGS! DON'T STEER!" But his warning had come too late, for Willam had already thrown out his black wings to their full span. The wind blew him and Elba both north, and tiny Etienne had been blown far ahead.

"We've got to catch him!" Elba said, as loud as she could manage with her hoarse voice, "He's our only way out of here!"

"RIGHT!" Willam said, echoing Etienne's previous tone. He threw his wings out farther, as far as he could; and they sped after Etienne. All of a sudden, the updraft stopped, and both of them plummeted down into the preciface below.

The flamelight flickered quietly beside the dying sunlight. The children were seeing the moon first hand after several days in the damp, laberinth-like tunnel. Yet now, with Nydia and the beast behind them, they felt safe.

An unspoken burden had been lifted from them, somehow, and they reflected all of this as they lay near the warm fire. Eve was not so content, she was filled with emotion, and she did not know why. So, she did what any child will do in her place. She talked.

"Ailftari, I love your necklace, where'd you get it?" She babbled. Ailftari looked up slowly, and a smile formed on her beautiful face.

"It was given to me by my husband." She responded, hugging her herself at the memory and looking towards the moon.

"Roland? I'm sorry about what happened to you, you know. Did you love Roland?" Eve did not stop to consider her reply, her mouth just kept making new questions.

"Roland was not my husband, impatient one." Ailftari said, finally pulling her eyes away from the moon. Eve was not easily deterred in her hyper-active state, and, without missing a beat, she replied:

"Really? Who was your husband?"

"The Lore master, Falerin." Jack and Circe looked up at once to this reply, exchanging looks of surprise, shock, and awe, while Niendel just looked confused at the proceedings. Eve noticed nothing.

"HEY! That's my uncle!" She twitted stupidly, reaching into her breast and removing a small silver necklace identical to the one that Ailftari wore.

"Yes, Eve." Shannon said, getting up and streching from her nap. "She's your aunt."

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!! AUNTIE!!!" she blathered, dancing around like a mouse who had just devoured an entire wheel of cheese. Ailftari did not even acknowledge this, as usual, she was lost in thought. After Eve's crazy time, the group decided to go to sleep for the night. None of them made the connection that would later unravel one of the greatest enigmas anyone had ever faced...

Let alone children.

© 2008 Greystone

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Added on December 22, 2008
Last Updated on December 23, 2008



Fort Atkinson, WI

I've been writing for about five years. Mostly, I focus on fantasy, although to be honest I've dabbled horribly in Romance, Science Fiction, and modern-day roleplays. I enjoy drawing, painting, wood c.. more..

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