Have you ever wondered how bra sizes are labeled A,B,C,D,DD,E,F, and H...well it's almost like friends...and how good we are........A-almost there B-barley there C-can't complain D-dang! DD-double-dang!! E-enormous F-fake H-help i've fallen and i can't get up!!.....well your more then just any t ype of bra size...your exactically like one...you never let me sag, you always lift me up, you keep me in place, and you almost never let me down....your more then any sports bra or strapless bra i've ever seen...your phenominal...'cuz your my friend....and if your my best friend...your exotic, lame, weird, georgouse, lovable,...'cuz your your own person...your better...'cuz your my friend...so thank you for the lifts and gifts you've disired me with...thank you for being such a great bra...i mean friend..:*)