Family SUCKS!

Family SUCKS!

A Chapter by UnwrittenLoveStory

AN: Okay people. Review? Please.

Title: Within the pain

Author: Hollie Industries

Rating: T

for: MAJOR DEPRESSION, self abuse, mentioning/possible of suicide, possible sexual contact, drug use, eating disorders, abuse, rape, and incest.

Summary: She cuts. He burns. She stuffs. He starves. She gets raped. He gets abused. Drugs leads her life, when alcohol leads his... When they meet. The world will change.

Gendre: Drama/hurt/comfort

Inspired by: Among the Pain by Geez Geena

Pairing: Nate and Shane. Isabella and Nate friendship. AND A SURPRISE!!!!

Movie: Camp Rock X Twilight cross over

Country: Australia

Disclaimer: story idea belongs to me. Characters don't.

Imagine all the people living life in peace - Imagine [John Lennon]

Chapter Two

Part One

Isabella's POV

It's 7:05

He left again

Oh life sucks.

The door slams telling me my 'family' is left.


I stand and get dressed.

Jogs and a T.

Not that I care about fashion.

I go to my desk and read my latest letter from Steve.

Hey, I said I didn't call. I didn't say anything about writing.

It read:


How are you kiddo? How is Renee and Landon? And your sister? Oh what's her name... Tess? Hope there treating you right. What am I saying I no there not. And I'm sorry for that kiddo. Connie and I are fine. Alana misses you though. Are you going to be going to 'summer camp' again this Summer? Everyone misses you. Oh and Alley is starting to ask questions Bella. She thinks she is adopted. So this summer I think you should tell her. But that is your decision. Also the baby is fine.



Oh P.S Alana wanted to write something,


I lubs U



By the time I read the letter I was crying even more. Alana and Alley think they are my sisters but they are my daughters. Also Owen, the baby he's my son. I had Owen two months ago when I went on a 'school trip' to Boston. Really I went to my dads and had Owen. I told mom and Landon I had a miscarriage. In total I had 2 miscarriages, so they think.

Alley was born when I was just 11 years old. She was 6 pounds. She lived here until she was two then she 'got lost' cause Landon started hitting her. My step mom, Connie came and got her after I phoned dad from a pay phone. She is a super smart kid. She can read and write better then a lot of five year olds.

Alana was born when I was 13. I had her in the hospital out of town, Connie drived me. Then she took her along with Alley.

It's hard not being able to see your kids.

It's harder when they could add.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

I took out a my laptop and started writing:


My school is going to Paris. I'm so lucky that Tess don't go to my school. Then I'd never be able to see you or the kids. Anyway mom already told me I could go. So I'll have 5000 dollars to but the kids stuff and I'll give the rest to you. I'm sorry that you have to take care of my kids dad. I should do that. But I just can't. I can't endanger their lives. Maybe I'll find a way I can stay this time. I'll try to think of something. :(.

So how is Alice? And Rose? And Jasper? And Emment? And Edward? And Caitlyn? And Mitchie? And Anna? And Jenna? Oh I miss them all so much! And what about Connie? And you? And Alana? And Alley? And Owen? Oh how is my baby.

Dad I have said this before but I'm saying it again.

Why the hell did you get a huge house and let strangers in? Or as we call it "Hotel Torres". Oh my daddy. Oh and how is Jake and Billy? Oh I miss them.

Anyway. I'm going to go pack. School is going to Paris tomorrow. So see you soon.



I pressed the 'sent' button and checked my e-mail. Nothing. I decided to bring up my fanfiction profile and write. It's the only thing I have left in this world besides my family that cares.

I started writting...

Don't walk away

When the world is crashing down

Don't walk away

When you feel like hell

Don't walk away

When there is nothing left

Don't walk away

I just write random stuff when I'm bord.

I decied to go pack.

I get my money. Clothes. Books. And Laptop.

By this time it's 12 so I go to find something to eat. I make a home made pizza and eat it all. I can't help it when I feel alone and worthless I either eat or cut. Theres nothing else to do. After my pizza I ate 18 crunchie bars, 14 areo, 15 slices of bread, and a pudding. The great thing of this is I won't gain weight. I don't know why. I just won't. It's annoying sometimes. Oh well.

My stomach hurts. But it always hurts. I turn on the TV and watch it until I fall asleep.

I just wanted to say, I'm sorry - Sorry [Buckcherry]

Chapter Two

Part Two

Nate's POV

"Nate!" Shane said knocking on my door. I pull up my boxers and throw the match in the garbage.

"What?" I asked going out of the bathroom. I felt so sick.

"I heard you throw up. Man your really sick. I guess we will no what it is when Jason get's home," Shane said picking me up and carrying me to his bedroom again.

He lays me on the bed and gets behind me. Literally. Like I'm leaning back on his body while he is rubbing my stomach. It feels so nice. I look at him and give him a peck on the lips, "I love you," I say and he smiles. He starts teasing me by rubbing my stomach and going up to my chest stopping to slowly rub against my nibbles and back down to my stomach. He gets a few moans, his hands are so warm. He starts kissing my neck, apparently turned on. I take his hand still going up and down and bring it to my swollen and pulsing c**k. "Oooh," I say as he starts stroking it.

"I'm home!" Jason said from down stairs

"Oh s**t!" Shane and me said and I quickly laid down while Shane put on Sex in the City.

"How is my baby brother?" Jason said coming to me with his med bag. I rolled my eyes "the s***s!"

Jason did a bunch of crap with his med crap. I hate doctors. They are stupid. Actually there really smart but lets not let them get cocky.

"I don't know what's wrong with you Nate," that don't sound good coming from a doctor.

"So what do this mean?" Shane asked giving me a hug from behind. Don't say hospital. Don't say hospital. C'mon Jason don't say it.

"Were going to have to bring him to the emengerscy room," same damn thing. Nope. I won't go. I refuse!

"I'm not going to the hospital!" I say

"Nate. Hospitals are not evil," Jason said

"It's okay little buddy we will be with you," Shane said

"NO!" I shouted

"Nate. Don't make me put you to sleep," Jason said in his parental tone

"Your going to have to!" I said

He shook his head and started looking through his bag he pulled out a needle and some liquid s**t. Then he got a IV. What don't he have in that bag?

"Shane your going to have to hold him down," he said and I looked at Shane with pleading eyes. He smiled and made me lie down while his leg went across my two legs, he laid on my left arm, and held my right hand where Jason wanted it. The whole time Jason was putting the IV in I was bawling. Seriously bawling. My face was full of tears and my nose is running.

"C'mon Nate, calm down," Shane whispered in my ear while whipping my eyes with my baby blanket. It was baby blue with moons on it and teddy bears.

"You better tell him what you want know cause soon you will be in la la land," Jason said, annoyed

"My blanket, some clothes, Zeggy, and my ipod," I said to Shane, he nodded.

"Kay Nate, when you awake you will be in a hospital bed," Jason said injecting something into the IV. Then pretty soon everything was black.

"Please!" someone shouts. I open my eyes and I'm in space? What the f**k is going on?

"Landon!" it says again. I don't know why but I walk towards the voice.

"I'll do anything!" it pleads. It sounds so delicate.

I walk out into a clearing, it's grassy. But still space. Then I see what I was looking for. I see her.

© 2009 UnwrittenLoveStory

Author's Note


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Added on March 13, 2009