Important! haha

Important! haha

A Chapter by UnwrittenLoveStory

CHANGE! Sorry I forgot about this. I would of fixed it.

Adelaide = Forks

Sydney = Phoenix

Pinks Beach = La Push

Port Pirie = Seattle

Gawler = Port Angleas

^ They are all Southern Aussie places. Except for Sydney, which is New South Whales? Or something like that. I'm not from Australia. Wish I were, awesome accents! lol. So this chapter goes to all the awesome Aussie''s out there. Oh and hope you don't mind being called an Aussie....... I mean no hurt feelings. -Smiles-

EEEEEEEEEEEE! lol. I'm so happy. I might take Spanish next year! I'm thinking really hard on it.

Again. Review please.

Title: Within the pain

Author: Hollie Industries

Rating: T

for: MAJOR DEPRESSION, self abuse, mentioning/possible of suicide, possible sexual contact, drug use, eating disorders, abuse, rape, and incest.

Summary: She cuts. He burns. She stuffs. He starves. She gets raped. He gets abused. Drugs leads her life, when alcohol leads his... When they meet. The world will change.

Gendre: Drama/hurt/comfort

Inspired by: Among the Pain by Geez Geena

Pairing: Nate and Shane. Isabella and Nate friendship. AND A SURPRISE!!!!

Movie: Camp Rock X Twilight cross over

Country: Australia

Disclaimer: story idea belongs to me. Characters don't.

So I'll stay awake almost every night A pin in my hand and in the other a knife Cuz I'd rather be scared and fight back Then be some dick's maid, babe, or wife- I wanna know what love is [Julie Ruin]

Chapter Three

Part One

Isabella POV

I left an hour ago. Why does Adelaide have to be so far away? I still have an hour left. Oh well I know what I'm going to do now to get away from my 'parents'. How? Oh wouldn't you like to know? Well you’re not going to, you know why? Cause I don't even know.

I'm in Pinks Beach now. 20 minutes left. I should drop in to see Jake. Oh and Billy. I drive up there road and into their house.

I knock on the door and out pops a friendly man in a wheel chair.

"Isabella!" Billy said, "Come in, come in,"

I walked into the huge basically one story house. Billy went into the living room so I followed and stood in the doorway for a few minutes until I get grabbed from behind and twirled around.

"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed kicking my feet and shaking my hands.

"Bells, it's just me," Jake said putting me down.

"JAKE!" I said but I couldn't stay mad with him for long, he put on his adorable puppy pout and I wrapped my arms around him. "I missed you bells,"

"Me too," I said

"Let's go in my room," I nodded and followed him.

Jake was really tall for his age. He was just 15 and was already 6 foot five. He was really handsome looking and had a big grin that you could never get out of your head. I ran up behind him and jumped on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He chuckled putting his hands on my a*s so I wouldn't fall. He carried me to his room which was on the other side of the house and up the only stairs. He is really muscled. He makes male models look bad. I guess you could say that I like him. I know that is what is on all of your minds. But anyway we laid me on his pink bean bag chair once we were in his room. NO he is not gay. I bought him that chair when he was five, the first time I saw my dad since the divorce. Anyway he kept it.

"So, how long are you here for?" Jake asked me. He knows nothing about Landon or Renee or Tess.

"Uh, three weeks," I said. I still haven’t thought of anything. We hung out for a while we talked about school and random things. "So do you got a boyfriend yet?" he asked me and I started to laugh, "What's so funny?" he asked. He had a puzzled look on his tanned, perfect face. "Nothing, no I don't have a boyfriend,"

He nodded, "Well, it's getting late. You should get to Steven's house," he said

I looked at the time I have been here 5 hours? What the f**k? Where has the day gone?

"Yeah, do you want to come over tonight? Do some more catching up?" I asked. Am I coming on to strong?

He shrugged, "I guess so, and I got nothing else to do,"

I smiled. I hope I didn't look to stupid. Was my hair okay? Did I have anything in my teeth?

He went to his closet and threw out boxers, a shirt, a pair of jeans, and a picture of his mom. Jake's mom died when he was 10, car accident. He came out of the closet with a small suit case and put the stuff in it, "Let's go,"

We went downstairs, Jake told Billy he was going, and we went out to my Cherry Porsche. Jake put his suitcase in the back seat with my suitcases and we were off.

9 o'clock PM we got home. I walked into my huge hotel house, Jake was getting my stuff, and the receptionist sitting at the counter said, "Oh my sorry, all rooms are booked," I smiled. She was new, she had long hair that went to her lower back and it was in a long braid, big thick rim glasses, and from what I could see she was really thin. "It's okay. I have a private room," I laughed a little and she didn't get my joke, "I'm sorry miss, I'm going to have to call security if you don't leave," she said which made me laugh even more. She picked up the phone and paged Emmett and Jasper. What the hell? She could have at least asked who I was. A minute later Jasper and Emmett came out of the north elevator. "Lola, what is the matter?" Emmett asked

"Hey Emmett!" I said and the girl, Lola just stared at me.

"ISABELLA!" Emmett shouted giving me a huge bear hug, as did Jasper. Jasper and Emmett are brothers that came to live with dad in the hotel when they were 14; now at 18 they have a job as security guards. Emmett is huge as a bear; he is very well muscled, tanned, and pale skinned. Jasper is a bit smaller but every strong, he has awesome muscles too, and is also pale skinned.

"You know her?" Lola asked and I started laughing.

"You should have asked who I was, I'm Steven's daughter, Isabella," I said once my laughter has left me.

"Oh I'm sorry Miss Torres," she said bowing. Bowing? What the hell?

"It's cool," I said by this time Jake was in with my 7 suitcases and his 1 suitcase. Emmett and Jasper helped him and we went up to my room on the 27th floor.

Okay let me give you a description of the hotel. It has 27 floors. Oh the first floor is the lobby, pool, restaurant, and sign in desk. Floors 2 to 20 are all hotel rooms and suites. Then floors 20 to 27 are my family's floors. To get there you need a password which only close family and friends know. Floor 20 is dad's and mom's floor, (the mom that actually care about me) Floor 21 is my daughters and Anna's floor, floor 22 is Alice, Rose, Caitlyn, Mitchie, and Jenna's floor, floor 23 is Emmett, Seth, Jasper, and Edwards floor, floor 24 is the visitor floor, floor 25 is mine, Alice, Rose Caitlyn, Mitchie, and Jenna's closet floor, floor 26 is the play room/games floor, and floor 27 is my floor.

Now about the people. Anna is a little girl that a guy that lives in suite 18 owns. But the court say he can't take care of her or something and she was put in foster care. That is where dad found her, 7 years ago when she was a baby. She has long red hair, is sort of thin, and is always smiling. The guy doesn’t know that she lives in the hotel. He doesn’t seem to care either. Oh yeah by the way, his name is Nate Grey. I don't really know him but I know he goes to my sister's school and he has two brothers, Shane and Jason. They live in that suite with their Uncle Brown, nice guy. I've met him. He has short brown hair and a bit of a beard. Really strong British accent so I guess the boys are from England, how great!

Alice and Rose are twins and are my half sisters. There 15, yes dad had an affair. Who cares? Anyway Rosie is tall, shoulder length hair, blonde, really beautiful. Emmett is her boyfriend but dad doesn’t know it. He would so fire him if he knew. Alice on the other hand is really short, got a pixie cut, red, and is Jasper's girlfriend. She is quite different then her sister, I'll give her that.

Mitchie and Caitlyn are twins and are my sisters too. Their 14. Mitchie has perfectly natural straight hair that goes to her a*s, blue eyes, pale reflection, and a huge grin. Caitlyn looks somewhat the same but her natural hair is curly, same length though. She is also darker then her sister. They don't have boyfriends but they have a band called Jammin' Tunes. I love their music so much. It's hip hop but some sad country type too. It's both mixed. I love it.

Jenna is a different girl. Get is the cheerleading captain and thinks everyone is less than her. In other words a real b***h. Dad let her stay with him because her mom and him were real close. I mean friendship. When she died she left him a present, Jenna is 13 and her mom died when she was 1. Well let's just say she looks like every cheerleader, skinny as hell, blonde hair, blue eyes, peachy color skin, and average height.

Seth is my big brother. He is only 11 months older than me though. Don't get me wrong I love him to bits but he is super annoying. He is tall, muscled, tanned, and skinny. He runs track and field and works out like 3 times a day. There really is nothing to say about him.

Then finally. Edward. He is fine. 18, Pale, muscled, tall, and HOTT! Okay I know I said I liked Jake. But I think I like him too. See where this get's confusing? Well anyway Edward is a gentleman. He is so nice... And I'm so drooling right now. I can't wait to see him. I find myself going quicker to the elevator.

Jake laughs, "In a hurry to see Edward is we?"

I stop and blush a little, "Uh, um, why do you say that Jake?"

"Cause I know you. And you definably like him" he says

I shrug, "That's none of your business now is it?" he starts dying laughing. I can tell Emmett and Jasper is fighting back a laugh too.

"Oh Bells," Jake says and I ignore him.

The elevator stops at floor 23. "You can go on and see Eddie, we will put your stuff in your room," Jasper said, I give him a smile and walked out of the elevator.

Floor 23 was just as every floor, except mine and floor 26. It had 4 rooms. I went to the far end of the hall and knocked on the door that said, "Edward's Room! Please knock upon entry!" A few minutes later Edward appeared at the now opened door. "Hey!" I said and he smiled, "Hey!" he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me into his room, shutting the door. "How are you?" he asked. "I'm good, I missed you while I was gone," I said. Edward was the only one except dad that knew about my life in Phoenix. "I missed you to," he said holding me closer. I put my head to his chest and he started putting his hand through my hair. Awkward.

"So, Bella, I was thinking..." he started to say but stopped. Looking down at the floor. I was out of his arms now but I still stood in front of him. "What Edward?" I asked looking into his eyes. I love you was all he said. I just stood in shock. He loved me? Did I love him? I know I liked him. I know I would like for him to be my knight in armour. But did I love him? What did love really mean? To some it means sex. To some it means marriage. To some it means they will do anything for the other person. What does it mean to him? What does it mean to me? Who knew three little words could confuse you so much? I knew I would like him to be my boyfriend. I know that I think he is hot. But do I really love him? And who am I to make that judgement. The only one that can do that is him... "I think I love you too," I said and his eyes lit up and his lips curled up. But then he must of thought about what I said. "You think..." I nodded, "I'm not sure if I love you. I know I like you very much. But I'll need time to be around you to know if I love you or not," He nodded in understanding. "So what does this make us?" he asked. "Really good friends, for now," I said kissing him on the cheek.

They'll keep you scared so you have to have a boyfriend and take your kids away if your gay - I wanna know what love is [Julie Ruin]

Chapter Three

Part Two

Nate's POV

I wake up sweating. What. The. F**k. Was that a dream... about. A. GIRL! I haven’t had one of them in years. Oh s**t. Oh double s**t. Oh frikkin monkey balls s**t! What the hell is wrong with me? I look around for the first time since I woke up. I'm in a small private room. Shane is asleep on the side of my bed. He looked like a god when he was sleeping. His perfect toned face, the way his chest inflates and deflates, the way his lips are in a pout. Oh I just wanted to taste him in my mouth right NOW! But I couldn't, it be too risky. Sniff. I looked around the small room again. Nothing interesting. Machines, a window, a door, and Shane. Well Shane is interesting. He is the personality to my cheez wiz, the cheese to my nachos, the cheese to my macaroni, am I the only one that realizes all that has to do with cheese?

"Good morning, how you feeling?" A nurse asked coming into the small room. She looked ugly. So ugly I'm not going to describe her long wavy brown hair, her s****y green eyes, her slim body look, OR her tallness... Oh s**t. I just did. Oh well. "I feel great. A lot better than when I came here, but I still don't feel 100% better," I wondered if they gave me food. But food always made me feel guilty or uncontrolling over my body and its fatness. If it isn't food what is it? "That's good; when you came here your stomach was aching, just as an anorexic or bulimic would be. But your brother assured me that you were not either or the too." she had a big smile on her face. I don't choose to be fat you stuck up b***h. Jesus! It's like she wants to see me break right there and go gag myself and throw up. She makes me want to get my matches or my secret stash of vodka. Yeah I drink vodka, got a problem with it? But they are home. Another sniff.

"On the bright side you are getting released tomorrow, which is only a few hours away," b***h said giving me a smile and leaving. Nothing can be worse than her.

-X- (For the French part the English is in [ ] brackets. Also if this is wrong I'm sorry, but I am not a French Canadian.)

7:56 am is when I got out of the hospital. Jason made Shane get my school bag and clothes and that is where we are headed to now. My lucky school is just languages, science, History, and math. We arrive at school 8:19 am, I have missed home room and French has started for the first 18 minutes. Not that I care. Okay I do care. If I don't do well in school Shane won't touch me for a week and Uncle Brown will beat me up. Well that will be his excuse. I walk in to Miss. Hynes' French class. "M. Grey, c'est agréable de vous joindre à nous aujourd'hui," she said [M. Grey, it's nice of you to join us today] I smiled and replied, "Je suis tres désolé, je sware il ne sera jamais se reproduire. J'ai seulement fait sortir de l'hôpital une heure, il y a," [I'm Sorry, I sware it will never happen again. I just got out of the hospital a hour ago] "Oh mon ! Vous êtes bon?" she said back concerned. [Oh my! Are you okay?] "Oui, je ne pense pas le meilleur," I said putting a hand on my stomach which started turning. [Yes, I still don't feel well though] "Oh vous mauvaise chose vous souhaite apporter votre feuille de calcul à l'office d'infirmières?" she said holding a cross word in her hand I replied with a simple, "Oui, merci," took the paper and went to the nurses office. [Oh you poor thing would you like to take your worksheet to the nurses office AND Yes, thank you]

"How may I help you?" a lady at the desk asked. I nodded, "Bonjour, mon estomac conserve tourner et j'étais dans l'eirler de l'hôpital. Mon enseignant a déclaré pour moi de venir ici." I accidently said in French. [Hi, my stomach keeps turning and I was in the hospital earlier. My teacher said for me to come here.] But the lady knew French and responded, "Oh amant, arrivent sur et me Rickie ou grâce à vous donner un rub ventre, puis vous pouvez reposer" [oh sweetheart, come on in and I'll get Rickie or Grace to give you a belly rub and then you can rest.] I nodded. I don't know what is wrong with my stomach, it just keeps flipping. The lady guides me in through the doors and over to a graceful girl. I guess that is where she got her name to. "Grace, this boy's stomach is paining and flipping, give him a general massage, oh and he speaks French," I almost died laughing when she said that. Sure I did speak French put my first language is English. "fixer petit ici" Grace said tapping the table. [Lay down here] I nodded and did what I was told to. Grace rubbed circles in the lower part of my stomach, it felt so good against the pain that is coming from inside. I imagined her hands were just as Shane's soft and warm hands were that they were Shane's hands. Once my massage is over Grace brings me to a bed to lie down. It looks like a hospital bed but it has a blue pillow and I'm giving a teddy bear pillow. I fall asleep when my head hits the pillow.

"Please, you have to pretend you don't know me. Please! You never saw me here okay?" the dream girl said to me. We were in a cave under the big cliff in La Push, where everyone went jumping too.

"Why? You can't live here," I said. I was hovering over my body watching this girl and me talk.

"Nate, Anna, your daughter, she is in the same hotel that you live in, she is my baby sister," Dream Girl said, WHAT! How did she know about Anna? The cops took my little girl when I was 10 and her mother died. [I know that isn't really possible for a guy to have a kid then. But oh well this is fiction]

"What?" Dream me asked

"Your daughter Anna, go into the hotel and punch in 5548 in the control panel, then click the 21st floor, she is there along with Alley and Alana, my other sisters," Dream girl said

"Thank you," Dream me said.

"It's nothing, just remember that you never saw me," Dream me nodded and swam back in the water

© 2009 UnwrittenLoveStory

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Added on March 13, 2009