Not what was written  (The Funeral)

Not what was written (The Funeral)

A Poem by Gee

Update: 24/02/20....mum died roughly 6 months after this written. Would be good to read , " No flowers, fair weather friends or God" straight after reading this :)

He looked up from his prepared words
a sea of faces returning his gaze, he smiled.
Even though he knew his first line by heart,

" on behalf of mum I'd like to thank you all for coming today "

he glanced down again and stared at his badly written eulogy,
breathing slowly, deeply, composing himself.

An image of her came to his mind.
She was sitting, as always, in her favourite chair,
her mobile table come walker pulled over her lap.
Atop this lay various pills, a pen, reading glasses,
tissues, extra strong mints and an old envelope,
on the back of which grocery items written with an unsteady hand.
A half cup of luke warm tea completed the jumble.
Below this on a lower shelf lay her handbag,
cards for birthdays, anniversaries, christmas,
and that days newspaper, opened to reveal a half started number puzzle.

They chatted about this and that
whilst he emptied bins, tidied the kitchen,
sorted the fridge, removing out of date milk, meat,
and over sugared desserts,
these over the years having put paid to most of her teeth.
He was only her second visitor that week she told him,
and most probably her last, though this not said,
which was a sad reflection on both her family and so called friends priorities,
but she understood folk were busy and had their own lives to live.

He smiled again, cleared his throat,

" I think mum would have found it amusing, ironic even,
that so many of you have taken the time to come see her today,
be it in death,
as few, if any of you, ever crossed the WELCOME mat at her front door whilst she was living......... "

© 2020 Gee

Author's Note

Struggled with the title
I am the third of seven children raised by mum on her own. The others seldom visit her leaving all responsibility for her welfare, needs, to my niece and me.
So, the above was born :))
Mum is still alive and kicking

Mum has since passed away....09/04/19

My Review

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i find this so sad...often we don't appreciate people until they are gone...and often the only thing that draws people to a funeral is guilt, for not having visited them enough in life.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Very true Jacob.
Hope your are well
Thank you
That is a sad reflection
I have written a piece about my mothers passing but can't quite come to posting it yet.
I often felt the lack of visitors reflected on how many of her peers had either moved on or were unable to move about??

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Hi John, sorry to hear of your mother's passing.
Thank you for taking the time to review
Bitter biting is often better...

Well done!!

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Cheers Terry
Sadly that is how it is for many old people today. They live very lonely lives. Plus the fact that children and grandchildren often live miles away doesn't help. The closeness of families a few generations ago seems to have flown out of the window. Your words were poignant, and I hope to God, that I don't end up with that loneliness, although I know I could cope with it. Hard hitting finish Gee.


Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you Christine. Unlike the rest of Europe we seem to dump our parents once they become a wee bi.. read more
A very poignant write, your Mum still soldiering?

It is a sad indictment on our society today, that the family only comes together when there is a funeral or a will to be contested. I have this experience time and time again. It does make one question the value of the word 'family' sometimes. A busy life is just no excuse for neglecting our elders in their time of need.

This is well written as always and tugs on the heartstrings with its truth and realism. I do hope your Mom is well.

Fine writing, Gee.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thanks Doodley.
Mum is fine and well
Such sad words Gee, that we can all relate to. A sad indictment on society that can justify treating those who cared for us, like an inconvenence.
Throw a kinder bueno on to the pile and I could be reading about my own mum.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

All good, except for the usual weather/lack of sun gripes. Oh, and my team have went from great to s.. read more

5 Years Ago

Yep, Scousers going okay, only flattering to deceive no doubt.
God only knows what has happen.. read more

5 Years Ago

I think its the players who wanted away in January (Boyata) & Eduard will be thinking twice now Demb.. read more
I liked the ending. Honest words spoken. It is sad we remember people when they are gone. You create real life situation my friend. Powerful and true words written in the outstanding poetry.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you Coyote, one from personal experience
Coyote Poetry

5 Years Ago

A sad and trustful right and it is very sad. We miss people, too late. You are welcome my friend.

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17 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 29, 2018
Last Updated on January 25, 2020
Tags: Death, love, loneliness, selfishness



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..

Gone now... Gone now...

A Poem by Gee

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