

A Story by Hope Rose

This is a really freaky dream I had, so I don't expect anyone to get hit with the emotions

I hear the sound of footsteps and walk over to the door as someone starts knocking. I crack the door slightly and see my best friend and aunt, Mystique. I let her in and she hugs me as soon as I shut the door. We laugh and she walks over to where my dress is hanging. With a silent agreement, she unzips the bag and gets my dress out while I slip off my dressing gown. I then turn around so she can help me slide the dress on over my head. I close my eyes and wiggle the dress on, not opening my eyes when I hear the gown brush the floor or when I hear Mystique gasp. I wait a minute to get used to the feeling of the silk gown pulling my body down before I open my eyes, then do a double take. 
The person looking back at me from the mirror looks nothing like me. Her black hair shines to the point of having an almost-purple tint. Her dress, a deep red dress with black designs makes her look super beautiful. I keep looking at this angel, and I realize what the people in the dress store seen when I tried this on the last time. I look so beautiful that I nearly start crying.
I look back at Mystique, who looks like she's going to cry as well. She knows how much this dress means to me, and she smiles as she hands me my bouquet. She's my maid of honor, and I'm glad.
We walk out of the room and hear the start of the music. She gives me a quick hug before starting her slow walk down the aisle. I wait until I hear the trilling part of the music that is my cue, then I walk out and slowly head to the man I'm promising myself to until death.


I bolt out of bed and for the bathroom. I spend most of my time in here these days, the worry hitting me like a crazy train. Two weeks ago, my husband was shot in front of me, and he now sits in critical care fighting for his life.
After a few minutes of dry heaving with nothing coming up, I sit back and sigh. I feel a nudge under my hand and start talking softly. "I know, little one. I know you're worried just like I am. We'll be alright, and your daddy will come home," I comfort my unborn child, trying to comfort myself at the same time. I hate worrying because there's so much stress.
I sit on the bathroom floor until I hear my phone ringing, then drag myself out of the bathroom to the phone.
"Hope? This is Mystique."
"Aunt Mystique, is Jake alright?"
"Hope, you need to come down here as soon as possible," is all she says before hanging up.
I dress quickly and drive myself to the hospital, then get led into Jake's room. The only other people here are Aunt Mystique and her husband. I look at Jake, who still hasn't woken up. I just look at him until the doctor walks in.
"Ah, Mrs. Wicko. You're here," he starts. "I am sorry to tell you this, your husband isn't responding to us. We're afraid-"
Before he can continue, the heart monitor starts to flat line. I'm frozen in terror, even ten minutes later when I'm staring at the rings on my finger. I'm sitting in the waiting room while they try to save Jake. The doctor walks in, and the look on his face gives the news, but he says it anyways.

"Mrs. Wicko, you're husband didn't make it. We did our best but..."
I didn't hear anymore, though, because a sharp pain lanced through me as I went into labor, the child of my now-dead husband being brought into the world the same night their father died.

© 2015 Hope Rose

Author's Note

Hope Rose
The narrator is future me, if you wanted to know. The child was never revealed to me, so I couldn't tell you what it was

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Featured Review

Hmm... Most of my dreams are freakier than a hundred folds.
Still, I got the feelings out of it, which is awesome! :-)
I like the descriptions, nothing overdone, or too lengthy.
However, I found one line, which for some reason poked my eye... " I bolt out of bed and for the bathroom." it's probably nothing, just that I'm tired (lols) So, full rating. Keep at it. :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hope Rose

8 Years Ago

Glad you enjoyed it, and took the time to read it :) Means a lot
Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

my pleasure (:


Hmm... Most of my dreams are freakier than a hundred folds.
Still, I got the feelings out of it, which is awesome! :-)
I like the descriptions, nothing overdone, or too lengthy.
However, I found one line, which for some reason poked my eye... " I bolt out of bed and for the bathroom." it's probably nothing, just that I'm tired (lols) So, full rating. Keep at it. :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hope Rose

8 Years Ago

Glad you enjoyed it, and took the time to read it :) Means a lot
Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

my pleasure (:
Wow, so painful and powerful, it's so contrasting with the happiness in the first part with the ultimate sadness in the second. The part about going into labour after the husbands death is really heart wrenching, so sad but great work!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hope Rose

8 Years Ago

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it
this is so so so sad and beautiful, it is going to make me cry, so sad........................

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Babe you will never lose its a sad storry but remember you will not see me die I will survive for you your my world and I'm really happy that we were married but never forger I love you

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on November 16, 2015
Last Updated on November 16, 2015


Hope Rose
Hope Rose


I just love how some people can be... They think that if their best friend has something then they have to. It's so funny :3 If you need someone to talk to for any reason just send me a message on .. more..

Torture Torture

A Chapter by Hope Rose