Immortal's Love

Immortal's Love

A Poem by HorrorMaster

A poem about a vampire finding his one true love.


I awaken from my dark coffin,

To look for my one true love.

I disappear in my dark castle.

It took me years to find her.

I appear at this house outside in the darkness.

I saw a beautiful dark haired woman standing above her house near her window.

I stared at her as she looks down on me.

I whispered into her mind, “Oh sweet angel of the night let me be your dark knight.”

She heard me as she comes down the stairs in her house.

She opens her door with a surprised look on her face,

I saw her smile and her eyes.

I can feel her heart beating fast.

She wanted me to bite her neck.

I go behind her back,

I started to bite slowly on her neck.

Her blood dripping from my fangs,

She lies down while I hold her into my arms.

She rises up to become immortal,

My Immortal love will never be old again.

We shall share blood together.

We both shall feed on more blood.

I took her to my dark castle,

We both made love on this night.

We will both live forever until the sun shining so bright.

© 2010 HorrorMaster

Author's Note

Theme song for this poem

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Featured Review

I am surprised by the range of emotion you write with. The beginning of this poem had a soft gentle touch. It transitions into a dark place near the end. I like how you put a spin on something that seemed brutal in nature. In today's pop culture vampires in love have been made to look soft...but you have given them their fangs back.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


really wicked thats kinda vampire stuff I like not gay twilight

Posted 13 Years Ago

Fabulously written

Posted 13 Years Ago

makes my cry every time i read this for it hold great meaning... this was a perfected song to post with this writing sweetheart

Posted 13 Years Ago

A very "touching" poem. Bwahahahaha.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was darkly romantic gentle at first then vicously vampire at the end. Great poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Great poem. You capture the emotion of the immortal finding his true love that he had been looking for. Loved it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is really written great.Awesome poem,im sad i have to leave it,haha..It's like a little story ..I like it a lot! xD

immortal love,sounds so perfect..I liked the rhyme and repeating of "I" in the beginning,lol..and this theme song is cool too ^^

Posted 14 Years Ago

You take us across the dark landscape to this depth of love and passion that is eternal. Vibrant with stunning imagery and emotion.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I think this was a good poem. I like the soft side better than the dark twisted side. I think this was great. I loved this. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

An interesting poem that sits on the original meaning of horror. not much more I can say that hasnt been said. Keep it up.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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29 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on July 5, 2010
Last Updated on July 16, 2010
Tags: Vampire, love, Romance, Gothic, Poem



Tamarac, FL

Hello i'm Ira and i'm pretty much a horror writer. I have bad grammar and spelling or typos errors, but I tried my best, so please enjoy them. Also I don't like harsh grammar nazi saying (oh yo.. more..


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