Writers Cafe - Once in a while, they still come back.

Writers Cafe - Once in a while, they still come back.

A Poem by Relic

Once in a while
as though pulled in by some desire,
or force,
some decide to take a ride back
to Writers Cafe.

It's not always a long visit, yet, 
they still come back
as though returning to their old home.

"I remember Robbie,
or Marie, or Frieda P," they might say.

They may recall this place in a way one might remember 
flags that lined porches,
or trees on each side of the street where they lived.
But still, they remember this place.
Their names are still on the mailbox.

For better or worse, this is a community.

Some have moved on, as they should.
And some are still here pruning nouns
or mowing verbs.

Some have even died.

The street may look different.
Trees may be bigger.
And old friends may be gone for good.

But on this block, 
you're never turned away
no matter how long you've been gone 
or how many times you move on.

They'll always be opportunities to write about
the sun, the rain, a train...

Writers Cafe - 
on this block, once in a while, 
they still come back.

© 2023 Relic

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Well, one of the new ones here. So far it doesn't look like the other sites I've been on.. Wattpad and writing.com.. Grrrrrr everything is about paying for getting advertised and the a*s kissing..

Don't care for that stuff, sooo after some exploration I decided on this site

We'll see how it goes.

Posted 7 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Months Ago

I wish you luck, Dennis. Thanks for the comment.
Dennis Wolf

7 Months Ago

Thank you, and.. No problem
This was an enjoyable read.


Its like a vacation spot for me...lol. I love to come back and see who is still haunting the hallowed halls. Miss those who have died or given up completely, the list would be long. But love the anchors that are able to hold the place down. I enjoyed this.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you, Crowley. It's unfortunate that we don't have an obituary on the site.
"It's not always a long visit, yet,
they still come back
as though returning to their old home."
Indeed! Although I joined recently during December or so, I have always felt that this platform feels somewhat like home. I never expected my writings to get reviews from such wonderful writers, and yet I got them. I always feel delighted and overjoyed whenever I receive a notification that someone has reviewed your poem. Its because the thought counts. Taking out time to actually pen down a genuine review for someone is an admirable thing to do. In this timespan, I personally have felt so much warmth and appreciation from everyone. And it is your poem, Relic, that truly expressed the feelings that members have on this platform. Thanks for sharing such a warm and enjoyable poem, Relic!

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

I appreciate the time you took to review my poems, thank you. It means a lot. :)

1 Year Ago

You're Welcome, Relic!
I started posting here in 2008, while on another poetry venue, called "The Starlite Cafe". It changed hands after the moderator died, and simply went downhill from there. I think the poets here will all tell you that the WC feels like home. Sure, we all need to walk away from time to time, but it's the returning to old friends and new that make it the community it is. Besides, it's good to see someone you haven't seen in a while...right? I'll gladly put my name in the hat of those who will still be here in ten years, "pruning nouns and mowing verbs." Neville and I already made a pact. It's on! ; )

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

haha, glad to hear that. I myself find myself being one of the people I refer to in this one. Thanks.. read more
Your words create pictures of a Café open always, warm and welcoming those who stop by or return for a while. A place full of old friends, inspiring always. We change, we grow, we move on yet our place here seems secure for good. Loved this poem!

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you very much, Divya. :)
So happily true...I tend to wander, then get lost, then find my way back
This is a place where you can find not only acceptance but really excellent literature
Poetry sharing is sometimes very close to soul sharing. You leave a piece behind and take a piece with you so, like Frederick said, no way to part permanently.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Yes, well said. And thank you for the comment. :)
Nouns that won't be pruned and verbs that won't be mowed still litter the lawn and on the block that has been allotted still I roam. As you have aptly articulated, back and away again; there is no way to part permanently from the Muse or the community. The song of our soul.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you for offering your take on this, Frederick. :)
Red Brick Keshner

1 Year Ago

It is all that I have, my take and hopefully worth the sharing. Cheers, Freds.
(For better or worse, this is a community. Some have moved on, as they should. And some are still here pruning nouns or mowing verbs.) I'm still pruning and mowing...for now. ~Sharon

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

I've been doing it for years. :) Thank you for your comment, Miss Sharon.
So glad to see that you put your picture up.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you, Tate. :)
I have just recently snuck back in and your poem really hits me right in the heart. I remember those ladies and many, many more. I made some wonderful friends here and though I don't see many of them around anymore, none I can assure have been forgotten. You included. Thank you for sharing this.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

I appreciate your thoughts, Willweb. Thank you.
Yep, we still check in to see what's happening on the writing neighborhood block even after being away for a too long period of time! I'm just seeing this though I've been here every once in a while, to perhaps change a poem from viewed to unviewed as I post on my YouTube channel, but the status still brings me here.
My years of posting on Writer's Cafe shall not be forgotten, nor the friends I've made on this site!
You are to be thanked for remembering us! I've enjoyed your explanations of who we are, why we are here, and even why some have left!

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thanks very much, Sheila. I appreciate your comment. :)

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107 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on February 7, 2021
Last Updated on August 19, 2023



I've been here since 2009. - Tim - Thanks for reading and any reviews. more..

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A Poem by Relic

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