Highest Sound

Highest Sound

A Poem by InkedLance

A short, lyrical poem.


The poets met again at nightfall

High and silver tones striking tall
Voices and throats dancing with words
That travel the ocean like migratory birds

A high sound sang of arms and war
Which made me think of readings before
The bodies and armour in bloodied soil
That makes minds shake and our blood boil

Yet a higher sound sprung out
The beauties of nature it was about
The petals of flowers, the wings of sparrows
Beat in my mind harder than arrows

But the highest sound was mighty and meek
It spoke of love that rose and died weak
Presented by a thousand stones and flora
Pierces my heart and falls a dark aura

© 2013 InkedLance

Author's Note

Hope you like it.

All constructive criticism is welcome. ^_*

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Added on August 12, 2012
Last Updated on January 17, 2013
Tags: Highest, Sound, nature, beauty, poetry, lyrical, short, words, love, meek, war, pretty, awe, inspiring, rhythm, traditional, well, good, critique, required, human, poet, born, night, still, peaceful