The triumph of Erebus

The triumph of Erebus

A Poem by Jeremy Baker

Reality continues to erode my fantasy grip on life,

itself a novel explanation for that which may embody

my existence. Rifle through the rivers of restitution,

restore and put right, cultivating with light my

trendy icons of id and ego.


Shall I continue to cultivate plebeian ideas

of my own significance? From thence,

festive activity twirls and turns manic,

making meaning of mistakes and misfortune.


When the night relents and releases its grip on darkness,

which retreats and runs before almost all powerful light,

only then may we see the eclipse of life;

yet that which powers the light

will one day, wilt and wither,

and darkness will return once more, for ever.


© 2013 Jeremy Baker

My Review

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I think those who constantly live in the darkness are hiding from what the light can show them, which is the truth about themselves. They want to hide from the light because they are afraid of themselves and their own flaw and scars. I really enjoyed this poem. It made me think, which I always love writings like that.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Beautiful. Love the alliteration.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Came by to see how you're doing... and to read a few.

Serious questions... we live with cause and try to survive the effects.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Winter for you guys though - so Cold is expected yes?
Jeremy Baker

11 Years Ago

Indeed - living on the coast as I do makes me feel it more :) At least the fishing is good!

11 Years Ago

Being able to take the time to DO any a plus this and its good to read you again love :) This holds so many elements, tension, heavy sadness, theatrical (ness) have blown my mind, as always xoxo

Posted 11 Years Ago

I loved this writting and i understand darkness all too well the only thing you can do is learn how to willed it as your own

Posted 11 Years Ago

Oh how we love to be our own worst enemies and second guess ourselves. We struggle with misconceptions and failure weighs deep causing depression at times. I love the plebeian ideas in this poem. That line stands out greatly bringing the concept of this poem to the forefront.

Posted 11 Years Ago

very mind provoking piece. i liked how you have penned this nice poem in such a nice way with very nice words picking and images..

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jeremy is a really fine poet. Loads of great technical goodies here, the enjambement, the punctuation, the way each verse contains a new theme or develops the subject.
The last verse is brillant, moving, dramatic, lyrical. Excellent.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jeremy Baker

11 Years Ago

Thank you, Leslie. Your feedback is always welcome, and always appreciated.

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 18, 2013
Last Updated on March 18, 2013


Jeremy Baker
Jeremy Baker

Busselton, South West, Australia

I'm a former English & Literature teacher who has always enjoyed the magic, power and simple romance of words well written. My favourite writers include Pablo Neruda, Liam O'Flaherty, Anthony Eaton.. more..


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