

A Chapter by SuicidePact.


Break ups, those dreaded topics you’d love to avoid, there’s only so much you can take when it comes to your friends going on and on about the one who dumped them, am i right? Break up are one of those hard things in life that are a part of growing up, a part of emotional strengthening, basically they are a fact of life, not everybody you date is going to be the one. So how can you get through a messy break up? How can you help your friend through one?

These are the questions my dear friends and you are going to help me find the answers.

© 2012 SuicidePact.

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this seem like the start of a really good book. :) i really like how you're asking our opinions and basically starting a rule book of issues of 'love , life and everything in between' and how to solve them.

My answer to your Q1 would be: i get thru it by writing and drawing. i love to express my feelings in all that i do. so far I've dated two guys, on of them im still close friends with, and the other i want to be friends with, even tho he still likes me. i really don't hate my close friend ex for dumping me for another girl, i just wanted to know why. he gave me an adequate reason i was pissed off for a bit and im fine with it. yes i liked him a lot, but there are other people out there. well, my friends haven't really dated any one, so i don't really know... but i am assuming that if you lend them a shoulder, an ear, a box of tissues and some ice cream they will be fine. :P

good idea for a book and nice write!;)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I get through a messy break up by throwing myself into my art. I write and color and talk things out with my ex. It's good to keep them as friends, but also let them know a little bit of the truth of how you feel.
I help my friends through break ups by hosting parties. We play video games and stuff ourselves with food and cry and talk about everything. IT's a blast and really cheers everyone up. I also try to be there for them, available at any time of the day or night. Hold them when they cry, wipe their tears, tell them I love them. It helps more than one would think.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I am friends with most of my ex's I really dont have problems like that. I have to be best friends with someone before I date them. After we break up we just go back to best freinds so yeah.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Hmm ... not an expert on this stuff but a good a question you have posted up on here but I'd say a break up is just like another day in your life only that it contains alot of memories and tears to fill in. Will this help, dunno. A good write:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

dunno about you guys but I've remained with all of my ex's, and two of them cheated on me! It's all about talking things through in my opinion, life's too short to brood!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is daring n' dreamily-dangerous territory you're exploring. Love the shortness of this, hooks me early n' makes me want MORE MORE MORE. ㋡

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love this! Can't wait for more :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

Messy breakups...they always seem to haunt you forever. Then again even if it does end bad you at least have it behind you. I am not sure if my comment is really going anywhere but I hope the breakup is mutual and that you share a certain understanding with one another.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Step back and regroup, find your foundation for yourself again. Let the pain be, feel it, cry it out if that is what you need, take care of you. Do things that bring you joy. This question relates well to your recently posted poem. Everyone has a story, everyone is carrying around their own baggage - and it is extremely difficult to understand the other's point of view. Take care of you, and find your inner strength. The breakup doesn't have to make sense to you to move on, learn and grow from the experience.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Breaking up is very hard from either side. I've always been very bad at it myself.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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23 Reviews
Added on March 18, 2012
Last Updated on March 18, 2012



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