

A Poem by JenniferMarie

inspired by what I saw at the gas station tonight.


I watch the bum on the corner,

rough and un-bathed

and the suit from the BMW handing him

some kind of destructive goods

opulence’s jagged hem


I look at the bum, head tilted

eyes throwin’ heart

I wanted to save him

like I did for my cousin when he was 10

and couldn’t swim

he pushed my head under water

and I couldn’t breath, but he could

until I got us to the sidewall in time for us both to live

I thought,

I have it in me,

to do that again,

 to save someone,

but his eyes, oh his sad little eyes,

breathed don’t take it away,

don’t take away

what makes me happy and sad all at the very same time

so I let him go

and watched him coast, slung to the streets

lit up

Like a man catchin’ skirts 

© 2015 JenniferMarie

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Featured Review

I understand this poem. I try to save many. I learn, can't save another. They must want to be saved. I like the tone of the poem. It felt like a honest conversation and deep thoughts shared. I did like the ending a lot. I will use this line in my new story I'm writing tonight. Thank you Jennifer for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you Coyote. I appreciate your comment. Good luck on your writing. :)
Coyote Poetry

7 Years Ago

You are welcome and thank you.


Well written and readily understood.

Posted 1 Year Ago

This poem truly spoke to me, not because I relate to this man but I relate to the feeling of wanting to help someone who appears to be in distress but making the decision to leave well enough alone when I realize I might be taking his happiness from him. I often wonder about homeless people or bums (s you say) and if they are happy. Just because they appear dirty and tired does not mean they are not happy with their situation. Either way, your poem was fantastic in my opinion. Just the fact that what you saw at the station sparked this is pretty damn cool.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Sad but true. Happens all the time indeed. Sometimes we wish we could do more and we think and wonder afterwards....what if.... great job!

Posted 3 Years Ago

I understand this poem. I try to save many. I learn, can't save another. They must want to be saved. I like the tone of the poem. It felt like a honest conversation and deep thoughts shared. I did like the ending a lot. I will use this line in my new story I'm writing tonight. Thank you Jennifer for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you Coyote. I appreciate your comment. Good luck on your writing. :)
Coyote Poetry

7 Years Ago

You are welcome and thank you.
it is in many of us to feel this way...we wish we could save the world...but sometimes just surviving ourselves is the best we can do---so good to read you again...

love the last two lines.


Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you Jacob. Glad to be back! I've been writing a couple of stories I'll need to share soon. Loo.. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on August 22, 2015
Last Updated on August 22, 2015

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