Rainbow part 1

Rainbow part 1

A Chapter by Jess Holden

One of my longest stories yet! A girl loses her way, and loses herself.


"Who are you staring at?" he asked, my eyes focused on the distance.

I was watching them.

The kids that let themselves stick out; multi-coloured hair, clothes that were strange and unique, and attituded filled with strange mystery. One stood out amoung them all;

David Wellings.

He was the newest addition to that group, and frankly, the beautifulest boy in the group. His hair was short, almost like a buzz cut, with his hair dyed green at the spiked tips. I saw him laugh, his smile lighting up his face. I felt a smile begin to spread across mine, invisioning me standing beside him, understanding whatever joke was being told.

"No one," I said, grabbing his hand, snapping out of my delusion. I looked over at Mike, my boyfriend, one of his eyebrows raised in curiousity.

"Uh, huh..." he said, walking beside me, fingers intwined together. I looked over at him, leaning over and gently placing a kiss on his cheek. I saw him blush, as a smile spread across his face. When we got to my bus, he placed my arms around his neck, and looked down at me, his green eyes blazing deeply into mine.

"I love you, you know that right?" he asked, pulling me closer until I was left face to face with him, our lips almost touching.  

"Mhm," I said, looking at his lips, waiting for his kiss. I felt his hands embrace my hips and pull me into him, kissing me softly. I loved the way he would hold me; it was as if he let go, I would fade into the distance and disappear froever. His lips gently curved up at the edges, as his face became warmer, pulling away slowly.

"Always one to make me smile. We still on for Saturday?"



"How should I know?" David said, leaning deeping in his chair, the true reble in him emurging from its hidden cave. The teacher stood before his desk, meter stick in hand, waiting.

"Either give me an answer or its off to the office with you!" the teacher said loudly, slapping the meter stick harshly onto David's desk. The whole class jumped at the abrupt sound of the wood meeting the desk, nearly breaking it in half.

David didn't flinch.

"Fine dude, I'm outta here," he said, standing up, leaning over his desk to come face to face with the teacher. The teacher's face turned a deep crimson, as he began to shake. David threw his book into his bag, and turning back to the teacher, a smug smile on his face.

Oh my God, his smile...

"What? You gotta problem with me?" he said, noticing the teacher's red face, slowly walking towards the door.

"Just get out!" the teacher screamed, slamming the meter stick into the desk once again, snapping it into millions of slivers of wood. David began to laugh, leaving the room and slamming the door behind him.



The sun lit up the sky, warming my face as Mike lay beside me. Our bodies were intwined, his arms around my waist, holding my hands and whispering in my ear. I herd him breathe out a sigh of relief as we sat on the green grass.

"What is it?" I asked, turning my head slightly, his lips meeting my neck as I moved. I felt him chuckle, as he started to play with my hands.

"Nothing, I was just thinking," he said, trailing off into thought. I smiled, untangling myself from his grasp and turned to look at him. I raised one eyebrow, placing my hand on his shoulders, pushing him onto his back.

"Hey!" he said playfully, grabbing my wrists and pulling me down onto his hard chest. I winced as I collided with his chest with a thud. I looked up at him to see him smiling, gently wiping my hair out of my face.

"Did I break anything?" I asked sarcastically, knowing I could never really hurt him. He laughed, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.

"Oh honey, I doubt you ever could!" He said, pulling me closer to him.

"Good, I don't want to."



"You're Violet, right?" David asked one day after class. I jumped, I didn't even realize he was standing outside of the class.

"Oh yeah, and you're David, right?" I asked, already fully aware of his name. He smiled and nooded.

"Yeah, you herd about me?" he asked, wonder filling his voice.

"Oh, no I'm in your math class. Actually I sit beside you."

"Really? Oh, I'm surprised I missed you." he said, slowly, glancing around the hallway. His eyes kept moving from one face to another, in an almost rhythmic way.

"Um, are you waiting for someone?" I asked, looking the way he was looking.

"Yeah, kind of. A few people and myself are going out for pizza, you wanna come?" He asked, looking back at me, his face completly expressionless. He wasn't the kind of person to have a blank expression, but I'm sure it was for a good reason.

"Okay... When?" I asked, fully aware of my next class awaiting me.

"Now silly, you in?" he asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Oh..." I said, thinking slowly about what I'd be missing, and if Mike would be missing me.

"Sure, why not?" I said, knowing how shocked Mike would be at my disappearance.

I had been having a stressed time, and I figured no harm done, right? That and David was hot, Mike or no Mike.



David's friend's were really cool; they enjoyed the company of a normal cool chick. They even gave me my own nickname; Rain.

"Why rain?" I asked, slightly surprised that they were so welcoming towards me.

"Rain is cool, calm, and collected, even when it's in pieces." the goth girl named Mona said.

Her nickname was Chance. In total, there was eight of these mythical outcasts; they treated one another like siblings, like a second family. They welcomed me into their family, and even invited me out again for the next few days.

"But they're freaks Violet!" Mike argued, "I don't like the idea of you hanging out with these people." I was taken aback by his sudden fit of jelousy.

"Mike, we're just hanging out at the pizza parlor across the street, we're not going to some shady night club or anything..." I said shyly bowing my head, afraid that he would yell.

That was one of my biggest fears; Mike getting mad enough to possibly hurt me. I figured it was all just a weird phobia, and too many late night domestic love movies. I herd Mike sigh, as he wrapped his arms around me in an attempt at one of his famous hugs.

But this wasn't the same.

"Look, Violet, I'm sorry okay? I just don't want you to end up-" his sentance was interrupted by David calling my name, and running. I looked up to see David running full speed towards me and Mike; Mike's face has tunred a bright red, and his grip got tighter.

This was what I feared.

"Mike, let go, you're hurting me..." I said quietly as David approached us, feeling Mike's fingers grip me harder and harder the closer David got.

"Hey, you coming today? Oh," David said, seeing Mike's grasp on me. he looked from my face to Mike's.

"You're Mike, right? Violet's boyfriend? I'm David," he said, sticking his hand forward in a gesture of goodwill and friendship, his smile to acompany it. Mike didn't release his grip on me, nor did his face lose the red tint from David's sudden appearence.

"Yeah," Mike said through a tensed jaw, his fingertips digging into my arm deeper, a small yelp escaping through my shaking lips. David's eyes quickly shot to mine, as he realized how hard Mike was holding me.

"Okay well, c'mon Violet, we've gotta go," David said, grabbing my hand, slowly pulling me away from Mike's grip. Mike did release me, but not without giving David a warning glare. David just smiled, and held my hand as we walked towards the parlor.



David never brought up the confrintation with Mike, and neither did I. If I was going to be friend's with David, I really didn't want to bring up anything negative. Besides being a little unusual, David and his friends were very loving and accepting. By now, I knew everyone's real names and nicknames off by heart.

Mona, who had become a new best friend, was nicknamed Chance.

David was Sunlight.

Eric, who was a World of warcraft nerd, was nicknamed Scar.

Damon was Kite.

Yasmin, who was a distant cousin of Mona's, was Cloud.

Jaime was nicknamed Robin.

Liam was Freedom.

Marilyn was Heart.

Every nickname had a purpose, but those I couldn't remember. I knew that David was nicknamed Sunlight because his father was a priest. When David was born, his father went on a little crazy ranting spree about how David would "be the new Jesus," and bring peace to the world.

Mona got hers from her adooptive parent's; they believe that everyone needed a second chance, and that Mona was lucky to be so fortunate to live with them. Unfortunatally, Mona wasn't so lucky; her adoptive father sexually abused her for years, until he finally shot himself after being caught in a scandal with another little kid.

These kids were broken and different for a reason.



"Where the hell were you?! I waited all day for you!!" Mike screamed through the phone. I hadn't seen him in a few days, despite saying that lovely goodbye with David by my side a week before. "I was busy today, then I went to the parlor..." I said bravely. Ever since David came into my life, Mike had become abusive, which was exacly what I had always feared.

His fingertips were still bruised on my arms, now only a light yellow sign of what happened. Since that, Mike had slapped me a few times, and even bruised my ribs from a punch. I had kept all the abuse a secret, afraid that someone would say I was a liar. I had been spending more and more time with David and his friends, that I hadn't been seeing Mike as much as he would want.

"Look, Violet, I don't know how much longer this relationship is going to last if you aren't around for it!" he said, compassion filling his voice now, trying to kiss up for his yelling and negativity. I wasn't falling for it. As much as I knew that Mike loved me, I knew he needed to back off and not be so controlling about our relationship.

"No Mike, I'm sorry I don't want you to be this conrtolling over me and this relationship. Maybe we should just take a break for now," I said, hoping to not hurt him so much. I herd a pause, then the dial tone.

"He hung up on me..." I said, slowly realizing what a mistake I had made. Who knew how hurt he was?



"Hello-oo miss rain! Why so glum?" David asked the next day in math. Ever since we had became friends he hadn't skipped one day of class, and became a lot more open and social with me.

"Oh, Mike and I broke up. He was being conrtolling." I said, hoping to not have to talk about it further, maybe even dropping the subject. David looked shocked, and quickly gave me a side hug, and rubbed my arm softly.

"You okay rain?" he asked, his blue eyes starring into mine. I never really realized how amazing his eyes were until now; I had been way too focused on his simple smile to notice anything else. How shallow of me...

"I'm alright, just need some time to relax." I said, hoping to get off the subject. I saw David's lips perk up into a smile, as I saw his face bright up.

"Wanna go have some fun then? Maybe get over Mr Jerk-wad?" he asked, leaning over, gently winking.

I was slightly taken back by his up-front approach, but I was down.

"Awe what the f**k, why not?" I said, smiling.

"Great! Then let's blow this joint! We can meet the gang at the parlor early today."



David had something completly different in mind than what I did. I thought we were going to go and possibly crack open a few beers or something.

I was so wrong.

David's crew was into hard core drugs; mainly heroin.

We went to Mona's house for the night that turned into the entier weekend. Her house was in the upper east side of town, where the most preppy people lived. I was shocked that she did live here; she never dressed like it. When we entered the house, no one was home, leaving tons of open space for anything to happen. We all entered the living room, and sat on the big white leather couch. Mona left the room, and entered mere moments later with a large plastic bag filled with a odd substance and many needles. David leand over and whipsered to me; "this will take your mind off everything."

I was afriad; I was afraid of needels, and afraid of taking any kind of addictive drug. David reassured me that alcohol was as addictive as heroin, even more so, it just depended if you were addicitve person. I told him that I was still afraid.

"Alright, who's first?" Mona asked, pulling up a chair from another room.

"Well, shouldn't we explain how we do things first to Vio- I mean, rain?" Liam asked, looking over at me, holding Yasmin's hand.

I didn't know they were a couple, I thought.

"I think she will catch on." David said, looking over at me, winking slyly.

I smiled weakly, nodding my head slowly.

I would find out, now wouldn't I?



When I woke up, I was in a strange room. The walls were a light pink, with flowers tattooed on the ceiling in a pattern of 1,2,1,2.

One two three four, leave my mark on the door.

I started to giggle at the little rhyme in my head, feeling a sence of freedom; nothing could hurt me, I was free like a bird. I lifted my hands up, feeling like they were weightless.

I felt weghtless.

I felt someone by my side, slowly kissing up my arm, making it up to my shoulder. I looked over to see David there, his blue eyes intensified by my mind. Every touch felt like angel's wings, filling me with happiness.

I didn't even register in my mind when he started to kiss me that something was off. I was filled with this infectious happiness, that made everything feel amazing. I felt David run his hand over my stomach, tickiling me as he went. I laughed, and held him closer, watching all the colours of the rainbow pass across the ceiling.

"Look David," I said faintly, pointing at the rainbow, "a rainbow."




© 2011 Jess Holden

Author's Note

Jess Holden
By the way, the gaps represent time going by.

Irony in this is that Violet's nickname is rain, and David's is sunshine. get it? sunshine and rain make rainbows? HA

I might add more to make the ending more complete... comment and tell me if i should!!

My Review

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Featured Review

That was amazing. I love your writing and i love the "Rain is cool, calm, and collected, even when it's in pieces.", its beautiful. I would definitely like the story to go on longer, see what develops from that night and how it affects Rain. The story doesn't feel quite over yet though it was a good ending. Maybe you could do a part two or something to see if there is a confrontation between the boys and if Rain and David develop into something more. Sorry I'm rambling. This is fantastic

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


this was amazing! I do hope you write more! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Loved this! Great descriptions, and my attention was kept throughout the entire story! Great job!


Posted 13 Years Ago

This was well written, but you are right. You need to add more to make the ending more complete. Did she land up with David and turn into one of them or she realised something entirely different and went back to Mike? All in all, well worded and framed. A few grammar mistakes but nothing a good proof read wont fix. Great work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

very good structure. very visual words.

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 2 people found this review constructive.

"The kids that let themselves stick out; multi-coloured hair, clothes that were strange and unique, and attituded filled with strange mystery. One stood out amoung them all;(:)David Wellings." The first sentence needs to be rewritten. The semicolon conjuncts two complete sentences. Replace the semicolon with "with their" "When we got to my bus, he placed my arms around his neck,(no comma) and looked down at me" "I love you, you know that(,) right?" " His lips gently curved up at the edges,(no comma) as his face became warmer" "David said, leaning deeping in his chair(huh??), the true reble(rebel?) in him emurging from its hidden cave." "Either give me an answer(,) or its(it's) off to the office with you!" "The teacher's face turned a deep crimson,(no comma) as he began to shake." "David threw his book into his bag,(no comma) and turning back to the teacher" " I herd(heard) him breathe out a sigh of relief as we sat on the green grass." "H(h)e said, pulling me closer to him." "I jumped,(;) I didn't even realize he was standing outside of the class." "Yeah, you herd(heard) about me?" "Oh,(no comma) no(,) I'm in your math class. Actually(,) I sit beside you." "His eyes kept moving from one face to another,(no comma) in an almost rhythmic way." "Now(,) silly, you in?" "David's friend's(friends) were really cool" "But they're freaks(,) Violet!" "I was taken aback by his sudden fit of jelousy(jealousy)." "I figured it was all just a weird phobia,(no comma) and too many late night domestic love movies." "I herd(heard) Mike sigh" "Look, Violet, I'm sorry(,) okay?" "h(H)is sentance(sentence) was interrupted by David calling my name,(no comma) and running." "h(H)e looked from my face to Mike's." "his smile to acompany(accompany) it. Mike didn't release his grip on me,(no comma) nor did his face lose the red tint from David's sudden appearence(appearance)." "David never brought up the confrintation(confrontation) with Mike" "his father went on a little crazy ranting spree about how David would "be the new Jesus,(no comma)" and bring peace to the world." "Mona got hers from her adooptive(adoptive) parent's(parents)" "I herd(heard) a pause, then the dial tone." "he hadn't skipped one day of class,(no comma) and became a lot more open and social with me." "He was being conrtolling.(,)" I said" "David looked shocked,(no comma) and quickly gave me a side hug,(no comma) and rubbed my arm softly." "You okay(,) rain?" "that turned into the entier(entire) weekend" "David leand(leaned) over and whipsered to me;(,) "t(T)his will take your mind off everything."" " I was afraid of needels(needles),(no comma) and afraid of taking any kind of addictive drug." "tickiling(tickling) me as he went"

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 4 people found this review constructive.

Very good; I particularly liked the structure. However, the occasional grammar mistake and very cliche teenage language brought it down a couple notches. A good job nonetheless.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

That was amazing. I love your writing and i love the "Rain is cool, calm, and collected, even when it's in pieces.", its beautiful. I would definitely like the story to go on longer, see what develops from that night and how it affects Rain. The story doesn't feel quite over yet though it was a good ending. Maybe you could do a part two or something to see if there is a confrontation between the boys and if Rain and David develop into something more. Sorry I'm rambling. This is fantastic

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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8 Reviews
Added on April 21, 2011
Last Updated on May 27, 2011
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