A Chapter by Jim

JANUARY 30, 1945



“Ok, we need to find Quagmire and stop him. He’s already shown he’s willing to kill, I DON’T want to see what he does in the Holocaust.” said Johnny.

            “What more can he do?” asked Seth. “We’re already at the end of it.”

            “But it’s not OVER yet, now is it? Hitler is still alive. Nazis are still active. Yes, some of the camps are shutting down, what about those that are still open? He’s still got plenty of chances to kill. Hell, because of this specific period, he’s most likely to GET AWAY with killing!”

            “Oh yeah, that’s right.”

            “This place gives me the creeps…”


            My gir---EX-girlfriend, Kellie, was Jewish.”

            “Oh, what happened between you two?”

            “…one night, something happened, resulting in bickering…I don’t remember why, I zone that night out of my mind. She stormed out, angered at me…we didn’t break up or anything, this fight wasn’t that bad. But she never came back that night…I saw on the news the next day…she’d been killed. Mugged and stabbed.” Seth frowned. He almost started tearing up, but snapped himself upwards.

            “Oh, man…I…I’m so sorry, man.” Johnny put his hand on Seth’s shoulder in sadness. Seth dried his eyes 

            Lee said nothing this whole time. He was staring at Johnny the whole time. Lee remembered something Johnny and Seth seemed to have forgotten: Hitler’s goal was to kill everyone EXCEPT blue eyed blondes. Johnny had hair as yellow as corn and eyes as blue as a sparkling diamond. Plus, Lee knew Johnny for years. Lee knew all about Johnny. Lee knew about Johnny’s heritage. Lee knew that Johnny was a mixture of many cultures---Irish, Polish, Swedish. And Lee knew that Johnny was mostly German.

            The three walked to the end of their path and out of the fenced area they were in. Johnny was a little ahead of Seth and Lee, leading them. Once out of the fenced area, they turned left and kept walking until they found others.

            “Remember,” said Johnny, “this is the past. We don’t exist in the past. Therefore, we are not Johnny, Seth, and Lee. You can be whomever you want, except who you really are.”

            “Why?” asked Seth.

            “Because don’t exist in this time. If we go around saying who we are NOW, then we’ll be established in the past, before we were all born.”

            “Except me.” said Lee. “I was born in 1939. I already exist.”

            “Yeah, but you’re six. A twenty five year old Lee Harvey Oswald can’t walk around the same time as a six year old Lee Harvey Oswald.” said Johnny.

            “Oh right, there’s that.”

            They kept walking. Johnny turned to Seth and Lee. “I have an idea,” he said, “we have a huge country to trek, let’s split up.  You two go west, I go east. About an hour from now, we meet back here.”

            “Ok, yeah, I like that.” said Lee. “How ‘bout you, Seth?”

            “ Sure, but only if I go with Lee. This whole time travel thing is still new to me.”

            With that, they split up.



            A little while later, Lee and Seth found where Hitler was going to give his last speech. A run down old stage in the middle of what they assumed was a camp. A concentration camp, to be precise. Lee pulled his arm up to his ear for the first time since his friend Alf was erased from time. “Johnny, we found the location of his speech.” he said into his earpiece.


            “Johnny, answer me.”


            “Johnathan  Wilkes!”

            Yet again, nothing.

            “Maybe his earpiece is dead.” suggested Seth.

            Lee brought his hand down. “No, that’s highly unlikely. We charged them until full battery before we came here.”

            The Nazi curtain was raised. The man himself, Adolf Hitler, walked out onstage. The crowd simmered down to listen to their leader, their boss, their God. “Vor zwölf Jahren hatten wir einen Plan. Vor zwölf Jahren stieg ich an die macht. Vor zwölf Jahren wurde unser Ziel alles, was unser Gott wollte sterben auszuführen, und so weit, wir erweisen sich als erfolgreich, wenn wir unsere harte Arbeit und Pflichten mithalten. Zum Preis wir gehen, wir müssen ganz Europa wird bis Ende des nächsten Jahres zu Gottes Vision geprägt sein! (Twelve years ago today, we had a plan. Twelve years ago today, I rose to power. Twelve years ago today, our goal was set to execute all that our God wanted to die, and so far, we are proving to be successful, if we keep up with our hard work and duties. At the rate we’re going, we will have all of Europe will be shaped to God’s vision by the end of next year!)”

            The crowd erupted in applause, except Seth and Lee. They awkwardly looked around and awkwardly clapped, obviously not invested in what’s being said.

            Kürzlich (Recently),” he started after the applause died out, “möglicherweise haben wir gefunden, dass die perfekte Verkörperung dessen, was wir brauchen. Nr.... von dem, was Gott will. Und wir haben ihn hier heute…(we have found possibly the perfect embodiment of what we need. No…of what God WANTS. And we have him here today...)”

            Lee got a worried look on his face. “Oh, s**t…” he whispered.

            “What?” Seth asked.

            “I know who he’s talking about…”


            “Just look…”

            Seth looked back at Hitler on the stage. “Bringen Sie ihn heraus! (Bring him out!)” Hitler yelled.

            Two Nazis walked out. In between them was a guy. They were escorting him. He had bright yellow hair, like corn, and bright blue eyes, sparkling like diamonds.

            Lee got scared.

            His fear was right.

            It was Johnny.





            After the speech, the Nazis, Johnny, and Hitler walked offstage as the crowd flooded out of the theatre. Once backstage, Hitler opened his jacket, pulled out a pistol, and shot both Nazis in the head without a hesitation. He grabbed Johnny’s arm and dragged him down the hall. While walking, Hitler held up his wrist and pulled down his jacked sleeve, revealing a Time Watch. Johnny gasped. Hitler hit the “Undisguise” button.

            He turned back into his real form.


            Once they reached their destination, the end of the hall, Quagmire threw Johnny into the room there and walked in behind him. “YOU B*****D!!!” yelled Johnny.

            “Uh, nope, I have both parents alright.” Quagmire sarcastically responded. He walked over to the closet on the other side of the room. “You know what’s in this door?”


            Quagmire opened the door. Inside was something Johnny wished he had never seen.

            A cadaver.

            Hitler’s cadaver.

            Johnny screamed.

            “Shut up, you idiot! We’ll get caught!” said Quagmire.

            “Why do you have that??”

            “This corpse is my key. Once I bring this body to Paradox and the Time Gods, I get the  Book of History. Once I get that, I have unlimited access to all of history. I can rewrite whatever I want, redo whatever I want, and erase whatever I want. And you’re coming with me.” Quagmire started walking towards Johnny, speeding up the closer he got.

            Johnny backed up as far as he could. He pulled his fingers up to his ear and blurted out as much as he could-


            Quagmire reached down to Johnny on the floor and yanked his earpiece out. He grabbed Johnny by the right arm and violently yanked him up and walked to the corpse of Hitler. He bent down to the Hitler body and grabbed it with his free hand. He let go of Johnny to punch in the time they were headed to into his watch, and the red swirly portal opened. He tossed the body I, and it just flopped down limply onto the floor of the portal. Then he forcibly shoved Johnny in, followed by himself.

            The portal shut.

© 2016 Jim

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Added on November 15, 2016
Last Updated on November 15, 2016



Hello, I'm Jim. I love to tell stories and I hope telling mine will bring joy and happines to others. I dabble more in short story than I do novel or novella but I have some great ideas up my sleeve t.. more..
