A Chapter by Jim




 “Very nice, very nice.” said Paradox, idolizing the body Quagmire presented to him. “I can’t believe you actually went through with this…”

            “I need the book. I need to fix the past.” Quagmire said.

            “Why?” Johnny said. “You didn’t do s**t, you don’t have to fix anything!”

            “S**t don’t mean s**t!” Quagmire snapped at Johnny. “It’s none of your business why I need that damned book, I ne---”

            “You don’t need anything!”

            “…I need to write out a character.”

            “...what? Then why am I here??”

            Just as Johnny said this, the red swirly portal opened. Lee jumped out and Seth stumbled behind him. “STOP, YOU PRICK!” Lee yelled.

            “That’s why.” Quagmire said to Johnny. “I needed him.”

            “Who the hell do you need, prick?” Lee said angrily, as he held up his gun.

            “Him.” Quagmire slowly rose his arm and pointed at Seth.

            “…why?” Seth asked, hesitantly.

            “My whole plan arose from you.” Quagmire said as he slowly started to walk to Seth.

            “What? Who are you?”

            “Oh, silly me,” Quagmire chuckled, “I forgot I was in this garb. Lemme introduce myself.”

            He bent over and pulled off the ski mask. When he rose back up, Seth gasped. His legs almost fell from beneath him. He couldn’t believe it. No, it couldn’t be. Seth wanted to scream, but nothing came out. He wanted to punch and attack, but he felt paralyzed. Once he could finally speak, he said, “M�"m�"Mr. McMiller?!?!”

            “Yup. That’s right. I, Mr. Kevin McMiller, am the Quagmire.”

            “Who?” asked Lee.

            “That’s right, you were recruited after Kevin left,” said Johnny, “Kevin was one of our best agents, but he quit, I think because of family troubles�"”

            “Yes, exactly.” Kevin cut in. “This little tough b***h right here,” he pointed to Seth, “made my baby girl pissed, which led to her getting mugged and murdered!”

            “I didn’t kill her, though…” Seth said.

            “Doesn’t matter! You yelled at her, she left and died! IF YOU WOULD’VE KEPT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH SHUT SHE WOULD STILL BE HERE TODAY!!!”

            “Why are we here then?” Johnny cut in, as to say something before someone got killed.

            “I need that book. I need to make a slight change…I need to remove a character.” Kevin said, as he shot a glance at Seth. Seth froze. He was scared as to what he got himself into. Forget maybe messing up the Holocaust or maybe stopping major things in history from happening. He should’ve given up the act a long time ago and just come clean. Now he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. He flees, he gets followed. He stays, he could get killed. He comes clean, he could get held in this “Time Jail” he’s heard about.

            “We’re sorry. We cannot give the Book of History to someone who wants it for evil intentions.” Paradox said as he arose from his throne. “Please go back to the time period you belong.”

            Kevin slowly turned around to face Paradox. “Oh, right. I’m super sorry. I guess I can---” Kevin quickly swung his Time-Blast from his belt and shot it at Paradox. With a loud, guttural roar, Paradox was now erased from Time.

            The Time God was dead.

            Everyone except Lee stayed silent looking where Paradox once stood in awe. Kevin walked up to the throne, grabbed the book off of it, and turned to face everyone. “Ya know…I’m not gonna write you out of the story.” he started as he opened and flipped through the book. “You can’t rewrite characters out of the story, only let the story kill itself you. It’s one of the rules about this book. So…I’ll let the story kill  you.” He grinned as he looked at Seth and Johnny. He held up his quill and started writing in the book, reading what he wrote aloud: “The one who led to my daughter’s death and the one with the corn-yellow hair and the eyes like diamonds who has the greatest chance to stop me, without their time tech, wake up suddenly, in the worst possible place…”

            Without any warning whatsoever, Seth and Johnny woke up.

© 2016 Jim

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Added on November 15, 2016
Last Updated on November 15, 2016



Hello, I'm Jim. I love to tell stories and I hope telling mine will bring joy and happines to others. I dabble more in short story than I do novel or novella but I have some great ideas up my sleeve t.. more..
