

A Poem by Tricia O'Brien

Life is too unpredictable to waste any time or energy on wasteful things or people

Life is precious regardless of the ups and downs

For those that don’t believe this to be true and for those that don’t live that through, I have little to no use for

Many years, tears and nightmares I’ve endured, that eliminates any chance of me allowing it to be repeated

I’m a person that genuinely has a pure heart

This is not ego its simply the truth

Countless times I’ve carried others at my own expense

It’s time to lay that to rest along with whomever is attached to that

© 2015 Tricia O'Brien

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Added on February 13, 2015
Last Updated on February 13, 2015


Tricia O'Brien
Tricia O'Brien

Back in Western MA..., MA

Time to update. I've been everywhere but "here" in a year or so. I'm getting back into my groove. More to come for sure more..

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A Poem by Tricia O'Brien