Over-thinking mind

Over-thinking mind

A Poem by Justin Street

Over thinking mind
Break my thoughts
And look the disastrous
Pain you brought

Ever fighting
Bust a hole
Here I’m lying 
Losing control

Mind projection
Mental picture
I’m so brainwashed
With godly scripture

Follow the rules
Obey your orders
Lay your head down
Break your borders

Fallow me now
I’m your guide
All to easy 
To run and hide

No thinking mind
Can break my thoughts
Never disastrous
The laws you brought

© 2010 Justin Street

My Review

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Love those lines, I'm so brainwashed with Godly scripture. We are brainwashed from so many directions. Our saving grace is when we can realize it! It can be a sneaky b*****d! Great write!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Yes if we allow the people to control us. Easy to become a robot. Better to run with the wolves then wander helplessly with the sheep. I like this poem. Freedom is took from us daily. Poor mother can't smoke a cigarette in a public place. 75 years old and won't leave the house. She tells me. I will smoke my damn cigarettes. New ID's will control our every movement. We need less government and we need to be free. A wise man look for the real truth. A lot of liars are leading us to people without the ability to think and solve problems. A powerful poem. You made me think.

Posted 13 Years Ago

i love the rhyming. lord knows i could never do what you have done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

i love this(:
(you know im not good at reviews so this is all im going to put)

Posted 13 Years Ago

if your over-thinking mind helps you write or contributes to your work then i'd say..keep it :) if not..well i haven't found an antidote yet but if i do you'll be the first to know.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on August 8, 2010
Last Updated on August 8, 2010


Justin Street
Justin Street

Clarksville, TN

Well I am Justin or Jt. I love photography, writing, and ping pong =). I can carry a conversation with pretty much anyone and everyone. =P The thing i love most is reviews =) so make me happy. I still.. more..


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