It's a great day to die

It's a great day to die

A Poem by Justin Street

*Grab your axe
And leave your hat
Kiss your wife
There is no going back

Walk your road
And leave behind
Everything you ever loved
Don’t say goodbye

Say’s I
Say’s I

Now hate the white man
Leeching this land
It’s a great day to die
And I have a plan

Grab your hatchets
Grab your bows
And give these men
Their death and woe

Find your courage
Hone your soul
Cut them down
Till they’re all alone*

Lay your axe
And find your hat
Kiss your wife
You’ve made it back
Now it’s a great day to die
Yea it’s a great day to die
Yea it’s a great day to die
Now…it’s a great day to die…

© 2010 Justin Street

Author's Note

Justin Street
Written in a span of ten minutes with my friend Ethan on guitar. Had a nice little folk sound with the beginning all indian chanting and bongo's with the acoustic kicking in then a fade out at the end. Thought i might upload it. I'll pull up the recorded full version when i have time

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This is really good! I really liked

"Now hate the white man
Leeching this land
It’s a great day to die
And I have a plan"

Posted 11 Years Ago

Before I read your author's note, i was thinking it should be a song! It is dark but there is a dark side to all of us!

Posted 12 Years Ago

this is great, love the way you write, and it has very good rythem to it, well done, :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Good job.

Posted 13 Years Ago

that's an awesome song, just by the lyrics. (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

this is really an awesome poem...

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow all i can think of to say

Posted 13 Years Ago

Why should we just cut down the white man? Death comes to all races and we should deliver ASAP. Sounds like it would make a good song. I always like demented songs that are put to music nobody would expect you to put it to.

Posted 13 Years Ago

The Cheyenne men return to Sand Creek in 1864 and found all the old men. woman and children were killed. The 200 warriors went on a 1000 mile killing spree killing every white person. The Sioux tribe accepted the Cheyenne men into their tribe. They would find some peace in the killing of Custer. Your poem reminded me of them. A powerful poem. If become music. tell them about the true Cheyenne Warriors who did this.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on September 27, 2010
Last Updated on September 27, 2010


Justin Street
Justin Street

Clarksville, TN

Well I am Justin or Jt. I love photography, writing, and ping pong =). I can carry a conversation with pretty much anyone and everyone. =P The thing i love most is reviews =) so make me happy. I still.. more..


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