Searching for answers

Searching for answers

A Chapter by KeeD

violent & graphic

       Excited by the thrill I got after killing for the first time with my father, I started viewing life in a different light. My feelings were heightened. I felt strong rage, passion, lust but no matter what it was It centered around my father. 
      The police came searching door to door asking questions looking for the missing boy and girl but we told them nothing and we watched them suffer in their pointless search for what was now fertilizer for the mushrooms growing back in the woods. 
      This drastic change in my psyche even shocked me at the time. We often question how a person can just flip the switch and turn into something completely different. I believe that having the lights on only shows people what they want to see, where as the dark lets people be what they truly intend to be. I was turning into a monster and enjoyed every second of the process that lead me to be one. Being normal at school felt abnormal to me. Being anything else than what I was with my father felt like a big lie. 
        My mother was the biggest issue. She hated that me and father would spend so much time together. She prayed and complained that it wasn't healthy for a daughter and her father to spend so much time outdoors often suspecting foul play. F**k knows what was up in that twisted mind of hers, ironically I thought she was twisted at that time.
        When mother was downstairs cooking dinner I ran up to my parents room and went through my moms underwear drawer. I pulled out her lingerie and wore it under my clothes. It fit me better than it would ever fit that old pathetic excuse of a  lady who loved God more than her family. 
        That evening father and me went hunting again. We got into his truck and as soon as we were far enough away from the house I put my hand over his whiles he held on to the gear stick. He looked at me and smirked. 
       We drove around town for a while aimlessly or so I thought. We passed a gas station a mile away from our house and we saw a young girl in her early twenty's with blonde hair and big breasts pull over for gas. That's when dad sent me in to do my thing, as I struck up a casual polite conversation. Like the serpent in the garden of Eden, a story my mother often read to me as a kid, I tricked this lady into following us to the woods where I promised her we would consume some mushrooms and have a fun time.
        Honestly she made it quiet easy for us as she followed us into the woods alone. We parked our cars by the lake and walked from there inwards. I saw my father look at her and he seemed happy and that made me happy for some reason. We continued to have small talk as my father picked some mushrooms from our secret patch in the woods and we ate them together. Now intoxicated all three of us started seeing things. I took off my clothes to show daddy the surprise I had underneath for him. He didn't stop looking at this b***h though which pissed me off, so I pushed her down and started to kiss her and he watched as she and me kissed and licked each others naked bodies.I could see how thrilled he was. 
        Just as I started to enjoy the girl chew on my womanhood, father took his gun and shot her dead for I couldn't enjoy anyone else but him in his eyes. 
       Father said "No one else in this world can have you Rebecca, No one!" It was then I knew he felt the same way.
      My father was in love with me and I didn't mind. He never touched me though as he sat me down and made me watch as he cut her up and started to paint his face with her blood. I don't know if it was the mushrooms that made him do it or that was just him but it was sexy. 
      We buried the little w***e's body parts under the shrooms. So fertile, so beautiful. We were giving back to the earth as it gave to us so much. I would constantly tease father by shaking my body or toying with him but he would never give in and go all the way but it sure felt like he went all the way with his eyes. 
      The CSIS was placed in charge of the missing persons cases and were going to be taking over the lose ends of the Royal Canadian mounted police. I still remember the first time we saw detective Sylo Hayes in town. He started asking questions at the diner and the local residents as clueless as he was could never help with the lose ends. He rented Chelsea's house as her parents had moved to America. 
       Now with the detective being our new neighbor you would think my father and I would get more cautious but we we're consumed by the thrill of the kill. We didn't stop, victim after victim we savored every drop of blood as a victory. We weren't murderers at least that's what we believed. We were just killing to appreciate the fact that we could do something so daring together. Something we could share with each other and each other only.
       I knew why I needed my father but I couldn't figure out why he needed me. Searching for answers Sylo and his German Sheppard Lela examined the woods until they came across the small cabin. Unable to find clues Sylo exhausted his search for the night and retired his way back home with Lela only to see me and my father in the woods hunting for rabbits. That's when we first exchanged words. 
       He greeted us and introduced himself and we did as well suspicious if he was on to us. He asked what we were doing and showed him a pair of dead rabbits we had just killed. He invited himself to come hunting with us on our next trip out in the woods to which my father happily obliged. 
       Three days had passed  and we set out for our next hunting trip. Father and me got into our truck and headed passed Chelsea's old place where Sylo was staying. He saw us coming and came out with the dog and told us he'll be with us in two minutes.
      He picked up his rifle and headed into the car as I quickly removed my hand off fathers thigh. He might have saw that might have not, to this day i'm unsure but he was silent.
      I asked him if he had ever hunted before and he replied, "Little Lady, I hunt way worse animals than the ones out here."
      I couldn't help but think to myself was he trying to intimidate us? Looking at father through the corner of my eye, father just accelerated a tad bit faster to probably let me know to calm down.         "Didn't mean to scare you with that statement honey" "I mean i'm pretty experienced at the sport". I looked at him with a put on smile.
       "We're here", as my father took him right to the place where the mushroom patch was.
      I couldn't help but panic as I asked myself "What is dad thinking?" We got out and lit a camp fire and started to load our guns and begin our hunt.
      That's when detective Sylo saw the mushrooms and said "Wow are these edible?" 
      To which my father smirked and replied "they most certainly are".
      The detective scooped one outta the ground and  smelt it and then took a bite. I now understood why my father brought him here. It was to 'feed him evidence'. As we continued our hunt for rabbits and deer my father asked the detective, "So have you found what you're searching for out here in Langley?" Sylo replied with a heavy mouth, "I will, though right now i'm finding out how much fun nature can be" 
     Not being able to kill a thing, we put out the camp fire and drove the detective back home and laid him down on his couch as his dog licked his face and could smell something funny on the skin of his lips. 
     We left his house and drove home where we were greeted by mother who seemed pretty furious. She started yelling at us and once again there was a fight downstairs as I ran up to my room waiting for the day he would actually kill her so it could just be me and him all alone in this big house.
      I knew why I wanted him but why did he want me. I put on my headphones and blocked out the noise from downstairs as I listened to grunge music. Searching for answers in my messed up head, too blind to see the monstrosity that I had become.

to be continued... 

© 2013 KeeD

Author's Note

(CSIS = Canadian Security Intelligence Service)

My Review

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As I was reading, I thought that they were gonna kill the detective xD that would've been interesting, but really good. reading on.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I asked him if he had ever hunted before and he replied, "Little Lady, I hunt way worse animals than the ones out here. -- very profound statement there, a double edged sword, hmmm. - that's brilliant!

all in all, this a very intriguing, gripping read in both descriptions of the character's emotional make-up...realizing what she is and morphed into intellectually, yet emotionally enjoying the freedom probably due to the fact of having to deal with such an over -bearing mother (at least that's my take on it.) --

the imagery and scenery is pleasant to read as well, as it takes the reader (well for me) away a a scary place. i found some of the sentences you used actually lyrical. this father and daughter are something...definitely a daddy's girl to say the least.

so far enjoying the plot. have a great start. will read more soon. please do not feel you need to force it, just write when your muse awakens. thanks for sharing, Keegan. Pen on :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Thrilling and suspenceful. very original story. cant wait to read more

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love it. Your work is just amazing. keep writing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

This story is mind blowing, its pulls me in and doesn't let go until I'm done with the story :) loved it
send me a read request when the next one's out :p

Posted 11 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 20, 2013
Last Updated on April 23, 2013



Mumbai, India, India

Hey I'm Kee, I'm 32 and work as a journalist in Mumbai, India. I dabble in writing poetry and do it purely to pump out the creative juices in my being. Thank you for stopping by, live, laugh and love .. more..

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