Lullaby 2- Vivamus Et Angeli and Tea Time

Lullaby 2- Vivamus Et Angeli and Tea Time

A Chapter by Keeley


     I wake up instantly this time. My eyes flash open. I slowly sit myself up; inch by inch until I'm sitting upright. My mouth is dry and burning with peppermint. I try swallowing a couple times, but it's no help.So I scan the room. It's a rickety and dim-lit room. I'm laying on a raised mahogany dining table with a sheet on top. My clothes have been changed, I suddenly notice. I'm wearing a white dress made of extremely cheap, but soft fabric. The dress or maybe, long shirt, I can't tell which, has obviously been worn in. I slowly lower myself from the table, half expecting for a monster to jump out from one of the dark, shadowy corners.

     My feet touch the floor. I get a slight shiver from the cold wood. Books are scattered all across the worn floor. I pick one up... "VIVAMUS ET ANGELI" What is that? French? There's broken mirror in the corner. I rush over there, remembering the removed hair from the sedan. I peer into the shattered mirror. I'm not sure if what I see is really me. I stroke the orange-ish curly hair that my head now dawns . I look as pale as the the dress I'm wearing. I touch the spots where my freckles used to be. Is this really me?

     I hear someone walking up the stairs. I whirl around and it's Ira and another lady. She is just as old as Ira with white hair just like her's. The lady's hair is swept up in a tight bun on the top of her head and paper white skin that made her wrinkles look like folds.

     "What is going on, Ira?" I say sharply, refusing to acknowledge the other woman.

     My voice. It's like the chiming of a bell. Light and whispery, not the normal buzzing sound I'm used to. I move my hands to my neck and rub my throat. I try speaking again.

     "Tell me what's going on right now." I say trying to hide my unsure tone.

     "Dear, I think you'd better come down stairs for me---us to explain." she said, looking at the woman next to her.

     I give her such a mean glare it could kill an elephant and begin walking towards the doorway where they stand. They both turn around and begin walking out as well. When I go through the door I'm shocked by the site. The rest of the house is huge and well-furnish. There is a staircase on each side of the hall. They wind down to the foyer that lays underneath a massive crystal chandelier. It look like the making of an extremely old mansion. We begin walking down the right side staircase closest to the door. I keep my eyes peeled, seeing as I have no clue where I am or what I'm doing here. Ira and the lady walk down the stairs confidently without saying a word.

     Once we get to the bottom of the stairs we take a sharp right into a room with a couch, a chair, and a coffee table. I scurry over to the chair. I'm not in the mood to sit next to Ira or the other lady. They both take a seat on the couch. The lady picks up the bell laying on the table and give it just one ring. A moment later a butler waltzes over with a silver tray full of tea. He pours three cups and prepares the lady's. I don't even consider taking a sip of my tea, even though my throat is still minty.

     "Okay. Let's hear it then." I say, trying to sound courageous.

     "What do you remember about you remember about your mother?" Ira asked.

     I wasn't prepared for this question. Ira, nor anyone else had never asked. She could definitely see the surprise in my face.

     "Close your eyes. Think of her. Think of Izilda"

      My eyes flashed open. I furrowed my brow.

     "My mom's name was Samantha" I said with a little suspicion in my voice.

     "Yes. I meant Samantha." she said, quickly correcting herself.

      I closed my eyes again. And thought as hard as I could. Samantha. Samantha. Samantha. Mom. Mom. Mom. I see light. Bright, warm sunlight. Blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Pale skin. The beach. Making a sand castle. The breeze on my face.

My eyes snapped open and I practically whispered, " mom doesn't have blonde hair or blue eyes....she..she has brown hair and brown eyes just like I do"did I mean."

     " see now." the lady said.

     I whirled my head around to her. "What does this have to do with anything?"

     "You are what your mother, grandmother, Talina here, and I, Iris all are." Iris said.

     "What then?!" I said in desperation.

     "An angel, dear."


© 2011 Keeley

Author's Note

Hope you guys like this one(:

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Oh, such a nice ending. Nice and quick jab to the sternum at the end. A beautiful set up then the blow to the solar plexus that fair knocks the wind out of you. For a while I thought it was going to be another ruddy Twilight clone, but with one word you take it in another direction altogether. (I should qualify though to say you write ten times better than the person who wrote Twilight.) A superb write, with depth and structure in a few lines. Plus with only two chapters we are straight into a plot with pace and form. Great work. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


ohhh goosebumps ;) i love it cant wait to read more! i love how you put her thoughts into every line, it really made her stand out as the main charater, and show her emotions well.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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[send message][befriend] Subscribe
Oh, such a nice ending. Nice and quick jab to the sternum at the end. A beautiful set up then the blow to the solar plexus that fair knocks the wind out of you. For a while I thought it was going to be another ruddy Twilight clone, but with one word you take it in another direction altogether. (I should qualify though to say you write ten times better than the person who wrote Twilight.) A superb write, with depth and structure in a few lines. Plus with only two chapters we are straight into a plot with pace and form. Great work. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on November 28, 2011
Last Updated on December 1, 2011



I dream, drink tea, and write. I'm an original nerd really. I sleep and read entirely too much. I care too much and trust too little. more..


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