When the mask dissaprears

When the mask dissaprears

A Poem by Kelso

so this poem really IS me. it's about a llove who left me and after time i found someone who made me better than i was

Ths smile she hates, the laugh she fakes, the tears unshead
she gets through every day with a mask plastered on her face
when she gets home she locks her room and cries in her bed
there is only one thing to take this pain away, but he vanished without a trace

he was her everything, she smile, her laugh, her heart
when he left her heart shattered, nothing seemed right
he said he didnt want her, he said he wanted a new start
he said she was not worth it, said all she did was fight

she though her life was over, thought it was the end
time passed and the pain began to numb, she stopped feeling and blacked her eyes
she gave up hoping, believing that this would someday mend
every day, every smile, every laugh, to much to take, to may lies

this boy walked into her life, and it seemed that there was a reason
reason to being happy, a reason to being alive

© 2010 Kelso

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lol it might be depressing, but it's true

Posted 14 Years Ago

even though im only ten i know thats depresing

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 25, 2010
Last Updated on March 23, 2010
Tags: kelso, when, the, mask, disapears, depressed, sad, happy, heal, healed



im an 18 year old girl who is very interested in writing more..

your the one your the one

A Poem by Kelso

my life my life

A Poem by Kelso