My Insanity.

My Insanity.

A Story by Kalex Cross

It begins as a pressure. Some sardonic humorous pain that plays its discourse upon my mind in the form of bulbous pattering pressures. Centering on my temples. Burning with a ragged fire into my eyes to promote an onslaught of damp salty tears just threatening to spill over. How I sniff back, throat clogging in trembling muscular hate, all for the need to never let one tear graze in a scorching heat down my icy cheek. It is the beginning. The Start. Oh, how I hate such deliverance of torrid emotions. Yet, as clear as my mind could be they tumble forth in a avalanche of confusion. Torturing each ounce of control that slips from my grasp, falling into the clutches of a disintegrating abyss.
Help me. These gasps of lukewarm breath only echo out into the emptiness which surrounds me. Silence, such deadly silence prevails to communicate with my loss, damning each moment of peace. The chair creaks in protest with each forward movement of my body while the rocking sensation spreads to comfort each heavy nerve. Endless thoughts become turbulent like an upset sea in my head, banging on the walls of a slick skull. Such banging. Such pounding. Sickening, demented, unrighteous rage boiling from my surface without a cause to ultimately end. End... in a nothingness.
Oh how trite, naive, and very innocent of me to never once figure that this emotions would come back. That nausea acid bubbling taste within my mouth. Oh hatred. Oh pain. Bring me little sorrow, for even now I see the rocky memories slash out of the past. Meditation. Patience. Peace. Serenity. BULLSHIT. Such utter and complete bullshit to sit and relax while all my body wants to do is everything I can not abide by. The rocking ceases. My heartbeat quickens as the tears freeze up in sore and reddened eyes. Cheeks stretched from silent screams ache with further movement. For laughter now rises from my core, giggling in such melodious tunes.
Insanity never felt so good.

© 2008 Kalex Cross

Author's Note

Kalex Cross
Please ignore grammar mistakes.

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Added on November 18, 2008


Kalex Cross
Kalex Cross

Herkimer, NY

Pending more..

Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

A Story by Kalex Cross