Poncious Pilot

Poncious Pilot

A Chapter by knighngale

the Bible


Poncious Pilot 






Poncious Pilot.  A king of Rome, greeted Rome.  It’s a time of a new era! The king audericiarated.  In such elate manner of only kings, Rome jolied in great happiness for the kingdom and the king betaken. 




                       Chapter 1



The king of the Jews walked alone, in deep thought and deep prayer.  It suited him, felt anyone that crossed his path.  He was surrounding.  Andante were his steps.  The pigs of once children agonized.  All feared the dark.  All feared the strange.  But his solemnness did not.  And only fear he denied.  So everything but fear dealth.  The kings found no harm in such. The night were eerie to many.  To many the night was soothing.  The smell of wood graced.  The Rabbies never doubted their place.  They loved each moment.  A youth kept coming, and never spoke a word.  He looked young and innocent.  He moved along to Poncious Pilot.  They kept good prayer to such worth.  Jesus.

© 2022 knighngale

Author's Note


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Actually, Pontius Pilate was a prefect, or governor, not a king. And yes, the Christ within us does cast out fear. Interesting work here.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

Hellos, yes, you are right. He is the Emperor of Rome. Emperor is equivalent to King. But I wante.. read more
Patricia Wedel

1 Year Ago

dear KnighnGale... If only we could be as elegant today as we stumble through the "slings and arrows.. read more

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1 Review
Added on April 4, 2022
Last Updated on April 4, 2022
Tags: Poncious Pilot, the Bible



north hollywood, CA

Maynard James Keenan Kick the Can Keenan. Knighngale. 1809 Black Plague December. Edgar Allen Poe. Hope you like my work. I write mostly horror. But sometimes I write Erotica, Children.. more..

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A Story by knighngale