Didn't Plan It

Didn't Plan It

A Poem by Krista Weiss

This is a song I wrote about how people to plan to fall in love with a person, it just kind of happens and that's what happened to me :) The hidden message is: Didn't plan it but it's true

Didn't Plan It
Everyday watching you,
From the corner of my eyes,
And then today,
You start heading my way,
You look into mine,
With those beautiful eyes,
And say you've finally realized,
That you love me
And I didn't plan to fall in love with you baby,
I didn't plan for you to love me back,
I didn't plan for you to be,
The star on the football team,
Or to have the most,
Beautiful eyes in the world,
And I didn't plan it,
But baby you are perfect for me
I met up with you after school,
On an average Thursday afternoon,
You pulled me in,
And gave me just one gentle kiss,
That made me feel like,
The luckiest girl in the world,
I asked you how this came to be,
You said "Cuz baby you are for me"
And I didn't plan to fall in love with you baby,
I didn't plan for you to love me back,
I didn't plan for you to be,
The star on the football team,
Or to have the most,
Beautiful eyes in the world,
And I didn't plan it,
But baby you are perfect for me
I wondered if you knew,
That there's other girls,
Around this little town,
You tell me,
You don't think about anybody else,
Well I know I'm not perfect,
And there's a lot of other options,
And then you tell me
I didn't plan to fall in love with you baby,
I didn't plan for you to love me back,
I didn't plan for you to be,
The high school homecoming queen,
Or to have the greatest personality,
Well you don't have to be perfect,
Cuz baby I didn't plan it,
But you are perfect for me <3

© 2012 Krista Weiss

Author's Note

Krista Weiss
Heyy so this is a song about how you don't plan to fall in love with a person, you just do, and it just happens. You can't control it, you can't hide it, and you definitely can't plan it. You'll fall in love with a person for who they are, not for who you want them to be. In the song I wrote about how right now, I didn't plan to like the guy I like. I've liked him for 10 years and I can't stop it, I have no choice. In the song, it's kind of me imagining him and I together. In real life, I didn't plan to like him, and he actually does play football, but that wasn't my choice. One day, I want to find someone that loves me for me, and doesn't care that I'm not popular and that I'm never going to be the homecoming queen, because those kinds of things aren't as important :) Hope you like it <3 ... this is really long... haha sorry! <3

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Featured Review

Wow, I love this for sure! It's beautiful and sweet. This is amazing in so many ways.
I especially love the last stanza. If a guy told me that, I'd burst into tears and probably blush like crazy! XD

Ashley Rivers-- your friend ;)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Krista Weiss

11 Years Ago

Thanks :) haha glad you like it! It's one of my favorites and if this actually happened to me I'd pr.. read more

11 Years Ago

You're welcome:) and yeah it's one of my favorites too even though I love all of your work. I'm just.. read more


Wow, I love this for sure! It's beautiful and sweet. This is amazing in so many ways.
I especially love the last stanza. If a guy told me that, I'd burst into tears and probably blush like crazy! XD

Ashley Rivers-- your friend ;)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Krista Weiss

11 Years Ago

Thanks :) haha glad you like it! It's one of my favorites and if this actually happened to me I'd pr.. read more

11 Years Ago

You're welcome:) and yeah it's one of my favorites too even though I love all of your work. I'm just.. read more
Great song as always =D ! Just 2 questions:
1) Do you have a nice voice?
2) Do you play any instrument?

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Krista Weiss

12 Years Ago

Thanks :) umm 1. I guess it depends, my friends say I'm goodish haha I just can't do high pitch... a.. read more
&#22806;&#20154; (Gaijin)

12 Years Ago

Take some singing lessons and introduce yourself to the music business =D
yesh yesh !! this so so true ....i love this one

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh I love it! I can tell you I have these dreams all the time, and most of the time it doesn't happen the way you want. But when it happens, it will be the best feeling :) Take it from a person who knows, love isn't an easy thing, but for me, it's best not to get to attached but to just dive in head first, because I'm one of those people :P Anyway, fantastic song, I love it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on June 28, 2012
Last Updated on June 28, 2012
Tags: Didn't, Did, Not, Plan, It