You think you know...

You think you know...

A Poem by KurKota

A retrospect of this site....and life

You say you are my friend, you are not,
I say I am your friend, I am not.
Because we cross paths, an interest common
We think we are mates, bonded fate.
Intentions we promise, to be ever more
Bond with word and ink.
Thoughts alike, hearts encircled
Ideas valid, but we both really not.
A mistake noticed, a time elapsed
No more the interest, as contrived.
Move on to the next, moment of bond
Not another word, not another sound.

© 2018 KurKota

Author's Note

A lament for acquaintences discovered but then soon lost.

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I really like your style of's like an analyzing type of poetry or whatever it's called..very inspiring style and critical thinking provoking..nicely penned

note: in the authors note you mention acquaintance..but in the above description you mention a retrospective on this I'm confused..are you talking about acquaintance prospects acquired from this site? because if so, for me personally, I don't seek acquaintances from this site but mere inspiration and personal growth based on word power and nothing else .. just my two cents

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you for your insightful thoughts. I take them to heart. Thank you also, for taking the time .. read more


Friending here at WC gives others an opportunity to delve a little deeper into interacting with other authors/poets/people. It takes both speaking AND listening, asking AND answering. Some take that delving to "another level", but it does seem most don't go that direction. We have to "work" to become (and continue being) more than merely acquaintances.

And it takes BOTH - not just one... how many people do YOU know who spend their conversations on their answers WHILE the other is speaking?

Posted 6 Years Ago

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Quiet interising lately some people here blocked me and unfriend me without telling me why. I am little pesimistic abiut peopke here. I like just 2 lines of stanza . You speak very clearly about subject in nice poetic form.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you. A very large reason why I have not been active in this site I because many of people on .. read more

6 Years Ago

Thing is persons who blocked me. I was trusted more here. Now i can see they dont really care about .. read more
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I really like your style of's like an analyzing type of poetry or whatever it's called..very inspiring style and critical thinking provoking..nicely penned

note: in the authors note you mention acquaintance..but in the above description you mention a retrospective on this I'm confused..are you talking about acquaintance prospects acquired from this site? because if so, for me personally, I don't seek acquaintances from this site but mere inspiration and personal growth based on word power and nothing else .. just my two cents

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you for your insightful thoughts. I take them to heart. Thank you also, for taking the time .. read more
When I read this, I imagined two parallel train tracks with only one boy on each track. They see each other, but their paths never inter cross. Such a sad fate.

I like the way you write..

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you for taking the time to read and give me your insights into what you see from it, very int.. read more
May you find your acquaintance you've lost.

You finally wrote something!! I was waiting for you works to come out.
Your work is great. Nice rhyme scheme. I just don't understand why you put exclamation point to nearly every end of stanzas.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks, just a nasty habit of mine I guess....sorry.....can modify ...:)

9 Years Ago

There, thank you....:) friend

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5 Reviews
Added on March 24, 2015
Last Updated on May 14, 2018
Tags: friends, intentions, false hope, false friends



If you read any of my submitted writings here, you will create your own mental image of who I am, and for here that is likely enough. I am educated by a University, however, I learn mostly from lif.. more..

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