Comfort from the Storm

Comfort from the Storm

A Story by Chi chan

Something I did in my spare time. Olivia has a very bad nightmare, only Momo and Hiram can calm her down and soothe her back to sleep.


Late night had fallen over Victorian London, Big Ben rang out through out the empty streets, Jushiro Ukitake could not sleep, the rest of the house-hold was fast asleep. But he could not, he went downstairs into the small kitchen and made some tea to help him relax and get back to sleep.


        “Captain, what are you doing up at this hour? I heard you fall ill easy, I think it would be best if you get some sleep for you're own health at least,” a voice asked him from behind him, it was Hiram.


        “What the? Oh Hiram it's only you, you sound like the captain of Squad 4 when you said that. I just couldn't sleep so I made some tea, care to join me my friend?” answered Ukitake as he set out a cup on the small table.


        “That would be nice, I couldn't sleep either,” said Hiram as he joined Ukitake, after he made Hiram some tea, they started to talk.


        “Momo seems some-what distant more than normal, it's like she doesn't want to lose something,” Hiram told him.


        “I think it's time, you know at lest, Momo is carrying a dark secret,'s still hard to say even now.....but some time ago before we met you, there was a incident in the Soul Society, that involved the betrayal of three captains of the The 13 Court Guard Squad, one of which I believe is here, but one of them Momo admired like a father almost was her own Captain, Souske Aizen,” explained Ukitake.


        “Momo was....betrayed by....her own captain.....that poor girl, to think she stayed so strong this far, Aizen, that name sounds familiar,” said Hiram.


        “But the worst of it....he hurt her both mentally and physically, badly, Aizen....stabbed Momo. She still carries the scars from that hurtful betrayal,” Ukitake told Hiram.


        “My god, the poor child, and she's so sweet. She and Olivia get long so well, she vowed to protect us. But she's been hurt in a way that is unforgivable. I will treat Momo as if she was my own,” said Hiram.


        “That's good to hear my friend, she's been mentally unstable ever since that time, it's good that someone like you will look out for her,” said Ukitake.


They heard a small gasp from the entry way, it was Momo, she had been standing in the entry way, listening to them talking.


        “Lieutenant long where you standing there?” asked Ukitake.


        “The whole time, and it's alright. I'm getting over it, but I couldn't sleep, is it alright if I have some tea? At lest to calm my nerves,” answered Momo.


        “You don't need to ask me Lieutenant, help yourself, I made enough for us,” said Ukitake.


She poured herself a cup and joined them. The three of them sat in silence, finally Momo broke it.


        “I'm sorry that I didn't tell you more about my past, I don't like to talk about it much,” said Momo.


        “It's alright. I know the feeling, after Elaina died, I try not to talk about what happened much, but the nightmares haven't stopped, I miss Elaina so much,” said Hiram. Ukitake place a hand on his shoulder.


        “Know this well my dear friend, she is always with you even when you don't see her. Elaina will watch your daughter become the woman you know she'll be. But keep this in mind, she's proud of her and you for raising her right,” Ukitake told Hiram.


        “Thank you, I needed to hear that from someone like you Captain,” said Hiram, Ukitake just smiled.


        “Please just call me Jushiro, or Ukitake, no more of this calling me Captain, no need for that among friends,” said Ukitake.


        “Momo, I don't know why, but I see a bit of Elaina in you,” Hiram told her out of the blue, she looked up from her drink.


        “ is that?” asked Momo.


        “The way you want to protect Olivia and I, she was always fierce if anyone tried to hurt us in anyway, you have that in you,” answered Hiram, Momo blushed a little.


        “I....I guess....I learned that from....” but before Momo could finish the three of them heard a scream from upstairs.


        “MOMO!! DADDY!!!”


        “That was..” Momo said sounding startled as she stood up, Hiram and Ukitake were not far behind her.


        “My little Bairn...” said Hiram.


        “Sounds like you two are being summoned,” Ukitake told them, Hiram and Momo looked at each other, nodded then ran up the steps, Ukitake followed them.


Inside Olivia's bedroom, the poor child was siting up in her bed just crying her heart out, she had woken up Ka Ning, who stretched out and looked at her.


        “Kid, what in the world? I was starting to get a good night's sleep,” complained Ka Ning, the rest of the house had heard everything and came to see what was going on.


        “What the? Who's crying?” asked Nikky sounding sleepy.


        “For the sake of Beijing, what's going on?” said Tiy Lee.


        “Did something happen?” asked Hanatarou.


        “I was having a nice dream where Johnny Depp was giving me a massage,” I said.


Momo and Hiram rushed into the room. Momo was the first to sit down on the bed next tot he crying girl, the both of them looked worried for her, as did we.


        “Olivia-chan what's the matter? Did a Hollow scare you?” asked Momo, trying to calm the upset child down. Olivia shook her head.


        “One of us would have felt the Spiritual Pressure that the Hollow releases when they arrive,” Ukitake said to himself.


        “Then what happened to frighten you this much darling?” asked Hiram.


Olivia calm down enough to at least tell them what happened, she took a deep breath before a other wave of tears could come again.


        “You both were hurt!......Some.....someone was hurting you both....Someone was hurting both you and Daddy!” cried Olivia before more tears came flooding out. Momo had a grave look on her face, she looked to Hiram then to Ukitake as if she didn't know what to do, Ukitake nodded as if she knew what must be done.


        “You might it was just a bad dream, true some one of my past did hurt me greatly, but don't worry, he's gone for good, he won't hurt me ever again. I won't let him hurt you or your father,” Momo told the crying girl in her arms.


        “It's alright now love, we're here,” Hiram told his crying daughter. Momo looked at him and placed his daughter in his arms, he looked at his upset daughter then to Momo.


        “She needs you right now more than me,” Momo told Hiram.


        “She needs both of you right now,” I said.


        “Maybe you're right, she needs a big sister as well as her father, the nightmare involved the two of us, everything's going to be alright,” said Momo.


        “She's right dear, everything will be alright,” Hiram told his upset daughter.


        “NO! Someone's....someone's going to hurt Momo and you too Daddy! Someone's going to take you away and hurt you! They'll take you away and I'll be left alone!!” cried Olivia as she buried her face in her father's arms and clinged to him tighter as if she was afraid that he was going to leave her.


        “ little darling, it was just a bad dream and nothing like that is ever going to happen. No one is going to take me away from you, or you from me. I'm right here, I promise that will never happen. I'm not going to leave you,” Hiram told her.


Shhh, shh, everything's alright now, we're here, and Daddy's right here, it's going to be alright,” he added, Olivia started to calm down a little bit with a whimper and a few sobs, gently rocked his young daughter with Momo rubbing the child's back as if to help calm her down a bit.


        “I guess nightmares have been poisoning all of our minds on a night like this,” said Momo.


She looked back at the door-way, the rest of us had gone back to bed, but Ukitake stayed behind, he nodded and she turned back to Hiram and Olivia.


        “Well done, Lieutenant Hinamori,” whispered Ukitake.


        “She's starting to calm down, soon she'll be asleep,” said Hiram


        “That's good, that nightmare really scared her, and involve losing you the most, I guess she couldn't stand that,” Momo told him.


        “After losing her mother, I can't imagine her mental stability if she ever lost me, I'm grateful for you being here Momo, she needs someone like you right now,” Hiram said to her.


        “I just want to help you both as much as I can,” said Momo.


        “Daddy....don't....leave me...” Olivia whispered sounding like she was about to fall asleep.


        “I'm not going to leave you dear, just relax, you're safe and warm, soon you'll be sound asleep,” Hiram told her softly.


Sure enough, Olivia was fast asleep in her father's arms, her tears dried up on her cheeks and her father's shirt, Momo pulled back the covers on the child's bed. Hiram placed his daughter in the bed and covered her up.


I'm not going to leave you ever, my little Bairn,” he whispered then he kissed her and tucked her in, Momo stood in the door-way, watching everything, he joined her and closed the door.


        “You're a really good father,” Momo told him.


        “I'm used to it, and I look at you like a second daughter, after the past you came from, I'll treat you like one,” said Hiram.


        “No one has ever said that they would treat me like a daughter before, maybe a sister but never anything like that,” replied Momo.


        “You're life here is going to be a bit better,” said Hiram.

© 2008 Chi chan

Author's Note

Chi chan
I don't own the cast of Bleach, I own Tiy Lee, Ka Ning, Nikky and myself

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Added on December 25, 2008


Chi chan
Chi chan

Western North Carolina, NC

I enjoy painting, singing, writing my fanfics about Great Mouse Detective, Phantom of the Opera, Bleach x-overs, and Ronin Warriors, I mostly do one shots, but others are stories, so I hope to upload .. more..

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