A Step Toward A New Life

A Step Toward A New Life

A Story by Chi chan

Something I did in my spare time, I'm having such bad writers block, so enjoy


Today was the beginning of my life, my wedding day, I was going to be married to the most beautiful woman I ever met in Scotland or England, her name was Elaina Sarah MacKellen, she said she would take my family's last name when we got married. I was so nervous, all of my family and friends were there, and my future in-laws, granted Elaina came from a wealthy family, but class didn't matter to us, we loved each other and that's what important.


        When I saw Elaina walking down the ales, she took my breath, I almost fainted, her wedding dress was so beautiful, she showed it to me one time and said that it belonged to her mother when she was married, when she stood in front of me and I lifted her veil, she blushed and looked at me.


        “You look breathtaking,” I mouthed. She blushed and nodded.


Our vows were exchanged and they were sealed them with a kiss, she was now going to be known as Elaina Sarah Flaversham, we decided to spend our honey-moon in Paris, after we arrived we were so tired that we go to the hotel, changed into our night-wear and just fell asleep.


        The next day we spent the day sightseeing, but later on that night Elaina gave herself to me freely, we had a night of passion. For whatever the reason a question popped into my head, when morning came I asked her.


        “Elaina, how would you feel about us becoming parents?” I asked, she just looked at me, her deep emerald eyes just looked at me, her shoulder length light brown hair flowed over her back like the river.


        'I would love to become a mother, only if you're comfortable with becoming a father,” answered Elaina. I took her in my arms and we just sat in the bed for a while.


        'You know I would be very comfortable with becoming a father, granted it might take some getting used to, having a baby around,” I told her.


Once we return to Scotland, I want us to try and have a baby, even though we just got married, we still have a little time,” she told me. A few days later we returned home, we waited a few months then tried, but nothing, a few more months had come and gone, again Elaina and I tried, but nothing.


        “Hiram, maybe we're not meant to have a baby, we've tried so hard and nothing,” sighed Elaina.


        “No, we are meant to be parents. How about we take a little break and we'll try again in a few years,” I told her.


And so we waited, three years had passed. Then at last we tried, the next morning Elaina said she felt fine, but a few days later she did start to feel a little strange. The morning before last I herd her vomiting in the bathroom, then the feeling of vomiting came over her, I was worried about her.


        “I'll go see the doctor in the morning, I'm sure it's just the stomach flu,” she told me.


        That very morning Elaina left for the doctor, while I waited for her I made some tea. A short time later I heard the door open and there stood Elaina, smiling as if something wonderful had happen to her on the way home, her hand was over her stomach, she looked up at me.


        “Dear what did the doctor say?” I asked her sounding uneasy.


        “All I can say is this, I hope we have room for our newest addition,” she answered me, my eyes widen and my heart raced.


        “Elaina...do you....mean that you're....?” I stuttered, she nodded.


        “I'm pregnant, our dreams are coming true, we're going to be parents,” said Elaina, I took her in my arms and twirled her. Then we kissed.


After five months it had become apparent that Elaina was with child, that's when I decided. If I'm going to support a family, I had to go into a profession of some kind, I decided to move to England and open a toy shop, I had always enjoyed making people happy, weather it was my friends from when I was young or my nieces and nephews. I just wanted to make people happy, with the money to be made from that I could easily support Elaina and a child, it was settled, Elaina and packed up our things and moved to England.


        We settled into a nice shop, with Elaina and myself living behind the store and up some stairs, while I was setting up the cradle in what would become the nursery, Elaina rushed in holding her stomach.


        “What's the matter? Is it time?!” I asked sounding worried, she took my hand.


        “No, I'm still months away, just feel,” answered Elaina as she placed the palm of my hand on her stomach, I felt something, a small pressure against my hand, my heart skipped a beat. Our child was kicking, Elaina and I smiled.


        “Elaina my love, what's happening is God's greatest gift to us,” I told her, I kept my hand on her stomach, again I felt the kicking of the young new child growing inside my wife, she placed her hand on top of the hand that was on her stomach.


        “This child was conceived out of love, my family is looking forward to their first grandchild,” said Elaina.


        “When our child is born, there will be more than enough love waiting for her,” I told Elaina.


        “You're hoping for a girl?” she asked me.


        “Or a son, ether one I'll be happy, as long as you're healthy and so will the baby, we'll have more to live for,” I answered her.


Four more months had passed, Elaina's pregnancy had gone very well, I had the doctor stop by and he said that the baby would arrived in two weeks, granted Elaina and I were nervous. She was going to bring a new life into this world, I was nervous for her, the pain she would go through. I would bear the pain for her if I could.


        A week had gone by, Elaina's younger sister Justine had come for a visit, Justine is a nun at an abbey in our home-town, after a few days with us she went home.


One morning I had made some tea for Elaina, she came into the kitchen, I turned my back for two seconds when I heard her scream, I looked back and saw her on the floor breathing heavily, holding her stomach. I rushed over to her.


        “Elaina, are you alright?!” I asked frantically.


        “The baby, it's coming!” answered Elaina through the pain. I panicked, it's time, I carried Elaina to our bedroom, she grabbed my hand as I started to leave the room.


        “Please don't leave me like this!” begged Elaina through the pain of the contractions, they were becoming closer.


        “I'm going to get the neighbors, I'll be right back, I promise,” I told her.


        “Hurry!” she mouthed.


I ran out the door and right to my neighbors house, I banged on the door, my neighbor Jonathan answered the door.


        “Jonathan! It's Elaina, she's having the baby, please go get the doctor!” I told him hurriedly.


        “I'll be right back before you even know it,” he said to me, he ran out of his house at top speed then he was gone.


I came back home, Elaina was still in labor, before I knew it Jonathan had returned with the doctor, I wanted nothing more than to be Elaina, but the doctor said I had to wait outside. That was all I could do, there was nothing I could do for my wife and pray that she would be healthy and so would be the baby.

© 2009 Chi chan

Author's Note

Chi chan
I did this sometime ago, I just want all to enjoy, I own Justine and Jonathan

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Added on March 14, 2009


Chi chan
Chi chan

Western North Carolina, NC

I enjoy painting, singing, writing my fanfics about Great Mouse Detective, Phantom of the Opera, Bleach x-overs, and Ronin Warriors, I mostly do one shots, but others are stories, so I hope to upload .. more..

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