Just a Blonde Piece of S**t

Just a Blonde Piece of S**t

A Poem by LivingDeath

I`m just a blonde piece of s**t eh?
Just a regret waiting to happen.
What the f**k is wrong with me?
I don`t know, why don`t you answer that question.
If you know me so well why don`t you.

You can`t.
You don`t know me. 
All I am to you is a blonde piece of s**t. 
A regret waiting to happen. 

So why don`t I do a nice thing for you. 
Just to show I care. 

I`ll make sure you don`t regret me. 
I`ll just make it so there`s no more me to regret. 

I`m standing on the edge of a really tall building right now.
Dare me to jump?

Come on. Dare me! 

The whiskey is telling me to jump but I want to hear you say it. 
The angel from my nightmare.

I`d say I`m sorry for what I`m about to do,
but I don`t feel a thing right now.

I`m just a blonde piece of s**t. 

So why don`t I say goodbye,
as I kick my shoe off the ledge.
Watching it fall, I look below
F**k the rest of this poem. 

© 2011 LivingDeath

Author's Note

I thought you loved me.

My Review

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The emotions practically bled through the screen of my computer! Your anger all balled up inside of your pain is what made this poem freaking awesome! You're kind of like the Grim Reaper looking for his heart, but trying not to show anyone he cares. This was a very powerful piece, and I've felt the same way...

I don't know if anyone noticed, or if you did it intensionally, but when you look at your poem sideways... your lines look like the traces of a heartbeat on one of those hospital machines... :) 100/100

~ Iris ~

Posted 13 Years Ago

So angry and raw and fierce.
The somewhat disconnected structure and explicit nature work perfectly to reflect inner torment and hurt. Some people might advise you to reign this in but I would leave it just as it is; it works to the right degree.
Well written

Posted 13 Years Ago

Anger is a dangerous emotion. I'm glad to see you are letting it out in a healthy and artistic manner. I love the honesty portrayed here as well as the end. I've wanted to say that at the end of a lot of my writes. Kudos to you for pulling it off.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Taking out the anger, ranting is sometimes the best thing for the soul. This poem is honest and will be liked for that. Nice.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I don't like suicide poetry. But this poem is not suicide. It is anger and questions. I like the directness in the poem. Sometime we can feel so low. Hard to get up. But we must. Better to live and torture then become a distance memory. A excellent poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Raw anger and emotion. Who ever thinks you're, or anyone, is a 'piece of s**t' is a piece of s**t themself.

All in all, I love angry poetry. Thanks for sharing, and may you not be a blonde piece of s**t. I know you aren't.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 22, 2011
Last Updated on June 22, 2011



Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

"I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not." ~Kurt Cobain. Wasssup guys! I am me, if you want my name, ask me for it. Life in every breath, is my motto. 22 years old, living .. more..

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