Harry potter - Next generation (sequel)
A Book by Sens3mann
I'm not a fan of Harry potter however i stumbled on three fanfictions i absolutely loved (e.g. Harry potter and the time of good intentions) they inspired me for my own "Harry potter universe" story 
© 2010 Sens3mann
Author's Note
All in all about 31000 words so far.
I actually never planned to upload this anywhere for two reasons.
It's kind of embarrasing writing Harrry Potter Fanfiction, however since i only use the universe and not the original charakters i think it's slightly more acceptable -.-
Secondly this was more like a personal indulgence much like the Helping three strangers short story.
Born: 1991 in Hamburg, Germany.
Nationality: German, British.
Religious views: Atheism
Favourite quote: "The only sovereign you can let yourself allow to be ruled by is reason." - Terry Goodkind.
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