![]() Harry potter - Next generation - Chapter III - The HousesA Chapter by Sens3mann![]() Arrival in hogwarts and sorting of the houses.![]() - CHAPTER THREE - The Houses
Jamie woke when the Sensation described in the Text-book rolled over her, and opened her eyes. She had needed a lot of rest after the exhausting day in Diagon alley and she had needed almost a week to feel good enough to leave the bed again. But after that she had enjoyed herself immensely with the books she had bought, She had come back occasionally nicking the books she found interesting and now she also owned:
- Smaller curses & jinxes by Alfred Ransoff. - Counter curses, protective-spells & Enchantments by Gerd Ransoff. - Theory of silent incantations by Adalbert Waffling. - Theory of Blood related magical abilities by Adalbert Waffling. - Household & Smaller Healing Spells by Mariah welsh. - First steps on the way to a medical career by Roberta Simmons.
Even though she had been warned not to use magic she figured they probably only had means to pinpoint the general area. And she had been proven right since no wizards or witches had stormed her room and broken her wand in half. Finnigan had gone as well handing her a ticket and explaining that Tom would ensure she'd catch her train and that he had other things to attend to. She had experimented so much with the spells she could nearly do all of them now, the last one, a spell with a timing element that was supposed to wake her with a sensation of elation, it was mostly used by people who hated their job's and didn't want to go. This was another thing Jamie enjoyed about Wizard-books they almost always contained trivial inforMation that was amusing most of the time. She could rehearse every fact about every plant and potion of “One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi” and “ Magical Drafts and Potions”, not as a quote but the general idea of what it was about. She had begun Transfiguration smaller object's ignoring the safety-warning on the first page of “A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration” to not start without proper guidance and it had worked, a little. The wood-splinter had at least changed shape a little. She had used “Magical Theory“, “Theory of silent incantations” and “Theory of Blood related magical abilities” to enlarge her understanding of magic and what magic could and could not do. Jamie decided that many people were just unimaginative when they said this or that could not be done. They just said it because they didn't know how, for example there was such a thing as the Philosophers stone that had been able to transform metals into Gold and create a liquid that prolonged life something that was said to be impossible. “Household & Smaller Healing Spells” wasn't really hard and written like a Muggle cooking book for middle-aged housewife's. “First steps on the way to a medical career” was a bust, half the book just explained in great detail of how to increase your chances to be accepted into a medical study, which was sucking up to everyone and generally grovelling on the ground. Bribing or blackmailing the head of the medical Facility was also considered a good way of getting things done. The other half just listed irrelevant things such as spots for catching gossip and names of reporters who would pay for it. It was a silly book and Jamie used it to try the spells from “Smaller curses & Jinxes” the only good use it could be put to and it was already half incinerated. She hadn't touched “A History of Magic” and “The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection” because she hadn't found the time yet with all the other interesting things to read. She had only opened “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” when they were mentioned in any other book. All in all she had had so much to do that she hardly noticed when it was time to eat, so Tom the owner of the “leaky Cauldron” had made a habit of bringing food to her room in the time she had needed rest and had just continued doing so, he seemed to assume people made her nervous or she was to weak to use the stair's which she almost was. She had spent a month almost constantly in her room and was shocked when Tom had casually mentioned that she was to go to King's cross Tomorrow at ten so she would have enough time. Jamie was infuriated “and you only tell me this now” she had shouted at him while at the same time throwing her plate after him which he halted in the air with his wand. He hadn't taken offence at getting Plates thrown at him, he seemed to be amused of all things. “be glad I told you today, I could have 'forgotten' to mention it until tomorrow” he said mischievously all the while looking indulgently at her as if she was his favourite niece or something. So Jamie had searched for a proper waking spell that she could use to wake her at eight in the morning. Jamie smiled as she remembered throwing her plate at tom she was only slightly miffed that she hadn't hit, her arm still hurt a little from the exertion. Struggling out of her blanket, she got up and went to the bath to brush her teeth. Since she had Bleed all over Finnigans date she had only had one other incident where her nose started to bleed but it was rather minor compared to some of the vicious attacks she had had a couple of years ago. After brushing her teeth (her arms already feeling like they would fall of) she went downstairs and entered the common room, which to her surprise was full of people, parents and their children were standing and sitting around or in case of the older students small clusters of friends. She approached tom. “what the hell is going on?” she asked frowning at a small boy who was staring at her who then began to cry and hug his mothers leg. “always happens when it's time for the Train to Hogwarts” he replied wiping a glass with a towel “see all the people who live to far off or just don' have any means to get to King's cross station need a place where they can safely use the floo-network since most of 'em can't apparate see?” She did see “and you don't mind people using your place since they spend time and money eating your food” He winked at her “knew you were a smart lass, you want breakfast?” “I wouldn't mind” she said slightly offended at being called 'lass' “sit somewhere and I'll get you something” Somewhere was easier said then done, every table was occupied so she chased away a couple of older students who weren't actually eating anything. They were so surprised that they complied before thinking but then she had already occupied a seat and they seemed it wasn't worth the trouble. The 'something' Tom mentioned turned out to be a platter filled with bacon and egg's buttered toast, some cheese and a cup of tea with a lot of milk and sugar. Watching the people around her while she ate she came to the conclusion that the Wizard community wasn't any different then the Muggle apart from the fact that everyone could do magic. They were even dressed like Muggles but then she thought it would probably look very suspicious for a couple hundred people to run around London in Robes. A couple of times people approached her table but turned abruptly when they saw her glaring in their direction. After finishing her lunch she went back upstairs content that she had been able to keep people away while she was eating. It made her so uncomfortable, people watching her eat. Gah. Looking at the watch she bought in a Muggle shop outside of Diagon alley she noticed that it was already... half past nine! She didn't know how long it took to get to the King's Cross train station but if the Train took of at eleven she did not want to find out the hard way that it took longer then she expected. Quickly charming her suitcase so that it floated just above the ground, she grabbed her jacket, slung her school-bag around her shoulder and went downstairs again where she quickly said goodbye to Tom and dashed out the common room entrance before he could respond. Or call her 'lass' again she thought irritable. Once she was aboard the taxi she relaxed when the 'guy' (guy was the best description she could think of he smoked, made bad jokes and was generally insufferable) told her it was only a twenty minute ride. Jamie grimaced With him as driver it would probably seem a lot longer. But it didn't. Jack, that was the guy's name, was actually quite easy to ignore and he didn't seem to mind he just continued to make bad jokes and puns regardless of the response. When they arrived at King's cross Jamie was glad her time with Jack had been short. She paid him quickly and he said “what you do to get so much money lass? Hit someone over the head?” he guffawed at his own bad joke, making her eye twitch with the refrained desire to hit him. And why was everybody calling her 'lass'?! Jamie swore herself that the next person who called her that would receive a good kick to the shin's. Grinding her teeth Jamie continued into that station, where she paused. How did you get onto platform nine-three-quarters again? Jamie tried to remember she knew she had to go through a wall somewhere. But she didn't know which wall and she wasn't keen on trying out a few. Well the logical step would probably be to go to platform nine and watch for any mysterious disappearances through wall's. It was easier then it sounded, people were making dreadful attempts at looking inconspicuous while passing through, only those who weren't trying at all managed it. But no-one seemed to notice, it was amazing how much people could ignore if they didn't want to see it. They didn't want to believe that it was possible so they did not have to deal with it. Entering platform nine-three-quarters Jamie already felt very exhausted even though her suitcase was enchanted to float, she hardly took notice of the people and details on the platform. Everything appeared in a haze and before she knew it she was already in a otherwise empty compartment sitting down heavily, closing her eyes. After a while her light-headedness faded and everything stopped spinning, the feeling of having not enough blood in her head also disappeared, the kind of feeling she usually only got when she stood up to fast after lying down for a while. Jamie breathing calmed, but her leg's and arm's were still shaking from the strain of tucking her suitcase into the intended place over the seat's. Cursing herself for wasting time researching a spell that made things float just above the ground instead of just making things lighter. To weak to do much else Jamie leaned her head against the window and examined her fellow students and their families. The platform was crowded, most people still seemed to want to spend time with their families since the train wouldn't take of for another hour or so. Most of the older students had come without their parents and were already greeting their friends, talking about their holidays Jamie expected. Most younger students, in contrast, were with their parents looking both reluctant to leave and embarrassed at being reluctant to leave. There were a lot of animals too, owl's being the most prominent. A few amphibians and rat's being ogled greedily by cat's. Here and there was the occasional nervous couple in Muggle cloths looking not quite comfortable in their skin eyeing those in robes apprehensively Twitching every time sparks or other kinds of harmless magic zoomed past. Small children not yet old enough to be allowed to go to Hogwarts were running around adding to the general mayhem. Slowly people began to trickle into the Hogwarts express leaning out of windows to continue conversations. A few people entered her compartment at first but froze and quickly left when they saw her, she didn't even have to glare at them. Jamie could do just fine without noisy and petty brat's sitting all around giving her headaches. More and more people disappeared from the platform as the amount running up and down the corridors increased. Jamie turned her wrist and looked at her watch, quarter to eleven. A muffled announcement from the platform reached inside requesting students to board the train. The people in the corridor were slowly getting on Jamie's nerves. Do they have to run around like they are going to pee their pants in excitement? Jamie thought irritably. It's a sodding ride in a train for crying out loud! Every five minutes someone opened the door to her compartment assuming it was empty until they saw her and practically ran away. Working herself into a exasperated state, Jamie made herself ready to verbally tear apart anyone who dared enter her compartment next. But people seemed to get an 'imminent-sudden-death'- feeling when they got near her compartment and nobody entered for a while. After several minutes Jamie was finally calming down a little resting her head against the window, just as she heard the clattering of someone opening her compartment door. Eye twitching, Jamie thought a foaming mouth would fit her mood right now. Whipping her head around to snarl at anyone who was daring to enter, she instead found herself staring and incapable to form words. In the Doorway stood a girl approxiMately a couple of years older then herself with bright-red, or rather, Orange hair which was pulled back into a neat ponytail that still almost reached her hips. She was pale, although not as pale as Jamie herself, and had a collection of cute freckles travelling from her cheekbones over her nose. She was tall and slender but still seemed to radiate physical power. The tension across her shirt revealed the slight curve of her bust. But the most breathtaking thing about her were her eyes, slightly tilted with long lashes surrounding gleaming, emerald green, distinctively proud eyes. She looked nothing more then an Amazon. She was the personification of dignity. Her cloths were the only thing that made it possible to look at her without going blind from being dazzled. She wore Black leather boots that reached up to her shin ending under simple jeans, ripped and torn at the hem and knees. Her Black shirt was tucked into her trousers defining her figure and had a realistically and oddly sinister looking skull printed on the upper area. Over that she wore an open jacket that seemed a little to small revealing the muscles in her neck. She had a suitcase on her left side and a bag casually draped over her shoulder in her right hand. She was a little scary. “can I sit here?” the Amazon asked in a voice cutting into Jamie's brain sending waves of shivers down her spine. Reality came crashing back into the vacuum that had occupied Jamie like a tidal wave “surge...” Jamie said, swallowed and blushed then corrected herself “I mean sure” Smiling with an amused twinkle in those deep, well-like eyes the Amazon nodded and apparently without trouble heaved her suitcase over their heads. Jamie suppressed a groan, not only had she made a fool of herself, she also noticed with disdain that she was jealous at the ease the Amazon had stowed away her suitcase, remembering how she had nearly fainted after doing this herself. Instead of sitting anywhere in the empty compartment the Amazon sat next to her seemingly uninhibited and gave her friendly smile, showing a hint of perfectly white teeth. Even sitting she was still towering over Jamie uncomfortably. The ability to speak still not having quite returned Jamie managed to smile back weakly, sweat breaking out on her brow, cringing inwardly at making a fool of herself. - It's not fair for someone to look so singularly perfect! Jamie thought when she caught the gleam of teeth. “I'm Lily. What's your name?” The Amazon asked without further ado. Jamie Blinked stupidly - Name? What does she... Oh! Of course name! She could have hit herself. “My... my name's is Jamie” She said feeling like crawling under a rock. - Stop making a stuttering fool of yourself! Demanded a angry voice you can do better than this! - Well apparently not another voice added acidly. - Damn her! it's all The Amazon's/Lily's fault why is she having this kind of effect on me? - Maybe because you are the exact opposite to her? Jamie frowned - what do you mean? - Well, the other voice said starting to count of the thing's on imaginary fingers you're small, weak, grumpy, aggressive, decidedly un-cute, flat as a board - Jamie looked self consciously at her chest - generally underdeveloped and you seem to suffer from delusions. - Delusions? Jamie thought indignant , that was just unfair How am I suffering from delusions? - Well, you are having a mental conversation with yourself, if that isn't delusional I don't know what is The voice said exasperated. Jamie paused for a moment - don't talk to me again she thought irrationally. “are you all-right?” Lily asked her concerned. Realising that she hadn't paid any attention to what Lily was saying due to her disappointing soul search “what? Oh! I... I'm fine just tired, sorry what where you saying?” The smile returned “I was just asking which house your expecting to be in, I mean sure nobody actually knows beforehand but...” “house?” Jamie asked perplexed “I thought it was a castle” Lily laughed but it didn't seem like she was laughing at her, it was a wonderful laugh that seemed to come from deep inside her, with no restrain. So Jamie decided not to take offence “I guess that means you are Muggle-born, I mean the different school-houses. You see, there's a sorting at the beginning of the first year into the different houses depending on the abilities and personalities of students” - This was interesting Jamie thought - why haven't I heard of this before? “how many houses are there?” She asked. “Four. Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin” - only four? Jamie didn't think that, with only four houses there was much of a chance to find one that fit her adequately. Apparently encouraged by Jamie's obvious interest Lily elaborated “That were the names of the four founders, Godric Griffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. They were all very talented wizard's and witches, also very competitive you see, that got passed down to the houses, they probably thought a little competition could only increase the academic achievement of the students” Jamie didn't really care for history so she decided to 'butt in' “you said Students are sorted into the different houses according to abilities and personality. How do they do that? I mean they don't know the new students so how are they supposed to grasp their potential abilities much less their personality?” Lily didn't seem to be offended to give her the short version and began “as I understand it there weren't any houses at the founding of Hogwarts, but the four founders all quickly began to have favourites with qualities they deemed important and as to not exclude anyone or show favouritism to only a couple of students they decided to form the houses, they were already anticipating a time when none of them would remain at Hogwarts and so they created an object that could evaluate the important characteristics and talents through magical means. As I understand it they imprinted part of their own personality in the object to act in their place. I'm not really sure what it is, my father wanted it to be a surprise for my first year” - Imprinting one's personality into an object? Apparently giving it a purpose and free will, at least to a certain degree. Jamie decided that this would be one more thing she would later research in detail. “what house do you think you'll be in?” She asked Lily. “Griffindor” Came the answer instantly without the hint of a doubt. Jamie looked at her quizzically “I thought no one knows what house they'll be sorted into” “well you don't, but the thing is that families will most often be of the same house and well, everyone from both sides of my family have been in Griffindor for generations” Lily grimaced “and now it's expected of me to follow in their footsteps” her expression was clearly displaying what she thought of that. Not feeling like she was banging her head against a wall any more Jamie continued prodding her “so in what characteristics are the houses divided in?” Lily's brow crunched up in thought “well there's Griffindor, which is mainly looking for qualities like honesty, loyalty, courage, fairness and such. But I don't think there are any certain talents looked for. Then there's Hufflepuff, who are said to be loyal and hard-working, but not all that smart. Ravenclaws are supposed to be the academic elite as intellect, logic and thirst for knowledge are their requirements. And then there's Slytherin, the only house with a really bad reputation, it is said that it has produced some of the most powerful dark wizard's and witches over the ages and the people going dark from Slytherin are more then from all other houses together. Slytherin only looks for the strong, the sly and the tricky those who don't trust and know how to survive and... well it only takes pure-blooded wizards and witches” She finished reddening slightly. “pure-blooded?” Jamie asked her “pure concerning what?” Lily seemed uncomfortable “concerning the percentage of wizard blood running in your veins, old families that haven't diluted their blood by marrying Muggle-born” “you mean like you?” Lily giggled “no I had a grandmother who was Muggle-born I don't think my blood is pure enough for Slytherin” Jamie raised one brow “if they are that selective it's a wonder they have any students remaining” Lily turned thoughtful “it's true that Slytherin is now considered the smallest house, but in recent years the purity of blood was pushed into the background out of need, and now there are exceptions when even half-bloods are being accepted if they have the necessary qualities” “half-blood?” Lily nodded “wizards and witches with only one magical parent” The news about the houses was interesting, She already knew that she would neither be in Griffindor or Hufflepuff because she neither cared if she was fair or honest and neither would she stop to back-stab anyone if it furthered her goals. She wouldn't Mind Slytherin after all she wanted nothing more then to survive, but since it didn't accept Muggle-born Jamie guessed that was a no as well. Only left Ravenclaw, she didn't think she was all that smart but she certainly had enough thirst for knowledge to make up for it. But in the end it didn't really Matter she would still do anything to survive regardless of house. She noticed Lily watching her contemplate “I think I'll be in Ravenclaw, it seems the most logical Conclusion” Lily guffawed “well you are certainly already talking like one” Jamie smiled at her but then had to hide her face behind the back of her hand as she was forced to yawn hugely. She apologize, mostly because she was embarrassed rather than sorry. Lily hit her forehead “oh my god, I'm so stupid. You said you were tired and yet I ranted on about school. Why don't you sleep for a while?” she said “I'll wake you before we arrive at Hogwarts” Jamie nodded too tired to make her Brain continue to work and was already asleep when her head softly hit the cold window.
* * *
Jamie felt at ease and more peaceful then she had in a long time, pressed against something warm. A hand slowly combed through her hair. The sensation slowly faded. A whisper of memory's. Jamie woke suddenly, she felt completely awake. Why had she dreamt of someone stroking her hair? As far as she remembered no one had ever done that. She did not feel the comforting hand on her any more but she was still pressed against something warm, lifting her head she turned to look at Lily, who's shoulder her head had been resting on and who's arm she was still hugging convulsively. “good morning” Lily said bright amusement clearly showing around her eyes. Jamie withdrew explosively, flustered and mortified. Eyes wide open and mouth hanging, but to slack to actually make a sound other then an embarrassed moan. “You know it's a good thing you don't drool” Lily said looking at her seriously “or else this would be way more awkward” Jamie wanted to sink into the ground, then she noticed the sly grin on the other girls face. Covering her face with her hands, she still ashamed but at the same time trying to restrain her laughter. To no avail. “you could have woken me” Jamie accused after her laughter had subsided considerably. “well it wasn't much of a discomfort, I mean you look like you weight essentially nothing” Lily still had the enchanting twinkle of amusement in her eyes. Jamie found herself staring into those emerald eye's again and quickly turned away. The green countryside that had been prominent after the express left platform nine-three-quarters was replaced by dark woodland, the number of trees was large but not big enough to account for the lack of sunlight so she judged that she had slept at least a few hours. Jamie suddenly regretted that she had gone to sleep for this was all she would see of the world for the next seven years, she wasn't the most emotional person on the planet by far, but seven years was a long, long time. She turned around again to find Lily looking at her and asked “do you know when we arrive?” Lily nodded “you actually awoke quite timely I think they will announce our imminent arrival in a few min-” but she was cut short by a gong and a voice announcing “We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately.” “less then a few minutes” Lily corrected herself “we'd better change, we have to go to dinner in our School-robes” with that she stood and made a grab for her suitcase, pulled it down, opened it and removed her robes. Jamie followed suit but got stuck immediately on the 'grabbing her suitcase' part, she could grab it just fine but the problem was getting it down without killing herself, never mind the killing part the main problem was actually getting it down at all, it seemed even harder then pushing it up. Jamie almost hung from the handle of her suitcase growing frustrated to the point of tears. Suddenly a pale arm passed over her right shoulder grabbed the case and easily lifted it from the storage place, Lily then placed the suitcase on the opposite seats without saying a word. “thanks” Said Jamie while not feeling thankful at all but actually quite angry and frustrated, it had been the first time since she felt that way since learning of her magical talent she had found it harder and harder to remain calm whenever she was confronted with her own weakness. After she had awoken from her coma she had often been frustrated at the weakness in her arms, so frustrated that she wanted to kick things, which made her painfully aware of the weakness in her legs which only increased her frustration. Lily remained silent which was for the best Jamie supposed, since she would probably lash out at anyone at the moment anyway. Opening her suitcase Jamie produced her robes from her suitcase and quickly pulled them over her casual cloth's, closing her suitcase with a click she turned around to find Lily had already stowed her suitcase away again. Deciding it was better of where it was she sat down again next to Lily who was once again looking at her with those captivating eye's. Jamie tried to tame her temper a little, until the train got noticeably slower and finally stopped. People had already spilled into the corridor from other compartments and were slowly pushing out of the exits. Jamie remained seated until most people had cleared out, she had no desire of being crushed to death by other students, all of whom where bigger than her. Lily left and Jamie followed just behind, using the taller girl as a shield through the throng of people, the noise seemed deafening to her but still she clearly heard a deep rumbling voice over the heads of the chattering crowd. “First years this way. First years over here” Breaking through onto a reasonably clear area Jamie caught sight of the biggest man she had ever seen, Standing on the tips of her toes Jamie would have a hard time to come even with the wide girth of his belly, everyone would seem like a child next to him. Even Lily only made it just under his chest (if she stood on the tip of her toes). Apart from being unreasonably tall and wide he had also a big untrimmed beard reaching for his chest, his hair was as long as his beard and framed his face casting shadows across it making him look even more grim, his hair was mostly brown but with the first traces of grey in it. Just then the Giant spotted them, Jamie was getting ready to leap out of the way should he charge for she had read that Giant's had a terrible temper and blood-lust but he didn't, instead his face split into a wide grin and he addressed Lily. “'ey there Lily, was wondering what kept you” Then his gaze turned to Jamie who was sort of peeking around her “ah! I see you've been lookin' out for the little lass didn you?” Jamie sniffed indignantly. little lass? Who was the big blundering fool to call her that. Well he probably had the right to call anyone little. And what was with the 'lass' all the time? Jamie knew that she had promised herself that she'd kick the next person in the shin's who called her that but The giant probably wouldn't even notice, plus she was a little afraid he might accidentally squash her. “Hello Hagrid, I see you are well, I am too, thank you for asking” Lily said with a smile. Hagrid laughed, but it sounded more like Clashes of thunder “I see ya' still have your smart mouth now get'n line with the others or i'll tell yer dad what a petulant and horrible person you are” Lily's smile only broadened at the apparent threat and with a wave joined the other first years. “eh... you know the... big... eh... brutish person?” Jamie asked her restraining from putting actual insults to word. Lily laughed “he's not brutish he's actually quite gentle, although I admit the sight of him could probably scare a dragon. And jep I know him he's acquainted to my dad and the gamekeeper of Hogwarts, also the teacher for care of Magical creatures, you know his bulk comes in handy when he has to wrestle down ill-tempered yeti's and stuff” Jamie looked at her blankly to show her that she was not amused, but Lily cackled mischievously which made it impossible to remain... well, unamused. A few more stragglers joined the group of first years, which now numbered about sixty people. Hagrid quickly counted the people seemed satisfied and shouted for them to follow him and not to linger. Together they moved down a narrow steep path surrounded by trees, the path was difficult when you didn't stumble you slid on large, smooth chunks of rock. Jamie doubted that the path saw much use over the years. Jamie just wanted to ask how long they would have to continue the strenuous descent when Hagrid called from the front “just 'round the bend now you'll see Hogwarts for the first time” Perched atop a high mountain on the other side of the lake it stood, windows sparkling in the starry sky, a vast castle with many turrets and towers. It was build so that the side of the castle was folding around the rounded cliff. Jamie had to admit it was quite impressive although it would have been even more impressive if no magic had been involved in it's construction. Many people were Oh-ing and Ah-ing as if such a reaction was expected if not demanded. Jamie found that the number of small row-boat's was more impressive then the castle itself, in the black water near the bank dandled an astonishing number of them more then would be needed by twice the number of people if arranged in a line one could have probably walked to the bottom of the castle. Exhausted from the climb Jamie stopped listening to Hagrid deciding whatever he had to say were obvious safety notices such as not leaning overboard to much. Stepping into a boat with Lily she ignored the two other people climbing into the little boat, one was a haughty looking fellow with blond hair and the other was a pompous girl who reached out to shake Lily's hand and seemed, to Jamie's amusement, quite irritated when Jamie ignored her offered hand. The boats seemed to be enchanted seeing as they were moving on their own, the small fleet steadily gliding towards the bottom of the cliffs under Hogwarts. Jamie didn't notice that Hagrid had told them to put down their heads until Lily pulled her down, quite suddenly it seemed they were surrounded by hanging ivy when they could come up again they seemed to be in a underground mooring only the flickering torches supplied any light slowly coming to a halt the boats stopped with a gentle bump to the quay. Once they all had solid earth, or rather stone beneath their feet, they clambered up a passageway in the rock after Hagrid's lamp, coming out at last onto smooth, damp grass right in the shadow of the castle. They walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around the huge, Oak front door. Hagrid raised a gigantic fist and knocked three times on the castle door. A few moment's later an extremely stout woman opened the Giant doors. “thank you Hagrid for bringing them here I know how busy you are nowadays, will you join us at the feast later on?” “wish I could professor but I am still awaiting the delivery of Nifflers for my fourth year class.” Jamie wondered what the hell a Niffler was, but Hagrid had already rushed of without awaiting a reply from the stout Professor, who now turned around to face them a warm smile splitting her elderly face. “hello there, my name is Professor Sprout, I hope I will see a lot of you in Hufflepuff since I am the head of house...” Jamie certainly did not want to be in Hufflepuff if she was the head of house. Professor Sprout might be a nice enough person but of the kind that always insisted to take another cookie no Matter how many you already had, until you snapped and stuffed her own mouth with her damn cookies while madly shouting "Why don't you take another cookie! Why don't you take another cookie! How do you like that? Hmm? Hmm?". “if you would please follow me” Professor sprout continued, still with a warm smile on her face as she turned around The entrance hall was so big you could have fit an average sized house in it. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches, the ceiling was too high to make out, and a magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors. They followed Professor Sprout across the flagged stone floor. Jamie could hear the drone of hundreds of voices from a doorway to the right -the great Hall was obviously already full of people- but Professor Sprout showed the first years into a small, empty chamber off the hall. They crowded in, standing rather closer together than they would usually have done, peering about nervously. "I officially Welcome you to Hogwarts," said Professor Sprout "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honour.” Who cares about a retarded cup that you won't even be allowed to keep, which will just be passed to the next house that wins it? It was just a stupid dust-trap anyway. Jamie thought. “... I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting. You want to make a good impression. I shall return when we are ready for you," said Professor Sprout. "Please wait quietly." She left them alone in the chamber and despite her instruction to be quiet, everyone started chatting in low whispers with one or another person. Someone from behind tapped Lily on the shoulder and when they turned around they saw a boy with Gold-blond hair who was grinning broadly at them. Lilly apparently knew him since she greeted him with a smile “happy to be here away from your mother are we?” His grin broadened further causing his eyes to close slightly, it was the most mischievous grin Jamie had ever seen, a vendor looking like that would not be able to sell anything because everybody would think he's a crook. “happy but most of all relieved” he replied showing all his white, straight teeth “but I expect she wrote letters to the school to make sure I don't try to smuggle in a broom or something” This seemed to be a cue from a previous conversation because both Lilly and the boy laughed while she was left to look puzzled, Lily noticed and said “Jamie this is Matthew..:” - “Mat, please just call me Mat only my mum calls me Matthew when she is angry with me which means always” Mat broke in but Lily ignored him - “I met him in Diagon Alley, Mat this is Jamie” “Hi” he said grinning still more broadly holding out his hand, only when she completely ignored it did his smile waver slightly but it did not disappear “nice to meet you Jamie” Jamie didn't return the greeting, the guy made the hair on her neck stand up. Mat turned towards Lily with a questioning frown and received a shrug in reply, so he steered into another direction “what houses do you think you'll be in?” Again Lily replied without hesitation “Griffindor” and when Jamie didn't reply but narrowed her eyes at Mat added “and Ravenclaw most likely” she frowned at Jamie disapprovingly as to say she was disappointed in her manners, which made her feel slightly abashed. “so that means one of every house, I'll most likely be in Hufflepuff since my parents went there” Mat said beaming. “there are four houses” Jamie said, speaking for the first time. “what?” Mat asked truly bewildered. “there are four houses, you forgot Slytherin” “oh... ah, okay. One of every reputable house” he corrected himself. Lily turned her disapproving frown at him, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all, he was just looking back questioningly as if to ask what he had done wrong. “if Slytherin is so dreadful why does it still exist?” Jamie asked him “why didn't the headmaster or headmistress close it years ago?” Mat looked at her as if she was daft “because of Tradition, you can't just go and cut out a peace of Hogwarts that makes it into what it is, no Matter if the part is horrible and bad” “How do you even know it is horrible and bad?” Jamie fired back. “everyone knows. it's common knowledge” Mat seemed to get annoyed “then why would anyone even go there?” “you can't choose where you're going, your character is determined and everyone who's shady gets into Slytherin” Mat's voice had turned slow as if talking to a four year old. “Oh and that isn't a biased and hateful statement at all is it?” Lily broke in “I agree that it might not be the most diploMatic statement, but biased? I don't think so, there have been just to many Slytherins who turned out to be dark, that at least a cautious approach would be wise” “and it's not hateful it's just the truth” Mat said with conviction. Jamie looked at Mat disbelieving as she saw that he was utterly convinced that a group of people were most likely thieves if not murderers because they got sorted into a house at the age of eleven but before she could say anything Professor Sprout was back. “come on you youngsters” she said “the Sorting ceremony is about to start, form a line and follow me” Jamie had never seen such a strange and splendid place. It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in mid-air over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting. These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting. Professor Sprout led the first years up here, so that they came to a halt in a line facing the other students, with the teachers behind them. The hundreds of faces staring at them looked like pale lanterns in the flickering candlelight. Dotted here and there among the students, ghosts shone in a misty silvery glow. Jamie noticed that the ceiling looked like the sky outside dark and full of stars, she really didn't need the poke in the ribs from Lily and the whispered explanation that it was charmed. Jamie looked at her and raised her left brow, but Lily just grinned and shrugged as if to say “hey, only wanted to be helpful”. Professor sprout stopped next to a four-legged stool and produced a sheet of parchment from her robes. At first Jamie thought she wasn't seeing right but after rubbing her eyes there was still a very old shabby hat atop of the stool. Was this supposed to be a joke?
* * *
Lily anticipated the song of the hat her father had always told her it was somehow connected to the school, so what it said had deeper meaning so you should pay attention. A rip near the brim opened wide, like a mouth taking a deep breath and it began to sing.
A Thousand years ago, (or so), Hogwarts was founded, By the four who loathed, Ignorance in Abundance.
Brave and bold Griffindor, Taught the students out of adore,
Intellectual and wise Ravenclaw, Enjoyed nothing more, then to form and draw, Those of Minds like her.
Earnest and fair Hufflepuff, took anyone working hard, Who was up to the stuff, and those that were left apart,
Cunning, proud Slytherin, only wanted the pure, Those strong enough to take everythin', and with a lust for power.
They realised that they would not last, forever and created me not to brag, to sort wise and fast,
As their substitute, for this institute.
In times of peace, It is not wise in the least, To ignore the dark, As it is the shark.
Now don't be glum I am quite warm, They not created me to do you harm, Put me on your head, and soon you'll sit, instead, At home with those like you.
The whole room burst into applause, except for those at the green table of which most weren't even listening. Slowly the applause faded away as Professor Sprout cleared her throat imploringly. In a loud clear voice that belied her age she spoke “I will now call out your names to be sorted, please be quite and stay in line until you hear your name” “Adburn, Derrin” the haughty looking boy who had been on the boat with her stepped up to the chair and sat the hat atop his head. It took a while before it opened it's mouth again and shouted “SLYTHERIN” There were a lot of “buh's” from three tables which were answered with cheers and rude gestures from the table in green colours with the silver snake. “Ackley, Josephine” a timid girl stepped forward and carefully placed the hat on her head but it still promptly slid over her eyes, on which she gave a small whimper. Perhaps she was afraid of the dark? It didn't take as long as before when the hat called out “HUFFLEPUFF” The table with the Badger as logo applauded enthusiastically. The sorting continued and pretty soon there came the call “Branstone, Matthew” Mat picked up the hat and lazily put it on, it took the longest time yet until it shouted “GRIFFINDOR!” Lily groaned, not because she hated Mat just because she didn't think he would be Material for stimulating conversations, Jamie had been much more interesting there were so few people who really thought about what they said. She also didn't like Mat's openness, to her it was like saying “hey is there any reason someone wouldn't like me?” she was much more comfortable with the shy, unrevealing type like Jamie. Mat stood up, left the hat on the chair took the time to grin at her and sat down next to the Griffindor ghost Nearly headless Nick, Lily rolled her eyes, the way he was grinning you would have thought he had just accomplished a back flip through a burning hoop. Lily looked at the Teachers table, where her parents sat, her mum smiled at her when she caught her eye and her dad winked, the sorting continued and Lily was getting bored “P” was way down the list but actually it was faster then she had expected McMillan, Anna became a Slytherin and then it came. “Potter, Lily” Lily flinched, she had been afraid of this opening one eye experimentally, everyone was staring at her even those ignoramuses like Mat who didn't know what Potter meant where interested in a girl that was one of their Professors children. Uncomfortable Lily went forward and picked up the hat and sat it on her head. A little voice that sounded a little like a house-elf in her opinion started to speak - ahh, descendant of Weasly's and Potter's long history of Griffindors and jepp it's all there, courage, boldness, assertiveness and my, my, the strong drive to do the right thing. I don't think we really have to talk about this you'll go directly to “GRIFFINDOR!” It sounded like a bomb went of so loud was the racket from the Griffindor table, grimacing Lily went to the Griffindor table and sat down next to Mat who was still smiling and when she asked him why a little snappishly he replied “because I am not in Hufflepuff this will drive my mother mad, she will probably say I back-stabbed the family or something” Despite having a very disturbing relationship with his mother it still cheered her up somehow and she smiled back. Lily knew her mother was the youngest of seven children and sometimes she was a little envious since she was an only child, her mother had been unable to conceive after her birth, she also did not have any cousins still in school, her uncle Ron had disappeared without a trace. Uncle Fred and Uncle George where not the type to get children and to busy successfully and single-handedly taking over the market on joke products anyway. Uncle Percy had died in the war before she was born and she only knew him from Photos. Uncle Charlie was in Romania and could not be described other then as a Lady-killer, every week he had a new conquest. Only Uncle Bill had Children with Aunt Fleur but their Children where already out of school. Nearly headless nick leaned through Mat who gave a start and told her “that was nothing compared to what happened when your father was sorted, just think this times ten I nearly went deaf” “surely ghost can't go deaf I mean they are just images of dead people you don't even have eardrums” Nick wrinkled his nose at Mat “ah, I know people like you, never enjoyed their company much I have to say, it was just a figure of speech” and apparently offended he floated away. Lily shook her head until Mat asked her what he had done “you where yourself, that's bad enough” He was about to say something but was interrupted by - “Saunders, James” Lily looked at the extremely pale girl, she looked a little nervous, but she confidently marched forward. Someone at the Griffindor table made an “Aaaww!” sound and snickered when she glared at him, she grabbed the hat, turned, sat and put it atop of her head.
* * *
Everything went dark. - How where you created? she asked in her mind. - My, my if this isn't a candidate for Ravenclaw, did you know I could read your thought's? A small voice asked her. - I suspected, nobody talked to you and you clearly have a personality, so I assumed that you must be able to read minds, also the fact that you are a hat and not, for instance mittens gave me a clue. - Yes you do seem to have everything for Ravenclaw, attentive, intelligent, concentrated and my, my large need for knowledge. And yes you are quite right you don't have to consciously form thought's at me I can still read them. You are not afraid to speak your mind, boldness is a good quality for Griffindor. Let me see a little deeper, ahh, yes here we are, desperate need for survival, it is the pool from which you draw your need to know, to learn and your Hunger for power, you do not think knowledge is enough to survive if you do not have enough power, you don't have to be uncomfortable that I can read your deepest desires I am a hat not a person don't forget. What do you say if I tell you that Knowledge by itself is also a Power, more so for wizards even then most people. - I thought I didn't have to think at you? - Only when you are sure about things but if you haven't given much thought to what I ask, I will only know if you first contemplate it. - Oh, okay. Well, I do agree that knowledge is a power but there are limitations to everything, knowing how I can safely climb a mountain does not mean that my body is up for it. - Aha, so what is your solution to the limits of the power of knowledge? Jamie paused for a moment already anticipating where this was going. - Pursue power of any kind. - Even if that means dark magic? Or going against your morals? - Depends on the situation, but yes.. - Ahh, this is what I have been waiting for yes, yes. A survival instinct greater then anything the mark of a true Slytherin. - But Slytherin only wanted Pure blooded people! - That was only secondary to him but still important, did you think Slytherin was Pure-blood? Because he wasn't, he lived in an age where the wizardry Population was declining for a reason unknown to me. More and more Wizards and witches had Children with Muggles, who pursued and killed Wizards at that time. Slytherin was such a child, his mother was a witch who had married a muggle man, when Slytherin first displayed signs of his powers his father killed his mother, who would not defend herself against someone she loved, he then tried to kill his son, but Slytherin who had just witnessed his mothers murder acted before him. He ran away and found shelter at a Wizard-family called Griffindor where he became best friends with the son. Slytherin not only feared that because of the mixtures between wizards and Muggles the blood would be diluted and wizards would eventually die out he also feared that by accepting muggle-born witches and wizards the Muggles would gain magical support from them to eradicate wizards and domesticate those 'pet'-Wizards to do their bidding. Slytherin saw the potential of slavery and destruction for everything that he was and loved. - So I can enter Slytherin? - Slytherin instructed this hat specifically for those with the instinct to survive and who where seeking power. Do you wish to hear what he had to say? If you do not wish to hear his message I will enter you in Ravenclaw. - If you will Answer my questions first. How where you made? - I was made from Griffindors Favourite hat, they planted their personality's inside me and used a living house-elf to mediate their decisions. Jamie swallowed - you mean they, what? banished it into the hat? - Not the right term but you have the idea, they thought the timid elf would balance their assertive characters nicely. - How do you give an object a personality? - The spell that enchants Portraits is a variation from it, I do not know the spell but you should be able to find it in the library perhaps the restricted section. - Have... Have you ever given the message of Slytherin to anyone else? - Yes. - To who? - Many people. you have to know that I am over a thousand years old. - Then only name the most recent one. - Tom Riddle. The name didn't tell Jamie anything and sounded a little silly to boot. She was just interested about what Slytherin might say, perhaps he could tell her anything that helped her to achieve enough Power. He was after all considered one of the most powerful wizards of the last thousand years, even if he was of dubious Nature. - Okay, tell me then. - Are you sure? There will be no way back, you will not be able to repeat anything that the message tells you, there is an enchantment in place that will make it impossible. With some trepidation Jamie thought about it seriously, but she wanted to know anyway. - -Yes, yes. now tell me already. The voice that came next was not the one of the Sorting hat, it was deeper and melodious instead of annoying but it sounded like a recording and not like someone was actually addressing her.
I am Salazar Slytherin and I am installing this massage against the knowledge of the other founders for should they find it, they would destroy it. You who hears this, you have proven to be like me, a survivor not cowed by authority to pursue the “right” path. Soon I will be gone from Hogwarts and the overwhelming belief that clouds the judgement. I have tried to persuade my dear friend Godric but he is already lost, as much as I love him I have to say that he is a fool. He cannot see the threat that the Wizard nations are to themselves the possibility that Muggles might eradicate us slowly, by thinning the bloodlines is not the only problem, not even a pressing one although the new Generation of Wizards is yet less powerful then the last. The standards have been lowered again after a hundred years, the people live shorter lives like the Muggles, already I have outlived some of those that I taught, most died at the hands of Muggles or wizards with different opinions, some passed away from old age. But that is not a pressing problem. The urgent problems I am speaking of have to do with the newly founded idea that some magic is bad, and already what is considered “dark”-magic now is forbidden to be taught at school or even used, we are clipping our own wings, doing what Muggles have tried for centuries and in this I see a chance of success. Compared to the ban on certain magic the inability of new generations to perform more powerful magic is like a flea riding the beast, Hogwarts has already gone against one of the ideas it was supposed to stand for and now promotes ignorance, I was outvoted by my fellow founders. My name is in disgrace, people call me a promoter of hate, they say I am the reason Muggles try to kill Wizards and that they weren't always wrong as long as people like me exist, they say that if we give our hand to them in acceptance and love they will accept it. The voice turned sad now rather then angry. They won't, they do not need a reason other that we have power and they do not. They are scared of us because we can hurt them not because we ever did or ever will. They won't be satisfied until we are all dead or under their control so that they can use the power for themselves. Wizards are speaking about a peace treaty with the Muggles, soon they will come out of hiding. A lot of people will die and we will be unable to defend ourselves properly and eventually forced to go into hiding again. A shadow of what we were. Already Athiellis was destroyed, one of the greatest wizard city's and not even by the Muggles, but by my fellow wizards, by those that were acting on the behalf of “peace” because Athiellis had refused to sign the treaty for banning so called dark magic. I had family in Athiellis, distant but still a few people I knew, all they wanted is to live in peace, so they fled from their homes to escape prosecution. Soon “dark”-magic will be too feared for only people who are interested to learn it. Magic isn't something that makes you human it is just a tool and as such not necessarily needed and I would agree to some parts of the ban if everyone would think that way, but there will always be those that strive to maintain magic for the sake of power and if only these people have magic everyone would suffer, even the Muggles, although I have to be honest that I don't particularly care for those. If you are interested in not only your survival but the survival of many, many people and the maintenance of magic or reconstruction of magic, depends on how long this message takes to seep through to anyone, then I implore you to learn everything you can about Dark magic, magic in general really and try to change the zealous believe that some magic is wrong. I wouldn't try to talk people out of it since you are in school and anyone will believe they know better then you because they are older and when you are old enough to be taken seriously they will accuse you of treason and if they find any kind of evidence that you perform dark magic they will kill you or send you to prison, perhaps they won't even wait for evidence. Saying that dark magic is not necessarily bad won't be accepted, all they will hear is that you think murder is good and all Muggles should die. I have the opinion that everything would be much easier if Muggles did not exist, much the same as I think everything would be easier if no rapid dog's existed, but they have a right to be here as much as we do. I have a secret Chamber here in Hogwarts where I have stashed as many things about “dark”-magic that I think will be banned, I have placed a Protector in Charge of the Chamber it is the Logo of my house, I say this hoping that it wasn't changed. If it was changed I tell you this as safeguard, be wary and close your eyes. Godric suspects that I have done things without including the rest of the founders at Hogwarts and he wants to know what I have done, I am afraid it will soon come to a confrontation I hope I will have left before then, He will probably search for the Chamber but he will not be able to open it, I have made sure of that, only my heir can open it, only one who carries my heritage can open it, only you can open it. The entrance is marked by the protector and will open when you plead for entrance. The Voice was growing weaker and fainter. There is one last thing I must tell you, be wary of your passions, love or friendship, I am not saying don't love and don't make friends, but never choose passion over reason, It will kill you. My mother loved my father dearly, she was to blinded by her passion to see the truth behind her husbands nature and so she died foolishly for her love. So bear it in mind when I say this. Passion, Rules, Reason.
Jamie shuddered in excitement, this was it! This was her ticket to Power, her ticket for survival. The Voice of the sorting Hat came back. - You have now heard the message you will be sorted finally and irrevocably into “SLYTHERIN!”
* * *
“SLYTHERIN!” Lily was shocked never had she thought that the timid, considering girl would join Slytherin, she was a Muggle-born, not even a speck of Wizards blood! that the hat even sorted her into the house was unthinkable. Jamie had gone to the chair like anyone else but she sat there for the longest time yet. Professor sprout had even looked at the headmistress with a raised brow asking for instructions. Jamie had her head cocked to the side as if listening closely and then suddenly it had shouted out it's decision but unlike the haughty looking boy nobody was booing, the Slytherins weren't cheering either, when she looked at them she noticed that most who did not look indifferent where not pleased, apparently they didn't want someone as weak as her in their midst. Jamie calmly went and sat next to the haughty boy ignoring everyone as much as she herself was ignored, she looked lost in thought. Lily felt sad, she had thought that she would make a friend already who was not impressed by her fathers name, she had not thought that Jamie was Slytherin Material, not only because she was a Muggle-born but because of her character, she looked very pale and sick and was a little cold but Lily had thought that was because of bullying and not because she just did not care, she had been so considering of her wording that she seemed almost slow like she was thinking everything through three or four times. The first moment Lily saw her she thought what a beautiful girl she would have been if not for the sickly look, but she was still pretty, the cold attitude suited her eyes and her paleness and she was kind of cute and awkward the way she almost hung from her suitcase and pointedly refused to put it back up once it was down. Lily was just wondering when the food would finally appear when the sorting had finally finished with “Zabini, Dug” who became another Slytherin and professor McGonagall Cleared her throat until people went quiet “my predecessor never enjoyed saying much before people's belly's weren't full and I do think this is a wise move because nobody will listen anyway so, dig in” Her father had always told her how prim and proper McGonagall had always been perhaps she was loosening up a bit in her age but then all thought left Jamie as food filled the table. Lily certainly had never gone hungry at home but this was still impressive the whole table was loaded to the edge with roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and a lot more. People around her addressed her sometimes but turned away when they noticed that her mouth was too full to answer anything and once or twice Lily almost chocked when she tried to swallow fast enough to answer, people looked at her a little concerned because she was consuming four times the amount of food anyone else seemed to, Mat was gaping at her “do you always eat so much so fast?” not wanting to choke a third time she just nodded. “it's a wonder you haven't long since gone fat” Lily stopped chewing for a few moments and tried to look indignant, but it only caused Mat to laugh so she continued chewing with a shrug. Some time after The main course disappeared and desert appeared, not being a dessert person and having eaten enough anyway Lily looked at the Slytherin table. A few of the older students where throwing peanuts and other small things at Jamie who apparently ignored them serenely, angry Lily balled her hands, this was what real Slytherins were like, damn bullying git's. She just wanted to inform a teacher when there was a loud clang and shouts from the Slytherin table when she looked back a silver bowl was still spinning weakly on the floor and the heads and faces of the people who had thrown stuff at Jamie were covered in ice-cream a teacher rushed over and you could hear Jamie saying very loudly “it was an accident professor I didn't mean to” which was a lie considering the way she had looked at the bowl and the bully's as if considering the trajectory. The teacher told Jamie to eat more carefully and gave the two other people the permission to use the bathroom to wash up but they had to return in twenty minutes or they'd get detention for missing the headmistresses welcoming speech. They retreated glaring at Jamie for being unwilling prey, but this time Jamie really was ignoring them, she was looking back at Lily and when their eyes met Jamie grinned lopsidedly, it was the first time she had seen Jamie smile and it was like pulling back a curtain, revealing a completely different person behind the first timid layer, their eye-contact broke when the girl next to Jamie engaged her in conversation. The people who wanted to talk to Lily while she was eating noticed that she wasn't stuffing herself any more and also engaged her in conversation. An older student with a prefect badge talked first “so, you are Professor Potters daughter. funny you don't look like him at all” “I get my looks from my mother” Lily replied. “oh, who's she?” someone else asked. “Professor Weasly” A few people seemed surprised but the prefect was shaking his head at them “wasn't that obvious I mean just look at them, they could be twins, well if it wasn't for the age difference” he added when he saw Lily glaring at him. Nick, the ghost joined the conversation “With parents like those, I think we can only expect great things from you. Knew them when they were in school, your mother was always top of every class and your father... well... let's say his greater achievements were always outside of classes” he coughed conspiratorial. The students suddenly interested in what kind of shenanigans their professor had gotten into as a student were suddenly pestering Nick, who politely refused to reveal anything more. Lily was still thinking about what Nick had said “we can only expect great things of you”, it depressed her somehow, nobody really knew if she wouldn't screw up completely, or that she would be able to perform the simplest spells they just assumed that she would be because her parents where somewhat famous and considered prodigies. And even if she was good at everything it would still not be seen as an achievement because nothing less had been expected. She didn't know why but she suddenly felt very much like going back home already even though her parents where here. She looked at the teachers table but her parents weren't paying any attention to her, her dad was talking with Uncle Bill who was teaching Ancient runes and her Mum was speaking to professor sprout. As her gaze continued down the teachers table she noticed that Professor McGonagall was standing, everyone went quite in moments. “I will now make the start of term announcements, First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils unless in presence of a teacher. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should take part of try-outs the list is hanging out on the notice board. I should remind you all that you're not supposed to do magic between classes in the corridors. Classes will begin tomorrow after breakfast I hope you will all be well rested until then.” That seemed to be the cue, everyone got up and moved towards the great hall's doors, she was just about to wonder where she was supposed to go when she heard a boy cry out "first years over here, come on we don't have all night. Hey you! first year! get over here d****t" Lily joined the crowd forming around the tall blond boy just as he said "right. that everyone? okay people listen up, my name's Clemens, James Clemens, we're going to the Griffindor common room in a closed group, don't leave, if you're separated and don't know your way around Hogwarts it could take you days to find your way back, so let's just not let that happen, okay? anyone got questions or anything the first week you can ask me or Haley here" with his thumb he pointed at a tall girl with brunette hair pulled into a braid at the nape of her neck with a very serious quality to her mouth "we're fifth year prefects, everyone ready? right then follow me" So they went along corridors where armours hooted at them, portraits whispered when they passed, staircases that started to move or change direction just to spite you, all in all it was so confusing Lily had no idea how anyone could find their way through the school at all, but apparently it was no problem for the fifth year prefects, so that pretty soon they stood in front of the portrait of a very fat woman. Clemens turned around "okay , people you should remember this portrait since it's the entrance to the Griffindor common rooms, the password is 'Lion', it will change every quarter of the year so you'll only have to remember the password four times a year" At the moment he had said 'Lion' the portrait had swung open revealing a cosy round room full of squashy armchairs with a couple of fireplaces, the opposite side of the room was practically only glass with all the windows and Lily realised that they were in a tower facing the lake. Then was the first time Haley opened her mouth "first year girls follow me, I'll show you your room" and she turned around leaving them to follow in her wake. Lily said goodnight to Mat and hastily followed Haley and the other first year girls, they moved up a spiral staircase with the occasional door at the side "you'll be living in the room from the graduates, it's the only room you'll live in over your seven years here, there won't be a rotation from year to year or something like that. Well here we are" she said and opened the door. The room was huge there was a small desk for every person and a huge one in the middle of the room, there was also a cupboard for everyone and a four-poster bed hung with deep red, velvet Curtains. Their luggage was already in the room. "Make yourselves ready for tomorrow and pick your bed's, you should go to bed sooner rather then later, it's going to be rather exciting" then she smiled for a first time and said "welcome to Hogwarts" © 2010 Sens3mannAuthor's Note
Added on November 18, 2010 Last Updated on November 18, 2010 Author![]() Sens3mannGermanyAboutBorn: 1991 in Hamburg, Germany. Nationality: German, British. Religious views: Atheism Favourite quote: "The only sovereign you can let yourself allow to be ruled by is reason." - Terry Goodkind. .. more..Writing