Nature's Persuasion

Nature's Persuasion

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson


Nature's Persuasion
By: Lorraine Pearson
June 26, 2008

Gently I'm persuaded
As the wind coaxes me to remember
All that real living is about!
My eyes slowly ascend to the underbelly of the pine
Tracing each branch;
Twisted, yet balanced-
In the way only nature can design,
And I am reminded over and over
How beautiful asymmetry is- everywhere to behold!
Though it may appear hodge-podge at first,
In the big picture…
There is a universal common thread
Tying it all together—
I simply must look beyond man's feeble attempts
To harmonize with it all…

© Lorraine Pearson 2008

© 2008 Lorraine Pearson

My Review

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"I simply must look beyond man's feeble attempts
To harmonize with it all…"
I agree with your logic. To become one with nature. Need to create a lifetime friendship. No weakness in the excellent poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I have pine trees around my house. When I need a break I walk outside and look up into the exact spindle of branches that you describe. The breeze caresses stresses like experienced hands under the canopy of green. Beautiful poem Lorraine.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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There is a universal common thread
Tying it all together-
I simply must look beyond man's feeble attempts
To harmonize with it all�

It turns out there are many things that don't need fixing after all.. Not the least of which is this particular little slice of poetic perfection.
As a couple of the guys I work with who live in Texas might say, "Ya'll sho' do write perdy, ma'am".

Posted 16 Years Ago

Wonderful poem

I particularly liked the line � "My eyes slowly ascend to the the underbelly of the pine"

The imagery is magnificent


Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on June 26, 2008
Last Updated on June 30, 2008


Lorraine Pearson
Lorraine Pearson

Largo, FL

I am a freed soul that enjoys writing as much as reading. Its exciting to be amongst others in a forum such as this where no matter the path I'm on in my journey through life, I know I can express wh.. more..


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